Przemysl Chemiczny, Vol.85, No.8-9, 668-670, 2006
Studies on the rate of extraction of Cd(II) from chloride systems with hydrophobic nicotinamide derivatives
Extn. equil. and initial extn. rate were examd. in Cd(II) systems contg. 0.1-2.5 (by moles) HCl/NaCl with 1-50 mM of N.N-dihexylpyridine-3-carboxamide. The Cd(II) extn. rate into the org. phase (toluene) varied non-linearly with amide concn., Cl- concn., and HCl concn (0.1-2.5 M). The log(distribution coeff.) vs. log [HCl] rectilinear relationship showed the complex (LH+)(2)(CdCl42-) (L - amide) to have formed. The Cd(II) extd. rose in direct relation to extn. time (over 0-40 min, a period related to rpm).