
Combustion and Flame

Combustion and Flame, Vol.162, No.5 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0010-2180 (Print) 

In this Issue (58 articles)

1623 - 1637 Optimized chemical mechanism for combustion of gasoline surrogate fuels
Cai LM, Pitsch H
1638 - 1649 Detonation in hydrogen-nitrous oxide-diluent mixtures: An experimental and numerical study
Mevel R, Davidenko D, Lafosse F, Chaumeix N, Dupre G, Paillard CE, Shepherd JE
1650 - 1652 The reconstruction of thermo-chemical scalars in combustion from a reduced set of their principal components
Mirgolbabaei H, Echekki T
1653 - 1659 Behaviors of tribrachial edge flames and their interactions in a triple-port burner
Yamamoto K, Isobe Y, Hayashi N, Yamashita H, Chung SH
1660 - 1678 Interactive transient flamelet modeling for soot formation and oxidation processes in laminar non-premixed jet flames
Kim T, Kim Y
1679 - 1691 New reaction classes in the kinetic modeling of low temperature oxidation of n-alkanes
Ranzi E, Cavallotti C, Cuoci A, Frassoldati A, Pelucchi M, Faravelli T
1692 - 1711 Kinetic modeling study of benzene and PAH formation in laminar methane flames
Jin HF, Frassoldati A, Wang YZ, Zhang XY, Zeng MR, Li YY, Qi F, Cuoci A, Faravelli T
1712 - 1718 Near-lean limit combustion regimes of low-Lewis-number stretched premixed flames
Fursenko R, Minaev S, Nakamura H, Tezuka T, Hasegawa S, Kobayashi T, Takase K, Katsuta M, Kikuchi M, Maruta K
1719 - 1728 Performance of methanol kinetic mechanisms at oxy-fuel conditions
Naucler JD, Sileghem L, Nilsson EJK, Verhelst S, Konnov AA
1729 - 1736 Strain rates normal to approaching iso-scalar surfaces in a turbulent premixed flame
Dopazo C, Cifuentes L, Martin J, Jimenez C
1737 - 1747 Investigation of the sampling nozzle effect on laminar flat flames
Deng L, Kempf A, Hasemann O, Korobeinichev OP, Wlokas I
1748 - 1758 Hybrid fs/ps rotational CARS temperature and oxygen measurements in the product gases of canonical flat flames
Kearney SP
1759 - 1771 A model for hot spot formation in shocked energetic materials
Akiki M, Menon S
1772 - 1777 Experimental and numerical investigation of flame speed retardation by water mist
Yoshida A, Okawa T, Ebina W, Naito H
1778 - 1792 Simulation of the flame describing function of a turbulent premixed flame using an open-source LES solver
Han XS, Morgans AS
1793 - 1812 Comparison of the performance of several recent syngas combustion mechanisms
Olm C, Zsely IG, Varga T, Curran HJ, Turanyi T
1813 - 1820 Nanoenergetics as pressure generator for nontoxic impact primers: Comparison of Al/Bi2O3, Al/CuO, Al/MoO3 nanothermites and Al/PTFE
Glavier L, Taton G, Ducere JM, Baijot V, Pinon S, Calais T, Esteve A, Rouhani MD, Rossi C
1821 - 1828 The effect of encapsulated nanosized catalysts on the combustion of composite solid propellants
Isert S, Groven LJ, Lucht RP, Son SF
1829 - 1839 A three-dimensional transient model for flame growth and extinction in concurrent flows
Zhao XY, Tien JS
1840 - 1847 Sooting propensities of some gasoline surrogate fuels: Combined effects of fuel blending and air vitiation
Kashif M, Bonnety J, Matynia A, Da Costa P, Legros G
1848 - 1856 Effect of nanostructure, oxidative pressure and extent of oxidation on model carbon reactivity
Jaramillo IC, Gaddam CK, Vander Wal RL, Lighty JS
1857 - 1867 Dynamics of high sound-speed metal confiners driven by non-ideal high-explosive detonation
Short M, Jackson SI
1868 - 1883 Experimental and kinetic modeling study of styrene combustion
Yuan WH, Li YY, Dagaut P, Yang JZ, Qi F
1884 - 1898 The effect of temperature on the adiabatic burning velocities of diluted hydrogen flames: A kinetic study using an updated mechanism
Alekseev VA, Christensen M, Konnov AA
1899 - 1918 An experimental and modeling study of the combustion of tetrahydrofuran
Tran LS, Verdicchio M, Monge F, Martin RC, Bounaceeur R, Sirjean B, Glaude PA, Alzueta MU, Battin-Leclerc F
1919 - 1933 Principal component transport in turbulent combustion: A posteriori analysis
Echekki T, Mirgolbabaei H
1934 - 1943 Decoupled Species and Reaction Reduction: An error-controlled method for Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry simulations
Oluwole OO, Ren ZY, Petre C, Goldin G
1944 - 1956 Mechanisms of strong pressure wave generation in end-gas autoignition during knocking combustion
Terashima H, Koshi M
1957 - 1963 Experimental validation of Lewis number and convection effects on the smoldering combustion of a thin solid in a narrow space
Uchida Y, Kuwana K, Kushida G
1964 - 1975 The effect of methyl pentanoate addition on the structure of premixed fuel-rich n-heptane/toluene flame at atmospheric pressure
