연구자 : 원양수 (영남대학교)
No. Article
1 Comparison for thermal decomposition and product distribution of chloroform under each argon and hydrogen reaction atmosphere
Won YS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(12), 1745, 2012
2 수소 반응분위기에서 Chloroethylene 열분해 반응경로 특성
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 49(5), 510, 2011
3 열분해 반응조건에 따른 염화탄화수소 생성물 분포 특성
김용제, 원양수
Clean Technology, 16(3), 198, 2010
4 Thermal decomposition of trichloroethylene under a reducing atmosphere of hydrogen
Won YS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(1), 36, 2009
5 Microwave effect in removal process of NO by electron beam irradiation and quantitative prediction of the removed NO
Lee DH, Kim SD, Kim BN, Won YS, Han DH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(6), 1601, 2009
6 Thermal decomposition of tetrachloroethylene with excess hydrogen
Won YS
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(4), 510, 2009
7 생물살수여과법을 이용한 공기중 VOC 및 H2S 제거
김경옥, 김용제, 원양수
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(5), 519, 2008
8 Thermal Stability and Reaction Mechanism of Chloromethanes in Excess Hydrogen Atmosphere
Won YS
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 13(3), 400, 2007
9 생물학적 처리기술을 이용한 대기오염 제어
Clean Technology, 13(1), 1, 2007
10 과잉수소 반응분위기에서 Dichloromethane 열분해 반응경로에 관한 연구
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(6), 638, 2006
11 대기오염물질 제어를 위한 생물살수여과법의 운전인자와 성능평가
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 16(4), 474, 2005
12 An environmentally friendly method for controlling biomass in biotrickling filters for air pollution control
Won YS, Lee TJ, Wu YPG, Deshusses MA
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(1), 60, 2004
13 초임계수산화에서 유기화합물들의 분해특성 비교
신석호, 원양수
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(8), 860, 2004
14 Reaction Kinetics Modeling of Combustion or Pyrolysis on Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
Wu YP, Won YS
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(6), 775, 2003
15 초임계수 산화에서 Ethylene Glycol의 분해반응 특성
김봉진, 원양수, 이주헌
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(2), 182, 2003
16 초임계수산화와 습식산화에서 Ethylene glycol 계열화합물 분해특성 비교
신석호, 원양수
Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(6), 744, 2003