연구자 : 이관영 (고려대학교)
No. | Article |
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Effect of hydroxyapatite-doping in Na-W-Mn/SiO2 catalysts on oxidative coupling of methane Lee BJ, Lee JH, Han GH, Hur YG, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38(9), 1818, 2021 |
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Life cycle assessment of LPG and diesel vehicles in Korea Kim MJ, Lee EJ, Kim CJ, Hong UG, Park DS, Shin HB, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 38(5), 938, 2021 |
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염산 침출용액을 이용한 Pd/Al2O3 촉매에서 고순도 팔라듐 회수 김예은, 변미연, 백재호, 이관영, 이만식 Clean Technology, 26(4), 270, 2020 |
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A comparative unit production cost prediction on isomerization by AlCl3 in comparison with HY(30) zeolite for the synthesis of tetrahydro tricyclopentadiene through a two-step process Ryu CH, Cho YH, Jeong BH, Seo DU, Seong MJ, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 37(12), 2161, 2020 |
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Optimization fluidization characteristics conditions of nickel oxide for hydrogen reduction by fluidized bed reactor Lee JR, Hasolli N, Jeon SM, Lee KS, Kim KD, Kim YH, Lee KY, Park YO Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(11), 2321, 2018 |
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Fe-doped LaCoO3 perovskite catalyst for NO oxidation in the post-treatment of marine diesel engine’s exhaust emissions An SR, Song KH, Lee KY, Park KT, Jeong SK, Kim HJ Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(9), 1807, 2018 |
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Electroless Pd deposition on a planar porous stainless steel substrate using newly developed plating rig and agitating water bath Seo BS, Han JY, Lee KY, Kim DW, Ryi SK Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 34(1), 266, 2017 |
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암모니아를 환원제로 이용한 NOx 저감 촉매 기술 박순희, 이관영, 조성준 Clean Technology, 22(4), 211, 2016 |
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Co-Mn-Ru/Al2O3 catalyst for the production of high-calorific synthetic natural gas Lee YH, Kim H, Choi HS, Lee DW, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32(11), 2220, 2015 |
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결정질 실리콘 태양광시스템의 물 발자국 산정에 대한 연구 나원철, 김영환, 김경남, 이관영 Clean Technology, 20(4), 449, 2014 |
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나노 크기의 타이타니아 담체를 활용한 Pd-Cu 촉매의 수중 질산성 질소 저감 반응에의 적용 김민성, 이지연, 이관영 Clean Technology, 20(1), 28, 2014 |
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지열에너지와 진공 막 증류법을 활용한 해수담수화 연계형 공정의 경제성 분석 박기호, 김진현, 김혁수, 이관영, 양대륙, 김경남 Clean Technology, 20(1), 13, 2014 |
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Commercially attractive process for production of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural from high fructose corn syrup Jeong J, Antonyraj CA, Shin S, Kim S, Kim B, Lee KY, Cho JK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(4), 1106, 2013 |
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중형 기공성 실리카 담체에 담지된 Pd-Cu 촉매를 활용한 수중 질산성 질소 저감 반응 김민성, 정상호, 이명석, 이대원, 이관영 Clean Technology, 19(1), 65, 2013 |
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Oil Palm Frond의 반탄화를 통한 연료화 연구 이명석, 정광식, 정상진, 이관영 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(4), 465, 2013 |
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금속담지 ZSM-5 촉매를 사용한 에탄올로부터 방향족 화합물 제조에 관한 제올라이트의 금속성분 및 실리카/알루미나 비의 영향 김한규, 양윤철, 정광은, 김태완, 정순용, 김철웅, 정성화, 이관영 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 51(4), 418, 2013 |
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Selective oxidation of HMF to DFF using Ru/γ-alumina catalyst in moderate boiling solvents toward industrial production Antonyraj CA, Jeong J, Kim B, Shin S, Kim S, Lee KY, Cho JK Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(3), 1056, 2013 |
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산성 Fe-ZSM5 담체에 담지된 귀금속 촉매를 활용한 암모니아의 선택적 산화반응 김민성, 이대원, 이관영 Clean Technology, 18(1), 89, 2012 |
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Toluene diisocyanate(TDI) 합성을 위한 Pd/SiO2 촉매상 직접 카보닐화반응에서의 피리딘 첨가효과 서명기, 김성민, 이대원, 이관영 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 50(3), 417, 2012 |
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AMnAl11O19(A=La, Sr, Ba) 및 CeO2/LaMnAl11O19를 이용한 메탄의 촉매 연소 김성민, 이준엽, 조인호, 이대원, 이관영 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 49(5), 633, 2011 |
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Reduction of lean NO2 with diesel soot over metal-exchanged ZSM5, perovskite and γ-alumina catalysts Lee DW, Song SJ, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(2), 452, 2010 |
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Fischer-Tropsch 합성반응용 Fe계 촉매의 성능 및 물리화학적 특성에 미치는 SiO2 첨가효과 현순택, 천동현, 김학주, 양정훈, 양정일, 이호태, 이관영, 정헌 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 48(3), 304, 2010 |
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Effect of cobalt catalyst type and reaction medium on Fischer-Tropsch synthesis Kim CU, Kim YS, Chae HJ, Jeong KE, Jeong SY, Jun KW, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(3), 777, 2010 |
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Dehydration of methanol over Nordstrandite based catalysts for dimethyl ether synthesis Seo CW, Jung KD, Lee KY, Yoo KS Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(5), 649, 2009 |
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Mechanochemical Process로 제조된 LiCoO2의 전기화학적 특성 조병원, 이중기, 이재룡, 김수진, 이관영, 나병기 Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(1), 69, 2008 |
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Behavior of hydrogen evolution of aqueous sodium borohydride solutions Moon GY, Lee SS, Lee KY, Kim SH, Song KH Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(1), 94, 2008 |
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반도체 생산공정의 대기질 개선을 위한 복합 대기오염물의 습식화학 제거공정 전창성, 김학주, 박영무, 이대원, 함동석, 전상문, 이관영 Clean Technology, 13(2), 109, 2007 |
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팔라듐 합금 복합막 제조를 위한 Intermediate Layer 연구 황용묵, 김광제, 소원욱, 문상진, 이관영 Journal of the Korean Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 17(5), 458, 2006 |
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Synthesis and Characteristics of ZSM-5 Zeolite Prepared from Water Glass Woo HH, Hong JS, Suh JK, Lee KY, Lee JM Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(4), 645, 2004 |
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Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) of Lean NOx Using Propylene by Plasma Enhanced Catalysis over Nano-Sized Gold Catalyst Supported on Alumina Lee DW, Ryu JH, Jeong DH, Lee HS, Chun KM, Lee KY Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(1), 102, 2003 |
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Preparation of tungsten metal film by spin coating method Kim HJ, Lee JH, Sohn IH, Hwang TJ, Lee KY Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 14(2), 71, 2002 |
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Development of PROX (Preferential Oxidation of CO) System for 1 kWe PEMFC Lee SH, Han J, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(3), 431, 2002 |
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Effect of Water on Liquid Phase DME Synthesis from Syngas over Hybrid Catalysts Composed of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 and γ-Al2O3 Kim HJ, Jung H, Lee KY Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 18(6), 838, 2001 |