
문일 공저 논문

No. Article
1 Measurement and correlation of excess molar volumes for mixtures of 1-propanol and aromatic hydrocarbons
Gahlyan S, Rani M, Lee I, Moon I, Maken SK
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32(1), 168, 2015
2 Modeling of thermodynamic properties of an oxygenate + aromatic hydrocarbon: Excess molar enthalpy
Gahlyan S, Rani M, Maken S, Kwonc H, Tak K, Moon I
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 23, 299, 2015
3 HMX의 양에 따른 최대압력 및 폭풍파속도 분석
권휘웅, 탁경재, 김정환, 오민, 채주승, 김현수, 문일
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 52(6), 706, 2014
4 Design and analysis of multi-stage expander processes for liquefying natural gas
Lim W, Lee I, Lee K, Lyu B, Kim J, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(9), 1522, 2014
5 Web-based multi-dimensional education system for the simulated moving bed process
Kwon H, Tak K, Lee I, Lee J, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(10), 1736, 2014
6 상세 모델링을 통한 RDX 연소 동특성 분석
김신혁, 염기환, 문일, 채주승, 김현수, 오민
Clean Technology, 20(4), 398, 2014
7 Integration of qualitative and quantitative risk assessment methods for gas refinery plants
Yoon H, Park J, Lim W, Lee K, Choi N, Lee C, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(7), 1368, 2013
8 Development of COI classification algorithm for chemical terrorism
Park J, Lee Y, Yoon Y, Kim J, Cho JH, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(3), 559, 2013
9 가스보일러 일산화탄소 누출사고 경감에 관한 연구
송재창, 권휘웅, 이영희, 문일
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 50(2), 277, 2012
10 Development of a web-based emergency preparedness plan system in Korea
Park J, Lee Y, Yoon Y, Kim S, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(11), 2110, 2011
11 Automatic verification of operating schedules for batch processes using symbolic model checking: Latch model vs. real-time
Kim J, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(6), 1654, 2010
12 Development of a risk assessment program for chemical terrorism
Lee Y, Kim J, Kim J, Kim J, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(2), 399, 2010
13 Development of a new automatic system for fault tree analysis for chemical process industries
Kim J, Kim J, Lee Y, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(6), 1429, 2009
14 메틸 아세테이트 생산을 위한 반응증류 공정의 동적 최적화
김지용, 김정환, 문일
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(4), 739, 2008
15 직접 메탄올 연료전지 유로 설계를 위한 3차원 모델 개발
김홍성, Danilov VA, 임종구, 문일
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(1), 93, 2007
16 Synthesis and applications of unsaturated polyester resins based on PET waste
Kim J, Jeong D, Son C, Lee Y, Kim E, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(6), 1076, 2007
17 Integrated water resource management through water reuse network design for clean production technology: State of the art
Yoo C, Lee TY, Kim J, Moon I, Jung JH, Han C, Oh JM, Lee IB
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(4), 567, 2007
18 발효에 의한 에탄올 생산공정의 전 과정 평가
정연수, 황일훈, 김인원, 문일, 여영구
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 44(3), 319, 2006
19 Gas management in flow field design using 3D direct methanol fuel cell model under high stoichiometric feed
Danilov V, Lim J, Moon I, Choi KH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(5), 753, 2006
20 열통합 증류 공정의 상세 동적 모델링 및 모사
박병학, 이희승, 문일
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 41(1), 41, 2003
21 Optimal Operation of Utility Systems in Petrochemical Plants
Yeo YK, Roh HD, Kim IW, Moon I, Chung Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(2), 200, 2003
22 Analysis of Catalytic Reaction Systems under Microwaves to Save Energy
Yeo YK, Kim HY, Kim IW, Moon I, Chung Y, Levdansky VV
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(1), 1, 2003
23 폭 변화를 고려한 제지 공정의 최적 생산 계획 수립
김동훈, 정연수, 여영구, 문일
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 40(5), 535, 2002
24 Parameterization을 이용한 제지 공정의 최적 생산 계획 수립
김동훈, 나성훈, 여영구, 문일
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 40(5), 544, 2002
25 광화학반응에의 POF 활용
정희록, 주현규, 박상은, 전명석, 오정무, 문일
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(5), 656, 2001
26 TiO2가 코팅된 광섬유 광화학반응기를 이용한 C2Cl4의 기상중 광촉매분해
정희록, 김종순, 주현규, 오정무, 이태규, 문일, 윤우석
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 352, 2001
27 Superstructure of yOTS - The Network-Based Chemical Process Operator Training System for Multiple Trainees
Park S, Lee S, Moon I
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(6), 788, 2001
28 사고 예방을 위한 아차사고 관리프로그램 개발
윤형준, 이한용, 권혁면, 강순중, 문일
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(2), 166, 2000
29 Development of a Batch Manager for Dynamic Scheduling and Process Management in Multiproduct Batch Processes
Ko D, Na S, Moon I, Lee IB
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(1), 27, 2000