Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.27, 12-24, July, 2015
A review of recent advances in catalytic hydrocracking of heavy residues
Non-conventional feeds such as vacuum residue (VR) and heavy oils have shown an alternate source for the production of high value transportation fuels, as it is abundantly available. These feeds are of low quality due to presence of impurities like CCR, asphaltenes, sulfur, nitrogen and heavy metals. Several process technologies have been developed to upgrade these feeds through fixed-bed, moving-bed, ebullated-bed, slurry-phase reactor or a combination. Hydrocracking in slurry-phase type reactor is a prominent technology to convert low value feeds into high value transportation fuels and petrochemical products. Varieties of homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts comparison are reviewed for hydrocracking of VR and heavy oils. Recent studies on hydrocracking reaction mechanisms are represented in this report. Choice of process technology is implemented by considering the feed properties, product demand and economic benefit as well as environmental concerns. This review addresses the most recent hydrocracking technologies, catalyst development and important issues related to conversion of non-conventional feeds.
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