문희 공저 논문
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Iron oxide grown by low-temperature atomic layer deposition Selvaraj S, Moon H, Yun JY, Kim DH Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 33(12), 3516, 2016 |
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고분자 필름이 코팅된 QCM 시스템에 의한 방향족 화합물의 흡착 황민진, 심왕근, 문희 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(2), 233, 2013 |
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QCM기반 NO2와 SO2 감지용 센서시스템 황민진, 심왕근, 문희 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(2), 285, 2013 |
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PLS 및 복합 나노구체를 이용한 HEPA 필터 시험 황민진, 성동찬, 문희 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 24(4), 357, 2013 |
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인공 먼지로서 단분산 Polystyrene Latex Spheres (PLS)의 제조 김옥희, 류동완, 성동찬, 문희 Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 23(1), 59, 2012 |
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Performance of electrochemical double layer capacitors using highly porous activated carbons prepared from beer lees Lee SG, Park KH, Shim WG, balathanigaimani MS, Moon H Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(3), 450, 2011 |
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자동차용 천연가스 저장을 위한 탄소매질 문희 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(1), 1, 2007 |
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Adsorption and desorption of phenylalanine and tryptophane on a nonionic polymeric sorbent Lee JW, Nguyen TPB, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(5), 812, 2006 |
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Preparation of powdered activated carbon from rice husk and its methane adsorption properties Balathanigaimani MS, Kang HC, Shim WG, Kim C, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(4), 663, 2006 |
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Powdered Activated Carbon Coated Hollow Fiber Membrane: Preliminary Studies on its Ability to Limit Membrane Fouling and to Remove Organic Materials Thiruvenkatachari R, Shim WG, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(2), 250, 2005 |
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Effect of Powdered Activated Carbon Type on the Performance of an Adsorption-Microfiltration Submerged Hollow Fiber Membrane Hybrid System Thiruvenkatachari R, Shim WG, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(5), 1044, 2004 |
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Adsorption Dynamics for the Capillary Condensation of Trichloroethylene Vapor on Mesoporous Material Shim WG, Lee JW, Rhee HK, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(2), 469, 2004 |
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Molecular Dynamics Studies of Two Hard-Disk Particles in a Rectangular Box I. Thermodynamic Properties and Position Autocorrelation Functions Suh SH, Lee JW, Moon H, MacElroy JMD Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(2), 504, 2004 |
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Mathematical Modeling of Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) Biofiltration System Shim WG, Chaudhary DS, Vigneswaran S, Ngo HH, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(1), 212, 2004 |
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Application of Mesoporous MCM-48 and SBA-15 Materials for the Separation of Biochemicals Dissolved in Aqueous Solution Lee JW, Cho DL, Shim WG, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(1), 246, 2004 |
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Biofilter in Water and Wastewater Treatment Chaudhary DS, Vigneswaran S, Ngo HH, Shim WG, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(6), 1054, 2003 |
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Adsorption and Desorption Dynamics of Amino Acids in a Nonionic Polymeric Sorbent XAD-16 Column Yang WC, Shim WG, Lee JW, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(5), 922, 2003 |
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Adsorption Characteristics of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and 2,4-Dinitrophenol in a Fixed Bed Adsorber Cho SY, Kim SJ, Kim TY, Moon H, Kim SJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(2), 365, 2003 |
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키토산과 활성탄이 혼합된 CAC 비드를 이용한 유기물과 무기물의 흡착 김미희, 허준섭, 김태영, 문희, 양재호 HWAHAK KONGHAK, 40(1), 43, 2002 |
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Adsorption Equilibrium Characteristics of 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid and 2,4-Dinitrophenol on Granular Activated Carbons Kim SJ, Shim WG, Kim TY, Moon H, Kim SJ, Cho SY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(6), 967, 2002 |
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Characterization Procedure for Adsorption of DOC (Dissolved Organic Carbon) from Synthetic Wastewater Kim SH, Ngo HH, Chaudhary D, Kim JC, Vigneswaran S, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(5), 888, 2002 |
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Application of Characterization Procedure in Water and Wastewater Treatment by Adsorption Kim SH, Kim TW, Cho DL, Lee DH, Kim JC, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(5), 895, 2002 |
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Adsorption Equilibrium of Solvent Vapors on Activated Carbons Kim DJ, Shim WG, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(4), 518, 2001 |
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Adsorption and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Metsulfuron-Methyl on Activated Carbon Kim SH, Bidkar A, Ngo HH, Vigneswaran S, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(2), 163, 2001 |
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Adsorption Equilibrium of Heavy Metals on Natural Zeolites Lee DH, Moon H Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(2), 247, 2001 |