1 - 5 |
The properties of pellets from mixing bamboo and rice straw Liu ZJ, Liu XE, Fei BH, Jiang ZH, Cai ZY, Yu Y |
6 - 11 |
Selection of the most appropriate package of Solar Home System using Analytic Hierarchy Process model in rural areas of Bangladesh Ahammed F, Azeem A |
12 - 17 |
Potential feedstocks for bioethanol production as a substitute for gasoline in Ghana Osei G, Arthur R, Afrane G, Agyemang EO |
18 - 23 |
Experimental investigation and computational validation of heat losses from the cavity receiver used in linear Fresnel reflector solar thermal system Sahoo SS, Varghese SM, Kumar CS, Viswanathan SP, Singh S, Banerjee R |
24 - 30 |
US military, airspace, and meteorological radar system impacts from utility class wind turbines: Implications for renewable energy targets and the wind industry Auld T, McHenry MP, Whale J |
31 - 34 |
Microbial conversion of wastewater from butanol fermentation to microbial oil by oleaginous yeast Trichosporon derrnatis Peng WF, Huang C, Chen XF, Xiong L, Chen XD, Chen Y, Ma LL |
35 - 48 |
FPGA-based reconfigurable control for switch fault tolerant operation of WECS with DFIG without redundancy Gaillard A, Poure P, Saadate S |
49 - 54 |
Local parallel resistances of solar cell derived by the thermal image analysis Wiengmoon B, Kirtikara K, Jivacate C, Chenvidhya D |
55 - 61 |
Scheduling and conducting power performance testing of a small wind turbine Whale J, McHenry MP, Malla A |
62 - 68 |
Investigation of Al2O3 diffusion barrier layer fabricated by atomic layer deposition for flexible Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells Bae D, Kwon S, Oh J, Kim WK, Park H |
69 - 78 |
Tool development based on FAST for performing design optimization of offshore wind turbines: FASTLognoter Gutierrez JE, Zamora B, Garcia J, Peyrau MR |
79 - 84 |
Porous silicon Bragg mirrors on single- and multi-crystalline silicon for solar cells Ivanov II, Skryshevsky VA, Nychyporuk T, Lemiti M, Makarov AV, Klyui NI, Tretyak OV |
85 - 103 |
Accuracy analysis for fifty-four clear-sky solar radiation models using routine hourly global irradiance measurements in Romania Badescu V, Gueymard CA, Cheval S, Oprea C, Baciu M, Dumitrescu A, Iacobescu F, Milos I, Rada C |
104 - 119 |
Delay or removal of aneurysm formation in the Anaconda wave energy extraction device Bucchi A, Hearn GE |
120 - 127 |
Noise levels and noise perception from small and micro wind turbines Taylor J, Eastwick C, Lawrence C, Wilson R |
128 - 137 |
Design and optimization of a downhole coaxial heat exchanger for an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) Yekoladio PJ, Bello-Ochende T, Meyer JP |
138 - 149 |
Modeling of small wind turbines based on PMSG with diode bridge for sensorless maximum power tracking Urtasun A, Sanchis P, San Martin I, Lopez J, Marroyo L |
150 - 159 |
Assessing the technical and economic performance of building integrated photovoltaics and their value to the GCC society Sharples S, Radhi H |
160 - 174 |
Energy balances and greenhouse gas-mitigation potentials of bioenergy cropping systems (Miscanthus, rapeseed, and maize) based on farming conditions in Western Germany Felten D, Froba N, Fries J, Emmerling C |
175 - 181 |
Ultrasonic vibration-assisted pelleting for cellulosic biofuel manufacturing: Investigation on power consumption Zhang Q, Zhang PF, Pei ZJ, Wang DH |
182 - 188 |
Thermal comfort in outdoor spaces and urban canyon microclimate Andreou E |
189 - 195 |
Predicting performance of a renewable energy-powered microgrid throughout the United States using typical meteorological year 3 data Guggenberger JD, Elmore AC, Crow ML |
196 - 201 |
Analysis on meeting the electric energy demand of an active plant with a wind-hydro hybrid power station in Konya, Turkey: Konya water treatment plant Kose F, Kaya MN |
202 - 211 |
Mapping the wind resource over UK cities Millward-Hopkins JT, Tomlin AS, Ma L, Ingham DB, Pourkashanian M |
212 - 219 |
Coupling satellite images with surface measurements of bright sunshine hours to estimate daily solar irradiation on horizontal surface Rusen SE, Hammer A, Akinoglu BG |
220 - 229 |
Recycling paths for thin-film chalcogenide photovoltaic waste - Current feasible processes Marwede M, Berger W, Schlummer M, Maurer A, Reller A |
230 - 240 |
Energy dispatch schedule optimization and cost benefit analysis for grid-connected, photovoltaic-battery storage systems Nottrott A, Kleissl J, Washom B |
241 - 251 |
Accurate optical model for design and analysis of solar fields based on heterogeneous multicore systems Chiesi M, Vanzolini L, Scarselli EF, Guerrieri R |
252 - 259 |
Risk-averse profit-based optimal operation strategy of a combined wind farm-cascade hydro system in an electricity market Moghaddam IG, Nick M, Fallahi F, Sanei M, Mortazavi S |
260 - 265 |
Mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and source sorted biowaste in pilot- and full-scale reactors Cavinato C, Bolzonella D, Pavan P, Fatone F, Cecchi F |
266 - 276 |
Optimal placement of wind turbines within wind farm using binary particle swarm optimization with time-varying acceleration coefficients Pookpunt S, Ongsakul W |
277 - 285 |
Exceeding the Betz limit with tidal turbines Vennell R |
286 - 295 |
An analysis of the transient forces acting on Savonius rotors with different aspect ratios Jaohindy P, McTavish S, Garde F, Bastide A |
296 - 304 |
Optimum aerodynamic design for wind turbine blade with a Rankine vortex wake Vaz DATDD, Vaz JRP, Mesquita ALA, Pinho JT, Brasil ACP |
305 - 321 |
Wave energy resources along the Hawaiian Island chain Stopa JE, Filipot JF, Li N, Cheung KF, Chen YL, Vega L |
322 - 330 |
Why are Californian farmers adopting more (and larger) renewable energy operations? Beckman J, Xiarchos IM |
331 - 337 |
Performance evaluation of a combined ejector-vapor compression cycle Yan J, Cai WJ, Zhao L, Li YZ, Lin C |
338 - 346 |
Measurement system design and implementation for grid-connected marine substation Ekstrom R, Kurupath V, Svensson O, Leijon M |
347 - 356 |
The impact of model physics on numerical wind forecasts Cheng WYY, Liu YB, Liu YW, Zhang YX, Mahoney WR, Warner TT |
357 - 365 |
Microwave-assisted pyrolysis of palm kernel shell: Optimization using response surface methodology (RSM) Jamaluddin MA, Ismail K, Ishak MAM, Ab Ghani Z, Abdullah MF, Safian MTU, Idris SS, Tahiruddin S, Yunus MFM, Hakimi NINM |
366 - 373 |
Simulation of GEMASOLAR-based solar tower plants for the Chinese energy market: Influence of plant downsizing and location change Amadei CA, Allesina G, Tartarini P, Wu YT |
374 - 379 |
Optimal thermal water locations along the Gulf of Suez coastal zones, Egypt Kaiser MF, Ahmed S |
380 - 391 |
Analytical models of thermal performance of solar air heaters of double-parallel flow and double-pass counter flow Hernandez AL, Quinonez JE |
392 - 403 |
Energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions of biodiesel production from oil derived from wastewater and wastewater sludge Zhang XL, Yan S, Tyagi RD, Surampalli RY |
404 - 409 |
Conversion of residual glycerol from biodiesel synthesis into 1,3-propanediol by a new strain of Klebsiella pneumoniae Rossi DM, de Souza EA, Flores SH, Ayub MAZ |
410 - 416 |
International cooperation on renewable energy electricity in China - A critical analysis Zhao XG, Yang YS, Feng TT, Yang YH |
417 - 427 |
A technique for mismatched PV array simulation Orozco-Gutierrez ML, Ramirez-Scarpetta JM, Spagnuolo G, Ramos-Paja CA |
428 - 437 |
Augmented reality for photovoltaic pumping systems maintenance tasks Benbelkacem S, Belhocine M, Bellarbi A, Zenati-Henda N, Tadjine M |
438 - 447 |
Economic and environmental aspects Of the component sizing for a stand-alone building energy system: A case study Fux SF, Benz MJ, Guzzella L |
448 - 455 |
The route to a perfect window Ye H, Meng XC, Long LS, Xu B |
456 - 466 |
German utilities and distributed PV: How to overcome barriers to business model innovation Richter M |
467 - 473 |
Hydrokinetic power generation for rural electricity supply: Case of South Africa Kusakana K, Vermaak HJ |
474 - 479 |
The resource of biomethane, produced via biological, thermal and electrical routes, as a transport biofuel Murphy JD, Browne J, Allen E, Gallagher C |
480 - 489 |
Wave energy resource assessment in Lanzarote (Spain) Sierra JP, Gonzalez-Marco D, Sospedra J, Gironella X, Mosso C, Sanchez-Arcilla A |
490 - 500 |
Integration of a municipal solid waste gasification plant with solid oxide fuel cell and gas turbine Bellomare F, Rokni M |
501 - 513 |
Investigation of the degradation of a low-cost untreated biogas engine using preheated biogas with phase separation for electric power generation Maizonnasse M, Plante JS, Oh D, Laflamme CB |
514 - 524 |
Transforming existing weather data for worldwide locations to enable energy and building performance simulation under future climates Jentsch MF, James PAB, Bourikas L, Bahaj AS |
525 - 531 |
Improvement in microalgae lipid extraction using a sonication-assisted method Neto AMP, de Souza RAS, Leon-Nino AD, da Costa JDA, Tiburcio RS, Nunes TA, de Mello TCS, Kanemoto FT, Saldanha-Correa FMP, Gianesella SMF |
532 - 543 |
Probabilistic load flow incorporating correlation between time-varying electricity demand and renewable power generation Abdullah MA, Agalgaonkar AP, Muttaqi KM |
544 - 553 |
How much wind energy will be curtailed on the 2020 Irish power system? Mc Garrigle EV, Deane JP, Leahy PG |
554 - 560 |
Biofuels in Nigeria: A critical and strategic evaluation Ishola MM, Brandberg T, Sanni SA, Taherzadeh MJ |
561 - 561 |
Optimization of biodiesel production using magnetically stabilized fluidized bed reactor (Retraction of vol 89, pg 497, 2012) Guo PM, Huang FH, Huang QD, Zheng C |