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Femtosecond 2-Dimensional Spectroscopy from Anharmonic Vibrational-Modes of Molecules in the Condensed-Phase Okumura K, Tanimura Y Journal of Chemical Physics, 107(7), 2267, 1997 |
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Temporally 2-Dimensional Femtosecond Spectroscopy of Binary Mixture of Cs2 Tominaga K, Yoshihara K Journal of Chemical Physics, 104(3), 1159, 1996 |
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Liquid Theory for the Instantaneous Normal-Modes of a Liquid .2. Solutions Larsen RE, Goodyear G, Stratt RM Journal of Chemical Physics, 104(8), 2987, 1996 |
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5th-Order Nonlinear Spectroscopy on the Low-Frequency Modes of Liquid Cs2 Tominaga K, Yoshihara K Journal of Chemical Physics, 104(12), 4419, 1996 |
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Intermolecular Dynamics of Substituted Benzene and Cyclohexane Liquids, Studied by Femtosecond Nonlinear-Optical Polarization Spectroscopy Chang YJ, Castner EW Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(9), 3330, 1996 |
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Interrogation of Vibrational Structure and Line Broadening of Liquid Water by Raman-Induced Kerr-Effect Measurements Within the Multimode Brownian Oscillator Model Palese S, Mukamel S, Miller RJ, Lotshaw WT Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(24), 10380, 1996 |
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Probing the Microscopic Molecular Environment in Liquids - Intermolecular Dynamics of Cs2 in Alkane Solvents Mcmorrow D, Thantu N, Melinger JS, Kim SK, Lotshaw WT Journal of Physical Chemistry, 100(24), 10389, 1996 |
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Effects of Local Liquid Structure on Orientational Relaxation - 2-Ethylnaphthalene, Neat and in Solution Greenfield SR, Sengupta A, Stankus JJ, Terazima M, Fayer MD Journal of Physical Chemistry, 98(1), 313, 1994 |