1999 - 2012 |
A Maximum Entropy Solution of the Covariance Extension Problem for Reciprocal Processes Carli FP, Ferrante A, Pavon M, Picci G |
2013 - 2025 |
Remote State Estimation With Communication Costs for First-Order LTI Systems Lipsa GM, Martins NC |
2026 - 2037 |
Minimum Energy Guidance for Aerodynamically Controlled Missiles Morgan RW, Tharp H, Vincent TL |
2038 - 2049 |
The Value of Side Information in Shortest Path Optimization Rinehart M, Dahleh MA |
2050 - 2061 |
Verification of Hybrid Automata Diagnosability by Abstraction Di Benedetto MD, Di Gennaro S, D'Innocenzo A |
2062 - 2072 |
Computation of Convergence Bounds for Volterra Series of Linear-Analytic Single-Input Systems Helie T, Laroche B |
2073 - 2086 |
Singular Value Analysis Of Nonlinear Symmetric Systems Ionescu TC, Fujimoto K, Scherpen JMA |
2087 - 2100 |
Quantized Consensus and Averaging on Gossip Digraphs Cai K, Ishii H |
2101 - 2115 |
Stability Analysis of Networked Control Systems Using a Switched Linear Systems Approach Donkers MCF, Heemels WPMH, van de Wouw N, Hetel L |
2116 - 2127 |
A Self-Tuning Robust Regulator for Infinite-Dimensional Systems Hamalainen T, Pohjolainen S |
2128 - 2139 |
Temporal Difference Methods for General Projected Equations Bertsekas DP |
2140 - 2145 |
Model Matching for Asynchronous Sequential Machines with Uncontrollable Inputs Yang JM, Kwak SW |
2145 - 2150 |
On the Effect of Stochastic Delay on Estimation Gupta V |
2151 - 2156 |
Adaptive Gaussian Sum Filter for Nonlinear Bayesian Estimation Terejanu G, Singla P, Singh T, Scott PD |
2156 - 2161 |
Optimal Smoothing for Finite State Hidden Reciprocal Processes White LB, Carravetta F |
2162 - 2166 |
Control of Equilibria for Nonlinear Stochastic Discrete-Time Systems Bashkirtseva I, Ryashko L |
2166 - 2172 |
Multi-stage Anti-Windup Compensation for Open-loop Stable Plants Sajjadi-Kia S, Jabbari F |
2172 - 2178 |
A New Model Transformation of Discrete-Time Systems With Time-Varying Delay and Its Application to Stability Analysis Li XW, Gao HJ |
2179 - 2184 |
Global Tracking via Output Feedback for Nonlinear MIMO Systems Kvaternik K, Lynch AF |
2184 - 2189 |
Backstepping Design for Incremental Stability Zamani M, Tabuada P |
2190 - 2195 |
Optimal Periodic Sensor Scheduling With Limited Resources Shi L, Cheng P, Chen JM |
2195 - 2200 |
On Solving Optimal Policies for Finite-Stage Event-Based Optimization Jia QS |
2201 - 2206 |
Stochastic Filtering for Diffusion Processes With Level Crossings Capponi A, Fatkullin I, Shi L |
2206 - 2212 |
On Nonsingularity Verification of Uncertain Matrices Over a Quadratically Constrained Set Zhou T |
2213 - 2218 |
Extended Lie Brackets for Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems Califano C, Marquez-Martinez LA, Moog CH |
2218 - 2223 |
The Bounded Real Lemma for Internally Positive Systems and H-Infinity Structured Static State Feedback Tanaka T, Langbort C |
2224 - 2230 |
Robust Partial-State Feedback Prescribed Performance Control of Cascade Systems With Unknown Nonlinearities Bechlioulis CP, Rovithakis GA |
2230 - 2235 |
Stabilization of Switched Nonlinear Systems With All Unstable Modes: Application to Multi-Agent Systems Yang H, Jiang B, Cocquempot V, Zhang HG |
2235 - 2240 |
Optimal State Estimation for Discrete-Time Markovian Jump Linear Systems, in the Presence of Delayed Output Observations Matei I, Baras JS |