Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.34, No.1, 214-224, January, 2017
Density, refractive index and kinematic viscosity of MIPK, MEK and phosphonium-based ionic liquids and the excess and deviation properties of their binary systems
The density, refractive index, and kinematic viscosity were measured for extraction solvents for molybdenum: methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), methyl isopropyl ketone (MIPK), trihexyl tetradecyl phosphonium chloride ([P666,14] [Cl]), trihexyl tetradecyl phosphonium dicyanamide ([P666,14][DCA]) and trihexyl tetradecyl phosphonium bis (2,2,4-trimethyl pentyl) phosphinate ([P666,14][TMPP]) at atmospheric pressure for a temperature range of 288.15-318.15 K. The experimental data were correlated using the Daubert and Danner equation, a linear equation and the Goletz and Tassion equation. In addition, the excess molar volumes (VE) and the deviations in molar refractivity (ΔR) at 298.15 K were reported for the following binary systems: {MEK+[P666,14][Cl]}, {MEK+[P666,14][DCA]}, {MEK+[P666,14][TMPP]}, {MIPK+[P666,14][Cl]}, {MIPK+[P666,14][DCA]} and {MIPK+[P666,14][TMPP]}. The determined VE and ΔR values were correlated with the Redlich-Kister equation. The binary density and refractive index data at 298.15 K were also predicted using several mixing rules, and these results were then compared with the experimental data.
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