Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.18, No.9, 503-506, September, 2008
은 나노입자가 함침된 Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiphene) : poly (styrenesulfonate)필름의 전자 구조상태에 미치는 열처리효과 연구
Effect of Annealing Temperature with Silver Nanoparticles Incorporation on the Electronic Structure of Poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiphene) : poly (styrenesulfonate) Film
The effect of silver nanoparticles (NPs) incorporation on the electronic properties of poly (3, 4- ethylenedioxythiphene) : poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT : PSS) films was investigated. The surface of silver NPs was stabilized with trisodium citrate to control the size of silver NPs and prevent their aggregation. We obtained ca. 5 nm sized silver NPs and dispersed NPs in PEDOT : PSS solution. Sheet resistance, surface morphology, bonding state, and work function values of the PEDOT : PSS films were modified by silver NPs incorporation as well as annealing temperature. Sodium in silver NPs solution could lead to a decrease of work function of PEDOT : PSS; however, large content of silver NPs have an effect on the increase in work function, resulting from charge localization on the silver NPs and a decrease in the number of charge-trapping-related defects by chemical bond formation.
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