1 - 11 |
Comprehensive comparison on the ecological performance and environmental sustainability of three energy storage systems employed for a wind farm by using an emergy analysis Yazdani S, Deymi-Dashtebayaz M, Salimipour E |
12 - 22 |
A steady-state equilibrium-based carbon dioxide gasification simulation model for hydrothermally carbonized cow manure Saha P, Uddin MH, Reza MT |
23 - 38 |
Microwave-induced carbonization of rapeseed shell for bio-oil and bio-char: Multi-variable optimization and microwave absorber effect Fan YS, Jin LZ, Ji W, Wang JW, Zhu L, Zhao WD |
39 - 54 |
Computational comparison of a novel decentralized photovoltaic district heating system against three optimized solar district systems Rehman HU, Hirvonen J, Kosonen R, Siren K |
55 - 70 |
Energy and exergy analysis of proposed compression-absorption refrigeration assisted by a heat-driven turbine at low evaporating temperature Chen W, Li ZL, Sun Q, Zhang B |
71 - 79 |
Fluid dynamics analysis for different photovoltaic panel locations in solar chimney Haghighat S, Kasaeian A, Pourfayaz F, Shandost BM |
80 - 92 |
Thermodynamic and techno-economic analysis of coal to ethylene glycol process (CtEG) with different coal gasifiers Yang QC, Zhu S, Yu PJ, Yang Q, Zhang DW |
93 - 101 |
Nonthermal plasma-catalytic conversion of biogas to liquid chemicals with low coke formation Wang AG, Harrhy JH, Meng SJ, He P, Liu LJ, Song H |
102 - 118 |
Optimal design and implementation of solar PV-wind-biogas-VRFB storage integrated smart hybrid microgrid for ensuring zero loss of power supply probability Sarkar T, Bhattacharjee A, Samanta H, Bhattacharya K, Saha H |
119 - 131 |
Performance analysis of a novel SOFC-HCCI engine hybrid system coupled with metal hydride reactor for H-2 addition by waste heat recovery Wu Z, Tan P, Zhu PF, Cai WZ, Chen B, Yang FS, Zhang ZX, Porpatham E, Ni M |
132 - 140 |
High-performance and durable cathode catalyst layer with hydrophobic C@PTFE particles for low-Pt loading membrane assembly electrode of PEMFC Wang M, Chen M, Yang ZY, Liu GC, Lee JK, Yang W, Wang XD |
141 - 158 |
The OEN mixture model for the joint distribution of wind speed and direction: A globally applicable model with physical justification Cook NJ |
159 - 173 |
Multivariable feedback control of small-capacity ammonia-water absorption systems Goyal A, Garimella S |
174 - 192 |
Performance optimization of cascaded and non-cascaded thermoelectric devices for cooling computer chips Saber HH, AlShehri SA, Maref W |
193 - 207 |
Mathematical modelling of swirl oxy-fuel burner flame characteristics Jovanovic R, Swiatkowski B, Kakietek S, Skobalj P, Lazovic I, Cvetinovic D |
208 - 236 |
Techno-economic assessment of the horizontal geothermal heat pump systems: A comprehensive review Cui YL, Zhu J, Twaha S, Chu JZ, Bai HY, Huang K, Chen XJ, Zoras S, Soleimani Z |
237 - 246 |
Dispatchability of solar photovoltaics from thermochemical energy storage Fernandez R, Ortiz C, Chacartegui R, Valverde JM, Becerra JA |
247 - 260 |
Comprehensive comparative evaluation of different possible optimization scenarios for a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell Sohani A, Naderi S, Torabi F |