
Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries

Journal of Loss Prevention in The Process Industries, Vol.26, No.3 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0950-4230 (Print) 

In this Issue (21 articles)

397 - 397 Special Issue - Papers presented at the 2011 Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Center International Symposium Foreword
Mannan MS
398 - 409 Laboratory scale analysis of the influence of different heat transfer mechanisms on liquid nitrogen vaporization rate
Vechot L, Olewski T, Osorio C, Basha O, Liu Y, Mannan S
410 - 417 Optimal gas detector placement under uncertainty considering Conditional-Value-at-Risk
Legg SW, Wang C, Benavides-Serrano AJ, Laird CD
418 - 426 Uncertainty techniques in liquefied natural gas (LNG) dispersion calculations
Siuta D, Markowski AS, Mannan MS
427 - 433 A critical evaluation of combustible/explosible dust testing methods -Part 1
Parnell CB, Mcgee RO, Ganesan B, Vanderlick FJ, Hughs SE, Green K
434 - 442 Bayesian networks make LOPA more effective, QRA more transparent and flexible, and thus safety more definable!
Pasman H, Rogers W
443 - 452 Fault detection approach for systems involving soft sensors
Serpas M, Chu YF, Hahn J
453 - 461 Two-phase jet releases, droplet dispersion and rainout I. Overview and model validation
Witlox HWM, Harper M
462 - 467 Two-phase jet releases, droplet dispersion and rainout, II. Rainout experiments
Bettis RJ, Jagger SF, Witlox HWM, Harper M
468 - 477 An economic evaluation framework for membrane reactor modules in the presence of uncertainty: The case for process safety investment and risk reduction
Koc R, Kazantzis NK, Nuttall WJ, Ma YH
478 - 482 The application of pressure-impulse curves in a blast exceedance analysis
Marx JD, Werts KM
483 - 488 Methodology for selecting hole sizes for consequence studies
Sanguino O, Hissong DW
489 - 494 A formulation to optimize the risk reduction process based on LOPA
Ramirez-Marengo C, de Lira-Flores J, Lopez-Molina A, Vazquez-Roman R, Carreto-Vazquez V, Mannan MS
495 - 498 Optimizing safety-constrained solvent selection for process systems with economic uncertainties
El-Halwagi A, Kazantzi V, El-Halwagi M, Kazantzis N
499 - 510 MOC scoping-Ensuring that MOC action items are correctly and completely described
Hoff R
511 - 527 Equivalent cloud methods used for explosion risk and consequence studies
Hansen OR, Gavelli F, Davis SG, Middha P
528 - 533 Safety assessment of potential supercritical solvents for Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Hamad NA, El-Halwagi MM, Elbashir NO, Mannan SM
534 - 546 Layer of Protection Analysis - Quantifying human performance in initiating events and independent protection layers
Myers PM
547 - 557 Human factors issues in the management of emergency response at high hazard installations
Woodcock B, Au Z
558 - 561 A study of spreading of crude oil in an ice channel
Bellino PW, Flynn MR, Rangwala AS
562 - 570 A constant pressure dust explosion experiment
Skjold T, Olsen KL, Castellanos D