3801 - 3808 |
Electrochemical Reductions of Hg(II), Ruthenium-Nitrosyl Complex, Chromate, and Nitrate in a Strong Alkaline-Solution Bockris JO, Kim J |
3809 - 3820 |
A Comparative-Study of Synthetic Graphite and Li Electrodes in Electrolyte-Solutions Based on Ethylene Carbonate Dimethyl Carbonate Mixtures Aurbach D, Markovsky B, Shechter A, Eineli Y, Cohen H |
3820 - 3824 |
Plating and Stripping of Sodium from a Room-Temperature 1-Methyl-3-Propylimidazolium Chloride Melt Gray GE, Winnick J, Kohl PA |
3825 - 3829 |
The Synthesis of a New Family of Anion Receptors and the Studies of Their Effect on Ion-Pair Dissociation and Conductivity of Lithium-Salts in Nonaqueous Solutions Lee HS, Yang XQ, Mcbreen J, Choi LS, Okamoto Y |
3830 - 3832 |
The Isotope Effect on the Internal Cation Mobility of Molten Dysprosium Chloride Matsuura H, Okada I, Nomura M, Okamoto M, Iwadate Y |
3833 - 3838 |
Electrochemical Reduction of 1,8-Dibromooctane and 1,8-Diiodooctane and of 1,10-Dibromodecane and 1,10-Diiododecane at Carbon Cathodes in Dimethylformamide Mubarak MS, Peters DG |
3838 - 3842 |
Performance Data of a Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel-Cell Using H-2/Co as Fuel Gas Oetjen HF, Schmidt VM, Stimming U, Trila F |
3842 - 3846 |
5 Percent Platinum-Tungsten Oxide-Based Electrocatalysts for Phosphoric-Acid Fuel-Cell Cathodes Savadogo O, Beck P |
3847 - 3852 |
Self-Humidifying Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Fuel-Cells Watanabe M, Uchida H, Seki Y, Emori M, Stonehart P |
3853 - 3865 |
Simultaneous Scanning Electrochemical and Photoelectrochemical Microscopy by Use of a Metallized Optical-Fiber James P, Casillas N, Smyrl WH |
3866 - 3873 |
Inhibition Effects of Amines and Thiols on Iron Corrosion in Anhydrous Methanol Solution Containing Fecl3 Kawai T, Nishihara H, Aramaki K |
3874 - 3880 |
Probe Beam Deflection Combined with Cyclic Voltammetry Studies of C-60-Modified Electrode Film Liu CW, Dong SJ, Cheng GJ, Sun DY |
3880 - 3890 |
The Error Structure of Impedance Spectra for Systems with a Large Ohmic Resistance with Respect to the Polarization Impedance Orazem ME, Elmoustafid T, Deslouis C, Tribollet B |
3890 - 3895 |
Fabrication and Characterization of Nanostructured Gold Electrodes for Electrochemical Biosensors Padeste C, Kossek S, Lehmann HW, Musil CR, Gobrecht J, Tiefenauer L |
3895 - 3902 |
Oxidation of Zinc in Alkaline-Solutions Studied by Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy Cai M, Park SM |
3902 - 3909 |
Electrochemical-Behavior of Thin Anodic Oxide-Films on Zircaloy-4 - Role of the Mobile Defects Salot R, Lefebvrejoud F, Baroux B |
3910 - 3917 |
Importance of Surface Preparation in Electrochemical Investigations of the Copper System in Dilute Copper-Sulfate Solutions Gerth L, Lapicque F |
3918 - 3922 |
Testing the Role of Metal Hydrolysis in the Anomalous Electrodeposition of Ni-Fe Alloys Harris TM, Stclair J |
3923 - 3927 |
Electrophoretic Deposition of ZnO-Zn Phosphor for Field-Emission Display Applications Jeon BS, Yoo JS, Lee JD |
3927 - 3936 |
Blocking Inhibitors in Cathodic Leveling .1. Theoretical-Analysis Madore C, Matlosz M, Landolt D |
3936 - 3943 |
Blocking Inhibitors in Cathodic Leveling .2. Experimental Investigations Madore C, Landolt D |
3943 - 3949 |
Mechanism of AC Electrical-Transport of Carriers in Freshly Formed and Aged Porous Silicon Parkhutik VP, Matveeva ES, Namavar F, Kalcoran N |
3950 - 3959 |
Analysis of the Electrochemical Characteristics of a Direct Methanol Fuel-Cell Based on a Pt-Ru/C Anode Catalyst Arico AS, Creti P, Kim H, Mantegna R, Giordano N, Antonucci V |
3959 - 3972 |
Effect of Mechanical Grinding on the Lithium Intercalation Process in Graphites and Soft Carbons Disma F, Aymard L, Dupont L, Tarascon JM |
3972 - 3981 |
A Mathematical-Model for a Thick Porous Metal-Hydride Electrode in Discharge Heikonen J, Vuorilehto K, Noponen T |
3982 - 3986 |
All-Solid-State Electric Double-Layer Capacitor with Isotropic High-Density Graphite Electrode and Polyethylene Oxide/Liclo4 Polymer Electrolyte Liu XJ, Osaka T |
3987 - 3991 |
Galvanic Interaction Between Manganese-Dioxide and Pyrite Paramguru RK, Nayak BB |
3992 - 3996 |
Overcharge Protection for Rechargeable Lithium Polymer Electrolyte Batteries Richardson TJ, Ross PN |
3997 - 4005 |
Transpassive Dissolution of Cr and Sputter-Deposited Cr Oxides Studied by in-Situ X-Ray Near-Edge Spectroscopy Schmuki P, Virtanen S, Davenport AJ, Vitus CM |
