1623 - 1637 |
Optimized chemical mechanism for combustion of gasoline surrogate fuels Cai LM, Pitsch H |
1638 - 1649 |
Detonation in hydrogen-nitrous oxide-diluent mixtures: An experimental and numerical study Mevel R, Davidenko D, Lafosse F, Chaumeix N, Dupre G, Paillard CE, Shepherd JE |
1650 - 1652 |
The reconstruction of thermo-chemical scalars in combustion from a reduced set of their principal components Mirgolbabaei H, Echekki T |
1653 - 1659 |
Behaviors of tribrachial edge flames and their interactions in a triple-port burner Yamamoto K, Isobe Y, Hayashi N, Yamashita H, Chung SH |
1660 - 1678 |
Interactive transient flamelet modeling for soot formation and oxidation processes in laminar non-premixed jet flames Kim T, Kim Y |
1679 - 1691 |
New reaction classes in the kinetic modeling of low temperature oxidation of n-alkanes Ranzi E, Cavallotti C, Cuoci A, Frassoldati A, Pelucchi M, Faravelli T |
1692 - 1711 |
Kinetic modeling study of benzene and PAH formation in laminar methane flames Jin HF, Frassoldati A, Wang YZ, Zhang XY, Zeng MR, Li YY, Qi F, Cuoci A, Faravelli T |
1712 - 1718 |
Near-lean limit combustion regimes of low-Lewis-number stretched premixed flames Fursenko R, Minaev S, Nakamura H, Tezuka T, Hasegawa S, Kobayashi T, Takase K, Katsuta M, Kikuchi M, Maruta K |
1719 - 1728 |
Performance of methanol kinetic mechanisms at oxy-fuel conditions Naucler JD, Sileghem L, Nilsson EJK, Verhelst S, Konnov AA |
1729 - 1736 |
Strain rates normal to approaching iso-scalar surfaces in a turbulent premixed flame Dopazo C, Cifuentes L, Martin J, Jimenez C |
1737 - 1747 |
Investigation of the sampling nozzle effect on laminar flat flames Deng L, Kempf A, Hasemann O, Korobeinichev OP, Wlokas I |
1748 - 1758 |
Hybrid fs/ps rotational CARS temperature and oxygen measurements in the product gases of canonical flat flames Kearney SP |
1759 - 1771 |
A model for hot spot formation in shocked energetic materials Akiki M, Menon S |
1772 - 1777 |
Experimental and numerical investigation of flame speed retardation by water mist Yoshida A, Okawa T, Ebina W, Naito H |
1778 - 1792 |
Simulation of the flame describing function of a turbulent premixed flame using an open-source LES solver Han XS, Morgans AS |
1793 - 1812 |
Comparison of the performance of several recent syngas combustion mechanisms Olm C, Zsely IG, Varga T, Curran HJ, Turanyi T |
1813 - 1820 |
Nanoenergetics as pressure generator for nontoxic impact primers: Comparison of Al/Bi2O3, Al/CuO, Al/MoO3 nanothermites and Al/PTFE Glavier L, Taton G, Ducere JM, Baijot V, Pinon S, Calais T, Esteve A, Rouhani MD, Rossi C |
1821 - 1828 |
The effect of encapsulated nanosized catalysts on the combustion of composite solid propellants Isert S, Groven LJ, Lucht RP, Son SF |
1829 - 1839 |
A three-dimensional transient model for flame growth and extinction in concurrent flows Zhao XY, Tien JS |
1840 - 1847 |
Sooting propensities of some gasoline surrogate fuels: Combined effects of fuel blending and air vitiation Kashif M, Bonnety J, Matynia A, Da Costa P, Legros G |
1848 - 1856 |
Effect of nanostructure, oxidative pressure and extent of oxidation on model carbon reactivity Jaramillo IC, Gaddam CK, Vander Wal RL, Lighty JS |
1857 - 1867 |
Dynamics of high sound-speed metal confiners driven by non-ideal high-explosive detonation Short M, Jackson SI |
1868 - 1883 |
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of styrene combustion Yuan WH, Li YY, Dagaut P, Yang JZ, Qi F |
1884 - 1898 |
The effect of temperature on the adiabatic burning velocities of diluted hydrogen flames: A kinetic study using an updated mechanism Alekseev VA, Christensen M, Konnov AA |
1899 - 1918 |
An experimental and modeling study of the combustion of tetrahydrofuran Tran LS, Verdicchio M, Monge F, Martin RC, Bounaceeur R, Sirjean B, Glaude PA, Alzueta MU, Battin-Leclerc F |
1919 - 1933 |
Principal component transport in turbulent combustion: A posteriori analysis Echekki T, Mirgolbabaei H |
1934 - 1943 |
Decoupled Species and Reaction Reduction: An error-controlled method for Dynamic Adaptive Chemistry simulations Oluwole OO, Ren ZY, Petre C, Goldin G |
1944 - 1956 |
Mechanisms of strong pressure wave generation in end-gas autoignition during knocking combustion Terashima H, Koshi M |
1957 - 1963 |
Experimental validation of Lewis number and convection effects on the smoldering combustion of a thin solid in a narrow space Uchida Y, Kuwana K, Kushida G |
1964 - 1975 |
The effect of methyl pentanoate addition on the structure of premixed fuel-rich n-heptane/toluene flame at atmospheric pressure Dmitriev AM, Knyazkov DA, Bolshova TA, Shmakov AG, Korobeinichev OP |
