8737 - 8740 |
Polyion Complexes via Electrostatic Interaction of Oppositely Charged Block Copolymers Sun J, Li ZB |
8741 - 8750 |
Physical Aging and Glass Transition of the Rigid Amorphous Fraction in Poly(L-lactic acid) Monnier X, Cavallo D, Righetti MC, Di Lorenzo ML, Marina S, Martin J, Cangialosi D |
8751 - 8756 |
The Origin of Annealing Peaks in Semicrystalline Polymers: Enthalpy Recovery or Melting? Schick C, Androsch R |
8757 - 8764 |
Methacrylic Block Copolymers Containing Liquid Crystalline and Fluorinated Side Chains Capable of Fast Formation of 4 nm Domains Cao H, Dai L, Liu YY, Li XM, Yang ZY, Deng H |
8765 - 8774 |
CO2/CH4 Pure- and Mixed-Gas Dilation and Sorption in Thin (similar to 500 nm) and Ultrathin (similar to 50 nm) Polymers of Intrinsic Microporosity Ogieglo W, Genduso G, Rubner J, de Vaumas JHP, Wessling M, Pinnau I |
8775 - 8786 |
Periodically Spaced Side-Chain Liquid Crystalline Polymers Orodepo GO, Gowd EB, Ramakrishnan S |
8787 - 8795 |
Crack Tip Field of a Double-Network Gel: Visualization of Covalent Bond Scission through Mechanoradical Polymerization Matsuda T, Kawakami R, Nakajima T, Gong JP |
8796 - 8808 |
Alkyloxime Side Chain Enabled Polythiophene Donors for Efficient Organic Solar Cells He KQ, Kumar P, Abd-Ellah M, Liu HT, Li X, Zhang ZF, Wang JL, Li YN |
8809 - 8818 |
Fabrication of Anisotropic Poly(vinyl alcohol) Scaffolds with Controllable Mechanical Properties and Structural Recoverability under Compression via a Freeze-Casting Technique Chang HK, Huang CW, Chiu CC, Wang HJ, Chen PY |
8819 - 8828 |
One-Pot Synthesis of Oxygenated Block Copolymers by Polymerization of Epoxides and Lactide Using Cationic Indium Complexes Diaz C, Tomkovic T, Goonesinghe C, Hatzikiriakos SG, Mehrkhodavandi P |
8829 - 8836 |
Topology-Controlled Ring-Opening Polymerization of O-Carboxyanhydride Wang Y, Xu TQ |
8837 - 8846 |
Synthesis of Sulfur-rich Polymers: Copolymerization of Cyclohexene Sulfide and Carbon Disulfide Using Chromium Complexes Silvano S, Carrozza CF, de Angelis AR, Tritto I, Boggioni L, Losio S |
8847 - 8857 |
Long-Chain Branched Polyethylene via Coordinative Tandem Insertion and Chain-Transfer Polymerization Using rac-{EBTHI}ZrCl2/MAO/Al-alkenyl Combinations: An Experimental and Theoretical Study Santoro O, Piola L, Mc Cabe K, Lhost O, Den Dauw K, Vantomme A, Welle A, Maron L, Carpentier JF, Kirillov E |
8858 - 8866 |
Comprehensive Picture of Functionalized Vinyl Monomers in Chain-Walking Polymerization Zhang YX, Jian ZB |
8867 - 8882 |
A Comprehensive Platform for the Design and Synthesis of Polymer Molecular Weight Distributions Liu K, Corrigan N, Postma A, Moad G, Boyer C |
8883 - 8888 |
Interactions between Colloidal Particles Mediated by Nonadsorbing Polymers: Casimir and Anti-Casimir Effects Zhang PF, Wang Q |
8889 - 8900 |
Different Stages of Polymer-Chain Collapse Following Solvent Quenching-Scaling Relations from Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulations Schneider J, Meinel MK, Dittmar H, Muller-Plathe F |
8901 - 8909 |
In Situ Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Scattering Investigation of a Microphase-Separated Structure of Thermoplastic Elastomers under Uniaxial and Equi-Biaxial Deformation Modes Dechnarong N, Kamitani K, Cheng CH, Masuda S, Nozaki S, Nagano C, Amamoto Y, Kojio K, Takahara A |
8910 - 8917 |
Effects of Ring Size on the Dynamics of Polyrotaxane Glass Kato K, Ohara A, Michishio K, Ito K |
8918 - 8927 |
Tailoring Crystallization of Random Terpolyester: Combination of Isodimorphism and Isomorphism Wei XW, Huang GY, Wang J, Meng XY, Zhou Q, Ye HM |
8928 - 8939 |
Graft Copolymer Elastomers with Polar Polyacrylonitrile as Semicrystalline Side Chains: Excellent Toughness and Healability Xu DL, Wang WW, Zheng YZ, Tian SY, Chen YL, Lu ZT, Wang YD, Liu K, Wang D |
8940 - 8950 |
Origin of Transcrystallinity and Nucleation Kinetics in Polybutene-1/Fiber Composites Wang W, Wang B, Tercjak A, Muller AJ, Ma Z, Cavallo D |
8951 - 8959 |
