초록 |
Recently the mass spectrometric analysis of biological materials has becomeconvenient in the fields where earlier methods were either labor intensive or inadequate.The soft ionization techniques by fast atom bombardment, electrospray and laserdesorption are extensively used for the confirmaton of molecular structure. Aconsiderable increase in the use of such mass spectrometry (MS) provides the fastdetermination of molecular weights and purity of newly-found compounds. In addition,the structural information by the use of tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) canbe invaluable in search of medicinal candidates. The application of fast atombombardment combined with tandem mass spectrometry is discussed for the structuralelucidation of unknown compounds from biological origin. The power of massspectrometric techniques by the coupling of liquid chromatography is also bediscussed for the determination of antibiotics and their trace degraded products. Theuse of LC/MS with tandem mass spectrometry was applied. These mass spectraltechniques have been proved to be robust and routine for quantities available in thelow-picomole range. |