4006 - 4012 |
Response-Time of Thin-Layer Electrolytic Cells to Potential-Step Signals Yamada K, Kitamura F, Ohsaka T, Tokuda K |
4012 - 4019 |
Atomic-Scale Elucidation of the Anisotropic Etching of (110)N-Si in Aqueous NH4F - Studies by in-Situ Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Ye JH, Kaji K, Itaya K |
4019 - 4027 |
Electrochemical Polymerization of Aniline and Toluidine on RuO2-Coated Titanium Electrodes Wu TS, Yang CH |
4027 - 4032 |
A New Preparation of Alpha-Oxo-Thioesters by Electrooxidation of Diaryl Disulfides in the Presence of Alkynes Boryczka S, Elothmani D, Do QT, Simonet J, Leguillanton G |
4033 - 4039 |
Harmonic-Analysis of Corroding Systems Considering Diffusion Phenomena Bosch RW, Bogaerts WF |
4039 - 4047 |
Analysis of Transient Hydrogen Uptake by Metal Alloy Particles Zhang WL, Srinivasan S, Ploehn HJ |
4047 - 4053 |
A Novel Electrolyte Solvent for Rechargeable Lithium and Lithium-Ion Batteries Zhang SS, Angell CA |
4054 - 4059 |
Properties of Zinc Telluride Containing Impurities Introduced During Spray-Pyrolysis Demerchant J, Cocivera M |
4059 - 4066 |
The Role of Chemical-Species in the Passivation of (100) Silicon Surfaces by HF in Water-Ethanol Solutions Garrido B, Montserrat J, Morante JR |
4066 - 4074 |
Thermally Stimulated Deep-Level Impedance Spectroscopy - Application to an N-GaAs Schottky Diode Jansen AN, Wojcik PT, Agarwal P, Orazem ME |
4074 - 4079 |
Optically Stimulated Deep-Level Impedance Spectroscopy - Application to an N-GaAs Schottky Diode Jansen AN, Orazem ME |
4079 - 4087 |
Highly Sensitive Etchants for Delineation of Defects in Single-Crystalline and Polycrystalline Silicon Materials Kashiwagi Y, Shimokawa R, Yamanaka M |
4087 - 4089 |
Thin-Films of Amorphous Germanium-Carbon Alloy Prepared by Radiofrequency Magnetron Sputtering Maruyama T, Akagi H |
4089 - 4095 |
Reactive Ion Etching of Copper-Films in a Sicl4, N-2, Cl-2, and NH3 Mixture Ohno K, Sato M, Arita Y |
4095 - 4100 |
Electrochemistry of Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Tungsten Films with Relevance to Chemical-Mechanical Polishing Kneer EA, Raghunath C, Raghavan S, Jeon JS |
4101 - 4105 |
Investigation of Defect Concentration in Implanted Silicon Substrates by Hydrogen Decoration Saito K, Sato Y, Yabumoto N, Homma Y |
4105 - 4108 |
High-Resolution Measurement of Resistivity Variations in Power Devices by the Photoscanning Method Schulze HJ, Ludge A, Riemann H |
4109 - 4112 |
Synchrotron-Radiation-Excited Etching of Silicon-Wafer Enhanced by Disk-Shaped CF4 Plasma Shao CL, Soga T, Umeno M, Hatton S |
4113 - 4116 |
Photon Cascade Luminescence of Pr3+ in Lamgb5O10 Srivastava AM, Doughty DA, Beers WW |
4116 - 4118 |
Use of di-Pi-Cyclopentadienyl Manganese as a Dopant Source for ZnS in Metallorganic Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Su SH, Tsai PR, Yokoyama M, Su YK |
4119 - 4124 |
New Method of Purification of HF Chemicals for Very Large-Scale Integration Manufacturing Yamamoto K, Shimono T, Okada T, Kawazawa Y, Tatsuno T |
4125 - 4128 |
First Observations of 0.1 Mu-M Size Particles on Si Wafers Using Atomic-Force Microscopy and Optical-Scattering Fujino N, Karino I, Kobayashi J, Kuramoto K, Ohomori M, Yasutake M, Wakiyama S |
4129 - 4129 |
Improved Within-Wafer Uniformity Modeling Through the Use of Maximum-Likelihood-Estimation of the Mean and Covariance Surfaces (Vol 143, Pg 3404, 1996) Davis JC, Hughesoliver JM, Lu JC, Gyurcsik RS |
4129 - 4129 |
On Electron Conduction and Trapping in Simox Dielectric (Vol 143, Pg 3354, 1996) Hall S, Wainwright SP |
L273 - L277 |
Ethylmethylcarbonate, a Promising Solvent for Li-Ion Rechargeable Batteries Eineli Y, Thomas SR, Koch V, Aurbach D, Markovsky B, Schechter A |
L277 - L279 |
Behavior of Dissolved Molybdenum During Localized Corrosion of Austenitic Stainless-Steel Isaacs HS, Huang SM |
L279 - L280 |
A Novel Process for Fabricating Conformal and Stable Tin-Based Barrier Lu JP, Hsu WY, Hong QZ, Dixit GA, Luttmer JD, Havemann RH, Magel LK |
L281 - L283 |
Microscale Dishing Effect in a Chemical-Mechanical Planarization Process for Trench Isolation Smekalin K, Fertig D |
L283 - L285 |
Anodic-Dissolution of Iron in a Magnetic-Field with Holographic Microphotography Wang C, Chen SH, Yu XL |
L286 - L289 |
Analysis of Electrochemical Noise Data for Polymer-Coated Steel in the Time and Frequency Domains Mansfeld F, Han LT, Lee CC |