1976 - 1986 |
Doubly Conditional Source-term Estimation (DCSE) applied to a series of lifted turbulent jet flames in cold air Dovizio D, Labahn JW, Devaud CB |
1987 - 1995 |
Effects of a JP-8 surrogate and its components on soot in laminar, N-2-diluted ethylene co-flow diffusion flames from 1 to 5 atm Mouis AG, Litzinger TA, Wang YF, Iyer V, Iyer S, Linevsky M, Santoro RJ, Katta V |
1996 - 2005 |
Global stability analysis of gasless flames propagating in a cylindrical sample of energetic material: Influence of radiative heat-losses Kurdyumov VN, Jimenez C, Gubernov VV, Kolobov AV |
2006 - 2019 |
Modelling n-dodecane spray and combustion with the transported probability density function method Pei YJ, Hawkes ER, Kook S, Goldin GM, Lu TF |
2020 - 2033 |
Broken reaction zone and differential diffusion effects in high Karlovitz n-C7H16 premixed turbulent flames Savard B, Blanquart G |
2034 - 2044 |
Site-specific reaction rate constant measurements for various secondary and tertiary H-abstraction by OH radicals Badra J, Farooq A |
2045 - 2058 |
Comprehensive kinetic modeling and experimental study of a fuel-rich, premixed n-heptane flame Seidel L, Moshammer K, Wang XX, Zeuch T, Kohse-Hoinghaus K, Mauss F |
2059 - 2076 |
Uncertainty of the rate parameters of several important elementary reactions of the H-2 and syngas combustion systems Nagy T, Valko E, Sedyo I, Zsely IG, Pilling MJ, Turanyi T |
2077 - 2086 |
Diffusive-thermal instabilities in premixed flames: Stepwise ignition-temperature kinetics Brailovsky I, Gordon PV, Kagan L, Sivashinsky G |
2087 - 2097 |
Estimation of 3D flame surface density and global fuel consumption rate from 2D PLIF images of turbulent premixed flame Zhang M, Wang JH, Jin W, Huang ZH, Kobayashi H, Ma L |
2098 - 2107 |
Influence of the external wind on flame shapes of n-heptane pool fires in long passage connected to a shaft Ji J, Yuan XY, Li KY, Sun JH |
2108 - 2118 |
A study on the influence of burning rate on engine knock from empirical data and simulation Chen Y, Raine R |
2119 - 2127 |
CS2 and COS conversion under different combustion conditions Abian M, Cebrian M, Millera A, Bilbao R, Alzueta MU |
2128 - 2139 |
Effects of finite-rate droplet evaporation on the ignition and propagation of premixed spherical spray flame Han W, Chen Z |
2140 - 2147 |
Cool-flame, extinction during n-alkane droplet combustion in microgravity Nayagam V, Dietrich DL, Hicks MC, Williams FA |
2148 - 2165 |
A combined computational and experimental characterization of lean premixed turbulent low swirl laboratory flames II. Hydrogen flames Day M, Tachibana S, Bell J, Lijewski M, Beckner V, Cheng RK |
2166 - 2176 |
A comprehensive experimental and modeling study of 2-methylbutanol combustion Park S, Mannaa O, Khaled F, Bougacha R, Mansour MS, Farooq A, Chung SH, Sarathy SM |
2177 - 2190 |
Experimental and kinetic modeling study of exo-TCD pyrolysis under low pressure Li H, Liu GZ, Jiang RP, Wang L, Zhang XW |
2191 - 2199 |
Modeling of Rayleigh scattering imaging of detonation waves: Quantum computation of Rayleigh cross-sections and real diagnostic effects Bechon G, Mevel R, Davidenko D, Shepherd JE |
2200 - 2213 |
Simultaneous measurement of internal and external properties of nanoparticles in flame based on thermophoresis Xu ZW, Zhao HB |
2214 - 2230 |
A methodology for estimation of local heat fluxes in steady laminar boundary layer diffusion flames Singh AV, Gollner MJ |
2231 - 2247 |
Numerical and experimental study of the influence of CO2 and N-2 dilution on soot formation in laminar coflow C2H4/air diffusion flames at pressures between 5 and 20 atm Liu FS, Karatas AE, Gulder OL, Gu MY |
2248 - 2255 |
Quantitative acetylene measurements in laminar and turbulent flames using 1D Raman/Rayleigh scattering Fuest F, Barlow RS, Magnotti G, Dreizler A, Ekoto IW, Sutton JA |
2256 - 2271 |
Rate-Controlled Constrained Equilibrium (RCCE) simulations of turbulent partially premixed flames (Sandia D/E/F) and comparison with detailed chemistry Elbahloul S, Rigopoulos S |
2272 - 2285 |
Autoignition of gasoline surrogates at low temperature combustion conditions Kukkadapu G, Kumar K, Sung CJ, Mehl M, Pitz WJ |
2286 - 2295 |
The effect of impurities on syngas combustion Mansfield AB, Wooldridge MS |
2296 - 2306 |
Shock tube and modeling study of 2,7-dimethyloctane pyrolysis and oxidation Li SJ, Sarathy SM, Davidson DF, Hanson RK, Westbrook CK |
2307 - 2310 |
Influence of water vapor on hydrocarbon combustion in the presence of hydrofluorocarbon agents Babushok VI, Linteris GT, Baker PT |