Gas Transport in a Polymer of Intrinsic Microporosity (PIM-1) Substituted with Pseudo-Ionic Liquid Tetrazole-Type Structures Guiver MD, Yahia M, Dal-Cin MM, Robertson GP, Garakani SS, Du NY, Tavajohi N |
8960 - 8973 |
Percolated Ionic Aggregate Morphologies and Decoupled Ion Transport in Precise Sulfonated Polymers Synthesized by Ring-Opening Metathesis Polymerization Paren BA, Thurston BA, Neary WJ, Kendrick A, Kennemur JG, Stevens MJ, Frischknecht AL, Winey KI |
8974 - 8981 |
Unprecedented Self-Assembly in Dilute Aqueous Solution of Polyethyleneimine: Formation of Fibrillar Network Jain M, Seth JR, Hegde LR, Sharma KP |
8982 - 8991 |
Two Polymersome Evolution Pathways in One Polymerization Induced Self-Assembly (PISA) System Zhang QC, Zeng RM, Zhang YX, Chen Y, Zhang L, Tan JB |
8992 - 8999 |
Growth and Termination of Cylindrical Micelles via Liquid-Crystallization-Driven Self-Assembly Gao L, Gao HB, Lin JP, Wang LQ, Wang XS, Yang CM, Lin SL |
9000 - 9007 |
Ultrafast and Controlled Ring-Opening Polymerization with Sterically Hindered Strong Bases Lin BH, Jadrich CN, Pane VE, Arrechea PL, Erdmann T, Dausse C, Hedrick JL, Park NH, Waymouth RM |
9008 - 9017 |
Myrcenol-Based Monomer for Carbanionic Polymerization: Functional Copolymers with Myrcene and Bio-Based Graft Copolymers Wahlen C, Rauschenbach M, Blankenburg J, Kersten E, Ender CP, Frey H |
9018 - 9025 |
Synthesis and Aqueous Self-Assembly of ABCD Bottlebrush Block Copolymers Ahmed E, Womble CT, Weck M |
9026 - 9033 |
Impact of Isomer Design on Physicochemical Properties and Performance in High-Efficiency All-Polymer Solar Cells Yang H, Fan HY, Wang Z, Yan HP, Dong YY, Cui CH, Ade H, Li YF |
9034 - 9042 |
Thiazole-Functionalized Terpolymer Donors Obtained via Random Ternary Copolymerization for High-Performance Polymer Solar Cells Liao ZH, Yang K, Hou LC, Li J, Lv J, Singh R, Kumar M, Chen QQ, Dong XY, Xu TL, Hu C, Duan TN, Kan ZP, Lu SR, Xiao ZY |
9043 - 9053 |
Complementary Absorption versus Morphology in All-Conjugated Block Copolymer Solar Cells Idriss H, Gapin A, Khelifi W, Blanc S, Karame I, Chambon S, Hirsch L, Bousquet A, Lartigau-Dagron C |
9054 - 9064 |
Competing Molecular Packing of Blocks in a Lamella-Forming Carbohydrate-block-poly(3-hexylthiophene) Copolymer Sakai-Otsuka Y, Nishiyama Y, Putaux JL, Brinkmann M, Satoh T, Chen WC, Borsali R |
9065 - 9073 |
Cross-examining Polyurethane Nanodomain Formation and Internal Structure Terban MW, Seidel K, Poselt E, Malfois M, Baumann RP, Sander R, Paulus D, Hinrichsen B, Dinnebier RE |
9074 - 9085 |
Simultaneous Visualization of Phase Separation and Crystallization in PHB/PLLA Blends with In Situ ATR-FTIR Spectroscopic Imaging Lu HQ, Kazarian SG, Sato H |
9086 - 9096 |
Crystallizable Supramolecular Polymers: Binding Motif and Processing Matter Hohl DK, Balog S, Cappelletti C, Karasu F, Weder C |
9097 - 9107 |
Effect of Submicron Structures on the Mechanical Behavior of Polyethylene Kishimoto M, Mita K, Ogawa H, Takenaka M |
9108 - 9121 |
Cyclic Water Storage Behavior of Doubly Thermoresponsive Poly(sulfobetaine)-Based Diblock Copolymer Thin Films Kreuzer LP, Widmann T, Aldosari N, Biessmann L, Mangiapia G, Hildebrand V, Laschewsky A, Papadakis CM, Muller-Buschbaum P |
9122 - 9130 |
Rheological Properties of Blends of Isotactic Polystyrene-Isotactic Poly(para-methylstyrene) Films Derived from a Comparative Dewetting Study Mulama AA, Roumpos K, Pradipkanti L, Oduor AO, Reiter G |
9131 - 9141 |
Impact of Thin-Film Confinement on the Packing of Low-Coordinate Spheres in Bulk Gu XY, Li WH |
9142 - 9151 |
Incorporation of Styrene into a Model Polyolefin for Enhanced Compatibility with Polyisoprene Jangareddy S, Register RA |
9152 - 9152 |
Unified Entanglement Scaling for Flexible, Semiflexible, and Stiff Polymer Melts and Solutions (vol 53, pg 1314, 2020) Milner ST |
9153 - 9153 |
Simulation Study of Entanglement in Semiflexible Polymer Melts and Solutions (vol 53, pg 3861, 2020) Bobbili SV, Milner ST |