Dmitriev AM, Knyazkov DA, Bolshova TA, Shmakov AG, Korobeinichev OP
1976 - 1986 Doubly Conditional Source-term Estimation (DCSE) applied to a series of lifted turbulent jet flames in cold air
Dovizio D, Labahn JW, Devaud CB
1987 - 1995 Effects of a JP-8 surrogate and its components on soot in laminar, N-2-diluted ethylene co-flow diffusion flames from 1 to 5 atm
Mouis AG, Litzinger TA, Wang YF, Iyer V, Iyer S, Linevsky M, Santoro RJ, Katta V
1996 - 2005 Global stability analysis of gasless flames propagating in a cylindrical sample of energetic material: Influence of radiative heat-losses
Kurdyumov VN, Jimenez C, Gubernov VV, Kolobov AV
2006 - 2019 Modelling n-dodecane spray and combustion with the transported probability density function method
Pei YJ, Hawkes ER, Kook S, Goldin GM, Lu TF
2020 - 2033 Broken reaction zone and differential diffusion effects in high Karlovitz n-C7H16 premixed turbulent flames
Savard B, Blanquart G
2034 - 2044 Site-specific reaction rate constant measurements for various secondary and tertiary H-abstraction by OH radicals
Badra J, Farooq A
2045 - 2058 Comprehensive kinetic modeling and experimental study of a fuel-rich, premixed n-heptane flame
Seidel L, Moshammer K, Wang XX, Zeuch T, Kohse-Hoinghaus K, Mauss F
2059 - 2076 Uncertainty of the rate parameters of several important elementary reactions of the H-2 and syngas combustion systems
Nagy T, Valko E, Sedyo I, Zsely IG, Pilling MJ, Turanyi T
2077 - 2086 Diffusive-thermal instabilities in premixed flames: Stepwise ignition-temperature kinetics
Brailovsky I, Gordon PV, Kagan L, Sivashinsky G
2087 - 2097 Estimation of 3D flame surface density and global fuel consumption rate from 2D PLIF images of turbulent premixed flame
Zhang M, Wang JH, Jin W, Huang ZH, Kobayashi H, Ma L
2098 - 2107 Influence of the external wind on flame shapes of n-heptane pool fires in long passage connected to a shaft
Ji J, Yuan XY, Li KY, Sun JH
2108 - 2118 A study on the influence of burning rate on engine knock from empirical data and simulation
Chen Y, Raine R
2119 - 2127 CS2 and COS conversion under different combustion conditions
Abian M, Cebrian M, Millera A, Bilbao R, Alzueta MU
2128 - 2139 Effects of finite-rate droplet evaporation on the ignition and propagation of premixed spherical spray flame
Han W, Chen Z
2140 - 2147 Cool-flame, extinction during n-alkane droplet combustion in microgravity
Nayagam V, Dietrich DL, Hicks MC, Williams FA
2148 - 2165 A combined computational and experimental characterization of lean premixed turbulent low swirl laboratory flames II. Hydrogen flames
Day M, Tachibana S, Bell J, Lijewski M, Beckner V, Cheng RK
2166 - 2176 A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of 2-methylbutanol combustion
Park S, Mannaa O, Khaled F, Bougacha R, Mansour MS, Farooq A, Chung SH, Sarathy SM
2177 - 2190 Experimental and kinetic modeling study of exo-TCD pyrolysis under low pressure
Li H, Liu GZ, Jiang RP, Wang L, Zhang XW
2191 - 2199 Modeling of Rayleigh scattering imaging of detonation waves: Quantum computation of Rayleigh cross-sections and real diagnostic effects
Bechon G, Mevel R, Davidenko D, Shepherd JE
2200 - 2213 Simultaneous measurement of internal and external properties of nanoparticles in flame based on thermophoresis
Xu ZW, Zhao HB
2214 - 2230 A methodology for estimation of local heat fluxes in steady laminar boundary layer diffusion flames
Singh AV, Gollner MJ
2231 - 2247 Numerical and experimental study of the influence of CO2 and N-2 dilution on soot formation in laminar coflow C2H4/air diffusion flames at pressures between 5 and 20 atm
Liu FS, Karatas AE, Gulder OL, Gu MY
2248 - 2255 Quantitative acetylene measurements in laminar and turbulent flames using 1D Raman/Rayleigh scattering
Fuest F, Barlow RS, Magnotti G, Dreizler A, Ekoto IW, Sutton JA
2256 - 2271 Rate-Controlled Constrained Equilibrium (RCCE) simulations of turbulent partially premixed flames (Sandia D/E/F) and comparison with detailed chemistry
Elbahloul S, Rigopoulos S
2272 - 2285 Autoignition of gasoline surrogates at low temperature combustion conditions
Kukkadapu G, Kumar K, Sung CJ, Mehl M, Pitz WJ
2286 - 2295 The effect of impurities on syngas combustion
Mansfield AB, Wooldridge MS
2296 - 2306 Shock tube and modeling study of 2,7-dimethyloctane pyrolysis and oxidation
Li SJ, Sarathy SM, Davidson DF, Hanson RK, Westbrook CK
2307 - 2310 Influence of water vapor on hydrocarbon combustion in the presence of hydrofluorocarbon agents
Babushok VI, Linteris GT, Baker PT