4615 - 4618 |
Reduction of grown-in dislocation density in Ge Czochralski-grown from the B2O3-partially-covered melt Taishi T, Ohno Y, Yonenaga I |
4619 - 4627 |
Synchrotron topography and X-ray diffraction study of GaInP layers grown on GaAs/Ge Lankinen A, Knuuttila L, Kostamo P, Tuomi TO, Lipsanen H, McNally PJ, O'Reilly L |
4628 - 4631 |
Suppression of phase separation in InGaN layers grown on lattice-matched ZnO substrates Li N, Wang SJ, Park EH, Feng ZC, Tsai HL, Yang JR, Ferguson I |
4632 - 4635 |
Alloy phase separation in InAs/InAlAs/InP nanostructure superlattices studied by finite element calculation Lei W, Ren YL, Wang YL, Li Q |
4636 - 4640 |
Elucidation of factors obstructing quality improvement of MOVPE-grown InN Yamamoto A, Sugita K, Hashimoto A |
4641 - 4646 |
Microstructural characteristics and crystallographic evolutions of Ga-doped ZnO films grown on sapphire substrates at high temperatures by RF magnetron sputtering Lee JH, Kim YY, Cho HK, Lee JY |
4647 - 4651 |
Study of the metastable region in the growth of GaN using the Na flux method Kawamura F, Morishita M, Miyoshi N, Imade M, Yoshimura M, Kitaoka Y, Mori Y, Sasaki T |
4652 - 4659 |
Nd:YVO4 crystal growth by Czochralski technique with a submerged plate Zhang H, Fang HS, Zheng LL, Hu ZG, Zhang GC |
4660 - 4664 |
Deduction of activation energy for diffusion by analyzing soft impingement in non-isothermal solid-state precipitation Fan K, Liu F, Zhang K, Yang GC, Zhou YH |