Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.3, No.2, 213-223, June, 1992
국내 특정폐기물의 매립현황
Landfill of Hazardous Wastes in Korea
Although landfill has been heavily relied upon as a final hazardous waste disposal method in Korea, the legal and technical problems associated with the landfill severely hinder proper disposal of hazardous wastes. The single largest legal problem is simply that, in spite of the recent amendments, the law regulating the hazardous waste landfill is yet in its primitive stage that even the lawful landfill sites cannot be regarded safe. The technical problems include improper selection of landfill sites, poor design and construction of landfill facilities, and lack of QA/AC and post-closure cares. These technical problems stem from inexperience and lack of resources. For the reduction of the potential danger from the improper landfills of hazardous wastes, it is an immediate need to further refine the law and to resolve the technical problems.
- 환경백서, 환경처 (1990)
- 고윤화, "특정폐기물의 분류 및 관리체계," 특정폐기물의 안전 및 관리를 위한 교육심포지움, 숭실대학교, 1991년 10월 18-19일 (1991)
- 전국 산업폐기물 발생 및 처리 현황, 환경처 (1990)
- 전국 매립지 사용실태, 환경처 (1991)
- ㅇㅇ처리장 예정지 지질조사 보고서, 극동기초산업주식회사 (1985)
- 제목미상의 보고서, 제 6절 환경영향검토, 롯데기공
- Canter LW, "Ground Water Quality Protection," Lewis Publishers, Chelsea, MI (1988)
- 화성 유해산업폐기물 처분장 수리지질조사 보고서, 한서엔지니어링 주식회사 (1991)