Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, Vol.15, No.1, 81-85, February, 2004
산소 PSA용 Binderless Li-LSX 흡착제의 제조
Preparation of Binderless Li-LSX Adsorbent for Oxygen PSA
산소 PSA용 흡착제로서 효과적인 binderless 저 실리카 X제올라이트(LSX) 제조방법을 검토하였다. LSX 결정분말에 무기바인더로 colloidal silica를 약 35 wt% 첨가하여 충분한 내마모성을 가지는 beads형 성형체를 제조할 수 있었다. 성형체를 sodium aluminate 용액 중에서 가열 처리하여 binder로 첨가된 SiO2성분의 대부분을 제올라이트로 변화시킬 수 있었다. 일부 A형 제올라이트가 생성되었지만 산소 PSA성능에 미치는 영향은 크지 않았다. Colloidal silica의 첨가량을 늘리면 흡착제의 밀도와 내마모성은 높아지지만 산소 발생효율도 낮아지는 결과를 나타냈다.
The manufacture process of binderless low silica X zeolite (LSX) effective as adsorbent for oxygen PSA was investigated. LSX beads with sufficient wear resistance was able to be made by adding 35 wt% colloidal silica as inorganic binder to LSX crystalline powder. SiO2 in the LSX beads sufficiently changed to zeolite by heating in sodium aluminate solution. A small amount of A type zeolite was mixed in the binderless LSX beads. However, the influence of A type zeolite on oxygen PSA performance was not so high. Although the density and wear resistance decreased with increase in the amount of colloidal silica, oxygen generating efficiency also became low.
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