
이태석 공저 논문

No. Article
1 The Electrokinetic Microfluidic Flow in Multi-Channels with Emergent Applicability Toward Micro Power Generation
Lee TS, Chun MS, Choi DK, Nam SW, Lim TH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(4), 528, 2005
2 Microflow of dilute colloidal suspension in narrow channel of microfluidic-chip under Newtonian fluid slip condition
Chun MS, Lee TS, Lee K
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 17(4), 207, 2005
3 Microstructure and shear modulus in concentrated dispersions of bidisperse charged spherical colloids
Chun MS, Lee S, Lee TS, Cho JS
Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 16(1), 17, 2004