Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.4, 248-253, April, 2002
Al-Cu-Mu 주조합금의 피로성질에 미치는 Sn 첨가의 영향
Effect of Sn Addition on the Fatigue Properties of Al-Cu-Mn Cast Alloy
Effect of Sn addition on the fatigue properties of Al-Cu-Mn cast alloy was investigated by low and high cycle fatigue tests. Fatigue life showed the maximum value of 5450cycles in the Al-Cu-Mn alloy containing 0.10%Sn, but decreased rapidly beyond 0.20% of Sn additions. It was found that the fatigue strength was 132MPa and fatigue ratio was 0.31 in the alloy containing 0.10%Sn. Metallographic observation revealed that the fatigue crack initiated at the surface and propagated along the grain boundary. This propagation path was attributed to the presence of PFZ along the grain boundary. The tensile strength increased from 330MPa in 7he Sn-free Al-Cu-Mn cast alloy to 429MPa in the alloy containing 0.10%Sn. But above 0.20%Sn additions, tensile strength was decreased by the segregation of Sn.
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