Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.24, No.4, 655-659, July, 2007
Inhibition of melanogenesis and melanin transportation by Gynostemma pentaphyllum
The extract of Gynostemma pentaphyllum was tested to control the melanogenesis in B16 melanoma. Cytotoxic effect by the extract was observed when the dose concentration was higher than 2 mg/L. Most of the inhibitory effect was obtained by the reduced accumulation of extra-cellular melanin. When the extract was dosed as 2 mg/L, the extra-cellular melanin produced was only 24% of the control. Proteome analysis with 2-D PAGE showed that various proteins involved in melanogenesis were down-regulated by Gynostemma pentaphyllum. In addition to other proteins related to the intra-cellular melanogenesis, Rab-27b and Rab-38 could explain the remarkable decrease in extra-cellular melanin accumulation by reduced melanin transfer to keratinocyte.
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