검색결과 : 7건
No. | Article |
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Enhanced mobility and environmental stability in all organic field-effect transistors: The role of high dipole moment solvent Ukah NB, Senanayak SP, Adil D, Knotts G, Granstrom J, Narayan KS, Guha S Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 51(21), 1533, 2013 |
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Advantageous Reverse Recovery Behavior of Pentacene/ZnO Diode Lee KH, Park A, Im S, Park Y, Kim SH, Sung MM, Lee S Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 13(8), H261, 2010 |
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Analysis of Excess Carrier Concentration Control in Fast-Recovery High Power Bipolar Diodes at Low Current Densities Perpina X, Jorda X, Vellvehi M, Vobecky J, Mestres N Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 157(7), H711, 2010 |
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Thermal Management Design from Chip to Package for High Power InGaN/Sapphire LED Applications Horng RH, Chiang CC, Tsai YL, Lin CP, Kan K, Lin HI, Wuu DS Electrochemical and Solid State Letters, 12(6), H222, 2009 |
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Fabrication of poly(3-hexylthiophene) self-switching diodes using thermal nanoimprint lithography and argon milling Kettle J, Whitelegg S, Song AM, Madec MB, Yeates S, Turner ML, Kotacka L, Kolarik V Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 27(6), 2801, 2009 |
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Gallium-arsenide deep-level tunnel diode with record negative conductance and record peak current density Pan JL, McManis JE, Grober L, Woodall JM Solid-State Electronics, 48(10-11), 2067, 2004 |
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Fabrication of ZnO-based metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes by ion implantation Alivov YI, Look DC, Ataev BM, Chukichev MV, Mamedov VV, Zinenko VI, Agafonov YA, Pustovit AN Solid-State Electronics, 48(12), 2343, 2004 |