I - I |
The Passing of a Giant Koros WJ |
149 - 159 |
Terminology for Membranes and Membrane Processes (Reprinted from Pure and Appl Chem, Vol 68, Pg 1479-1489, 1996) Koros WJ, Ma YH, Shimidzu T |
161 - 167 |
Reverse Permeation of Sodium-Ions Driven by pH Difference Across a Liquid Membrane - Time Dependencies of Membrane Resistance and Membrane-Potential in a Reverse Permeation System Nomura K |
169 - 185 |
Are Pore-Size Distributions in Microfiltration Membranes Measurable by 2-Phase Flow Porosimetry Zeman L |
187 - 195 |
Preparation and Properties of Surface-Modified Ceramic Membranes .3. Gas Permeation of 5 nm Alumina Membranes Modified by Trichloro-Octadecylsilane Leger C, Lira HD, Paterson R |
197 - 206 |
Surface Modification of Gamma-Alumina Membranes by Silane Coupling for CO2 Separation Hyun SH, Jo SY, Kang BS |
207 - 220 |
Dairy Aroma Compounds Recovery by Pervaporation Baudot A, Marin M |
221 - 237 |
Removal of Vocs from Air by Membrane-Based Absorption and Stripping Poddar TK, Majumdar S, Sirkar KK |
239 - 259 |
Novel Photochemical Surface Functionalization of Polysulfone Ultrafiltration Membranes for Covalent Immobilization of Biomolecules Ulbricht M, Riedel M, Marx U |
261 - 272 |
Fabrication of a Thin Palladium Membrane Supported in a Porous Ceramic Substrate by Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Xomeritakis G, Lin YS |
273 - 285 |
Membrane Performance with a Pulp-Mill Effluent - Relative Contributions of Fouling Mechanisms Dalcin MM, Mclellan F, Striez CN, Tam CM, Tweddle TA, Kumar A |
287 - 293 |
Association Between Benzalkonium Chloride and a Poly(Acrylic Acid) Gel - Study by Microfiltration and Membrane Dialysis Coquelet C, Lakhchaf N, Pages B, Persin M, Rao LS, Sarrazin J, Tarrago G |
Barrer,Richard,M. - June 16, 1910 September 12, 1996 Michaels A, Michaels J |