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Adsorptive characteristics of the polyurethane-immobilized Corynebacterium glutamicum biosorbent for removal of Reactive Yellow 2 from aqueous solution Won SW, Mao J, Sankar G, Lee HC, Yun YS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 33(3), 945, 2016 |
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Polysulfone-Escherichia Coli Biomass Composite Fiber에서 아민기의 메틸화가 염기성 염료의 제거에 미치는 영향 박하늘, 최한아, 김석, 윤영상, 원성욱 Clean Technology, 21(3), 164, 2015 |
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On the reason why acid treatment of biomass enhances the biosorption capacity of cationic pollutants Won SW, Choi SB, Yun YS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(1), 68, 2014 |
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Sorptive removal and recovery of nickel(II) from an actual effluent of electroplating industry: Comparison between Escherichia coli biosorbent and Amberlite ion exchange resin Kwak IS, Won SW, Choi SB, Mao J, Kim S, Chung BW, Yun YS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(3), 927, 2011 |
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생체흡착, 탈착 및 회화를 이용한 시안 용액으로부터 금의 회수 배민아, 곽인섭, 원성욱, 윤영상 Clean Technology, 16(2), 117, 2010 |
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Removal of Basic Blue 3 from aqueous solution by Corynebacterium glutamicum biomass: Biosorption and precipitation mechanisms Mao J, Won SW, Min J, Yun YS Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(5), 1060, 2008 |
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화학적으로 변형된 하수슬러지를 이용한 반응성염료의 생물흡착 한민희, 최기욱, 윤영상 Clean Technology, 13(3), 215, 2007 |
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반응성 염료 제거를 위한 재생 가능한 흡착제로서 Corynebacterium glutamicum 바이오매스의 이용 원성욱, 최순범, 한민희, 윤영상 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 43(4), 542, 2005 |