Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.63, 230-236, July, 2018
Accelerated osteointegration of the titanium-implant coated with biocomponents, collagen/hydroxyapatite/bone morphogenetic protein-2, for bone-anchored hearing aid
A non-skin-penetrating bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA-attract) with a single-point
fixation system was recently developed for single-side deafness or sensorineural hearing loss. Here, we coated hydroxyapatitite (HA)/bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2)/collagen on the implant screw. To evaluate the osteogenesis induced by the modified titanium implant, we conducted in vitro and in vivo tests. The implant showed increased cell-proliferation of 2.3-fold greater than the control, and ALP activity/calcium mineralization results indicated enhanced osteogenic differentiation. According to oxytetracycline and alizarin expression results, the best enhanced peri-implant bone formation (87 ± 5.2%) was observed in the implant compared to the other groups.
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