Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.17, No.6, 323-330, June, 2007
나노급 두께 니켈실리사이드의 적외선 흡수 특성
IR Absorption Property in Nano-thick Nickel Silicides
We fabricated thermaly evaporated 10 nmNi/(poly)Si films to investigate the energy saving property of silicides formed by rapid thermal annealing (RTA) at the temperature of for 40 seconds. Moreover, we fabricated nm-thick ITO/Si films with a rf-sputter as reference films. A four-point tester was used to investigate the sheet resistance. A transmission electron microscope (TEM) and an X-ray diffractometer were used for the determination of cross sectional microstructure and phase changes. A UV-VISNIR and FT-IR (Fourier transform infrared rays spectroscopy) were employed for near-IR and middle-IR absorbance. Through TEM analysis, we confirmed silicide layers formed on the single and polycrystalline silicon substrates. Nickel silicides and ITO films on the single silicon substrates showed almost similar absorbance in near-IR region, while nickel silicides on polycrystalline silicon substrate showed superior absorbance above 850 nm near-IR region to ITO films. Nickel silicide on polycrystalline substrate also showed better absorbance in middle IR region than ITO. Our result implies that nano-thick nickel silicides may have exellent absorbing capacity in near-IR and middle-IR region.
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