Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.62, 72-83, June, 2018
From powder to extrudate zeolite-based bifunctional hydroisomerization catalysts: on preserving zeolite integrity and optimizing Pt location
The development of zeolite-based hydroisomerization catalysts in the powder form is widely spread in scientific literature but shaped bodies are the ones being employed in industry. This work aims at bridging that gap. The shaping procedure for HUSY zeolite in presence of an alumina binder disclosed herein achieved a full conservation of zeolite properties, e.g. porosity and Brønsted acidity. When Pt was located inside the zeolite and an homogeneous Pt distribution along the extrudate was ensured, shaped Pt-containing catalysts had similar hydroisomerization performances to those of powder Pt/zeolite in terms of turnover frequency per Brønsted acid site and maximal feed isomers yield. Conversely, nonuniform distribution of Pt along the extrudates diameter (millimetric scale) was observed to reduce the feed isomers yield. This was tentatively explained by the lower local metal to acid sites ratio in the core of the extrudates. Optimal performance of shaped bifunctional catalysts requires, hence, an adequate metal to acid sites ratio throughout the whole catalyst (i.e. at millimetric and nanometric scale), even if full intimacy between catalytic functions is ensured at the nanoscale by the selective deposition of Pt inside the zeolite.
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