Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.12, No.2, 248-254, March, 2006
Melting Characteristics of Metal Wastes in an Electric Arc Furnace
The distribution of radioactive nuclides, such as cobalt, cesium, and strontium, has been investigated in a lab-scale d. c. arc furnace. The slag former for the melting of the stainless steel and carbon steel was based on the constiuents of silica (SiO2), calcium oxide (CaO), aluminum oxide (Al2O3), borate (B2O3), and calcium fluidity and the oxidative potential, respectively. In the melting of the stainless steel, the legree of slag formation increased upon increasing of the concentration of the slag former. The effects of the slag basicity on the amount of slag formation showed, however, a local maximum value of the slag formation with an increase of the basicity index in the melting of the stainless stel as well as in the melting of the carbon steel. With an increase in the amount of slag former addition, the trends of the cobalt disribution into the ingot and the slag depended on the kind of slag former used in the melting of the stainless steel, while the effect of the slag basicity on the distribution of the cobalt was not clarified in the melting of carbon steel. In the melting of the stainless steel, only 20% of the strontium remained in the slag phase, and it was barely present in the ingot. In the melting of the carbon steel, however, strontium was captured at up to 50% into the slag phase. Cesium was completely eliminated from the melt of the stainless steel, as well as the carbon steel, and was distributed to the dust phase.
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