이재욱 공저 논문
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염료감응형 태양전지의 광전자 재결합 방지를 위한 Al2O3 코팅 TiO2 전극 제조 황경준, 유승준, 정성훈, 김선일, 이재욱 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 21(2), 162, 2010 |
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Synthesis and characterization of high purity aluminum sec-butoxide from aluminum dross Yoo SJ, Kwak DH, Lee SI, Lee JW, Hwang UY, Kim JG, Jung HJ, Yoon HS, Jang HD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(1), 281, 2009 |
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폐수처리를 위한 미생물연료전지의 전기생산 특성 김선일, 이성욱, 김경량, 이재욱, 노성희 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(2), 213, 2009 |
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형광체 첨가에 따른 염료감응형 태양전지의 효율 변화 정성훈, 황경준, 강성원, 정형곤, 김선일, 이재욱 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(2), 227, 2009 |
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Photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue and acetaldehyde by TiO2/glaze coated porous red clay tile Yoo SJ, Lee SI, Kwak DH, Kim KG, Hwang KJ, Lee JW, Hwang UY, Park HS, Kim JO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(5), 1232, 2008 |
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MEA (monoethanolamine) 함침 메조포러스 물질을 이용한 CO2 회수 박예원, 백일현, 박상도, 이재욱, 박소진 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(6), 573, 2007 |
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Energetic surface heterogeneity of nanocrystalline TiO2 films for dye-sensitized solar cells Lee JW, Hwang KJ, Shim WG, Park KH, Gu HB, Kwun KH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(5), 847, 2007 |
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산처리된 페이스트로 제조한 나노 구조체 TiO2 전극이 염료감응형 태양전지의 효율에 미치는 영향 이재욱, 황경준, 노성희, 김선일 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(4), 356, 2007 |
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Adsorption and desorption of phenylalanine and tryptophane on a nonionic polymeric sorbent Lee JW, Nguyen TPB, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(5), 812, 2006 |
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Feasibility of bamboo-based activated carbons for an electrochemical supercapacitor electrode Kim C, Lee JW, Kim JH, Yang KS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(4), 592, 2006 |
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Preparation of powdered activated carbon from rice husk and its methane adsorption properties Balathanigaimani MS, Kang HC, Shim WG, Kim C, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(4), 663, 2006 |
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Flotation efficiency of activated sludge flocs using population balance modelin dissolved air flotation Jung HJ, Lee JW, Choi DY, Kim SJ, Kwak DH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(2), 271, 2006 |
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Powdered Activated Carbon Coated Hollow Fiber Membrane: Preliminary Studies on its Ability to Limit Membrane Fouling and to Remove Organic Materials Thiruvenkatachari R, Shim WG, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(2), 250, 2005 |
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Effect of Powdered Activated Carbon Type on the Performance of an Adsorption-Microfiltration Submerged Hollow Fiber Membrane Hybrid System Thiruvenkatachari R, Shim WG, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(5), 1044, 2004 |
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Adsorption Dynamics for the Capillary Condensation of Trichloroethylene Vapor on Mesoporous Material Shim WG, Lee JW, Rhee HK, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(2), 469, 2004 |
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Molecular Dynamics Studies of Two Hard-Disk Particles in a Rectangular Box I. Thermodynamic Properties and Position Autocorrelation Functions Suh SH, Lee JW, Moon H, MacElroy JMD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(2), 504, 2004 |
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Mathematical Modeling of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Biofiltration System Shim WG, Chaudhary DS, Vigneswaran S, Ngo HH, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(1), 212, 2004 |
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Application of Mesoporous MCM-48 and SBA-15 Materials for the Separation of Biochemicals Dissolved in Aqueous Solution Lee JW, Cho DL, Shim WG, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(1), 246, 2004 |
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Adsorption and Desorption Dynamics of Amino Acids in a Nonionic Polymeric Sorbent XAD-16 Column Yang WC, Shim WG, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(5), 922, 2003 |
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Simulation Studies of Nearest-Neighbor Distribution Functions and Related Structural Properties for Hard-Sphere Systems Suh SH, Min WK, Chihaia V, Lee JW, Kim SC Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(3), 351, 2000 |