559 - 560 |
Special issue - 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering Moggridge G, Shah N |
561 - 573 |
Model-based experimental analysis of kinetic phenomena in multi-phase reactive systems Marquardt W |
574 - 582 |
Multi-scale compromise and multi-level correlation in complex systems Li J, Ge W, Zhang J, Kwauk M |
583 - 595 |
Are engineers losing control of technology? - From'problem solving' to'problem definition and solution' in engineering education Downey G |
596 - 602 |
Spinouts of chemistry related businesses Fyfe D |
603 - 610 |
Multiphysics CFD modelling for design and simulation of a multiphase chemical reactor Gerogiorgis DI, Ydstie BE |
611 - 618 |
Process intensification through heat-integrated reactors for high-temperature millisecond contact-time catalysis Liu T, Gepert V, Veser G |
619 - 625 |
Demonstration plant for distributed production of hydrogen from steam reforming of methane Seris ELC, Abramowitz G, Johnston AM, Haynes BS |
626 - 633 |
Integrated microstructured fuel processors for fuel cell applications Kolb G, Cominos V, Hofmann C, Pennemann H, Schurer J, Tiemann D, Wichert M, Zapf R, Hessel V, Lowe H |
634 - 639 |
Microchannel technology scale-up to commercial capacity Tonkovich A, Kuhlmann D, Rogers A, McDaniel J, Fitzgerald S, Arora R, Yuschak T |
640 - 645 |
Fermentation of pullulan using an oscillatory baffled fermenter Gaidhani HK, McNeil B, Ni X |
646 - 654 |
A techno-economic model applied to the development of new products and improved processes Bush SF |
655 - 661 |
Enhancing fine chemicals process chemistry - A practical approach Obenndip DA, Sharratt PN |
662 - 673 |
The benefits of lean manufacturing - What lean thinking has to offer the process industries Melton T |
674 - 678 |
A unified framework for integrated process and molecular design Papadopoulos AI, Linke P |
679 - 685 |
Bifurcation behaviour during the hydrogen production in two compatible configurations of a novel circulating fluidized bed membrane reformer Chen Z, Elnashaie SSEH |
686 - 691 |
Integrated distributed dynamic simulation of the LNG value chain -Concepts and experience Cameron D, With HM, Skjerven O, Hyllseth M, Mannsaker P |
692 - 697 |
Optimal grade transition for polyethylene reactors via NCO tracking Bonvin D, Bodizs L, Srinivasan B |
698 - 705 |
On-line dynamic process monitoring using wavelet-based generic dissimilarity measure Alabi SI, Morris AJ, Martin EB |
706 - 717 |
Scale integration for the coupled simulation of crystallization and fluid dynamics Kulikov V, Briesen H, Marquardt W |
718 - 723 |
Large-scale nonlinear programming with a CAPE-OPEN compliant interface Lang YD, Biegler LT |
724 - 729 |
Dynamic optimization of complex distributed process systems Balsa-Canto E, Alonso AA, Banga JR |
730 - 738 |
Continuous processing in the pharmaceutical industry - Changing the mind set Plumb K |
739 - 751 |
Public roles and private interests in petrochemical clusters -Model-based decision support of the Regional Development Board Dijkema GPJ, Van Zanten DJ, Grievink J |
752 - 758 |
Stochastic dynamic programming with localized cost-to-go approximators - Application to large scale supply chain management under demand uncertainty Choi J, Realff MJ, Lee JH |
759 - 765 |
Paradigm shift and requirements in enhanced value chain design in the chemical industry Vogt C, Allers T, Brosig G, Eckert A, Engelke K, Jung M, Polt A, Schultz H, Sonnenschein M |