Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.24, No.4, 175-179, April, 2014
DV-Xα 분자궤도법으로 설계한 생체용 Ti-Ag-Zr 합금 특성 평가
A Study on the Properties of Design for the Biomaterial Ti-Ag-Zr Alloys Using DV-Xα Molecular Orbital Method
Ti and Ti alloys have been extensively used in the medical and dental fields because of their good corrosion resistance, high strength to density ratio and especially, their low elastic modulus compared to other metallic materials. Recent trends in biomaterials research have focused on development of metallic alloys with elastic modulus similar to natural bone, however, many candidate materials also contain toxic elements that would be biologically harmful. In this study, new Ti based alloys which do not contain the toxic metallic components were developed using a theoretical method (DV-Xα). In addition, alloys were developed with improved mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. Ternary Ti-Ag-Zr alloys consisting of biocompatible alloying elements were produced to investigate the alloying effect on microstructure, corrosion resistance, mechanical properties and biocompatibility. The effects of various contents of Zr on the mechanical properties and biocompatibility were compared. The alloys exhibited higher strength and corrosion resistance than pure Ti, had antibacterial properties, and were not observed to be cytotoxic. Of the designed alloys’ mechanical properties and biocompatibility, the Ti-3Ag-0.5Zr alloy had the best results.
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