Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.20, No.3, 554-559, May, 2003
Ultra-Fine Grinding Mechanism of Inorganic Powders in a Stirred Ball Mill - The Effect of Grinding Aids -
An experimental investigation on grinding mechanism for calcite used in a stirred ball mill was carried out. The slurry concentration and the amount of grinding aids were chosen as main experimental factors of the grinding process. The effect of grinding aids on particle size distribution and grinding efficiency, defined as the increases of specific surface area per the specific grinding energy, was investigated. It was demonstrated that the grinding rate for calcite could be improved by addition of grinding aids. The grinding energy efficiency by adding a specific grinding aids was improved approximately 45.2% in comparison with and without grinding aids (n=700 rpm, J=0.7, dB=1.0 mm, Cs=60 wt%).
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