6531 - 6539 |
Correlations Between Image-Analyzed Morphology and Mechanical-Properties of Calcium Carbonate-Filled Polypropylene Herzig R, Baker WE |
6540 - 6544 |
Development of Cadmium-Free Silver Metal-Oxide Contact Materials Dev SC, Basak O, Mohanty ON |
6545 - 6548 |
Suppression of Superconductivity in the Er1-Xprxba2Cu3O7-Delta System Lee KB, Park CM, Noh HS, Kim CK, Nahm K |
6549 - 6554 |
Gelation Kinetics of an Organically Modified Silicate Hu Y, Chung YJ, Mackenzie JD |
6555 - 6561 |
Abrasive Wear Study of Bainitic Nodular Cast-Iron Jeng MC |
6562 - 6566 |
Oxidation-Kinetics of Hexagonal Boron-Nitride Powder Oda K, Yoshio T |
6567 - 6570 |
High-Pressure Phase-Diagram of an Aluminum-Rich Al-Li Alloy at a Pressure of 5.4 GPa Matsumuro A, Sakai K, Senoo M |
6571 - 6574 |
Solid-State Reaction Between Crystalline Nickel and Amorphous Fe78Si12B10 Powders During Mechanical Milling Wang KY, Wang JT, Quan MX |
6575 - 6581 |
Structural Features of Boron-Nitride Dense Phase-Formation from Rhombohedral Modification Under High Static Pressure Britun VF, Kurdyumov AV, Petrusha IA |
6582 - 6586 |
Production of Superplastic Aluminum Composites Reinforced with Si3N4 by Powder-Metallurgy Mabuchi M, Imai T, Higashi K |
6587 - 6590 |
Vibrational Spectroscopic Characterization of Lanthanide Molybdates Viola MD, Sangra AM, Pedregosa JC |
6591 - 6594 |
Nucleation and Crystal-Growth in a Fly-Ash Derived Glass Cioffi R, Pernice P, Aronne A, Marotta A, Quattroni G |
6595 - 6597 |
Primary Solid-State Batteries Constructed from Copper and Indium Sulfides Dalas E, Kobotiatis L |
6598 - 6604 |
Basic Parameters for the Short-Range Order of Amorphous Ternary Alloys with Applications to Practical Cases Vazquez J, Casasruiz M, Ligero RA, Jimenezgaray R |
6605 - 6610 |
Influence of Interactions on the Tensile Behavior of Polystyrene Filled with Calcium-Carbonate Godard P, Bomal Y, Biebuyck JJ |
6611 - 6616 |
A Novel Method for Measuring Direct Compressive Properties of Carbon-Fibers Using a Micromechanical Compression Tester Shinohara AH, Sato T, Saito F, Tomioka T, Arai Y |
6617 - 6621 |
Study on the Dielectric-Properties of Oxide-Doped Ba(Ti,Sn)O3 Ceramics Prepared from Ultrafine Powder Bao ML, Li WD, Zhu PN |
6622 - 6630 |
Characterization of the Pyrolytic Conversion of Polysilsesquioxanes to Silicon Oxycarbides Hurwitz FI, Heimann P, Farmer SC, Hembree DM |
6631 - 6638 |
High-Temperature Strength and Fracture-Toughness in Gamma-Phase Titanium Aluminides Gnanamoorthy R, Mutoh Y, Masahashi N, Matsuo M |
6639 - 6644 |
Thermotropic Polyesters - Effect of Heat-Treatment on Thermal Transitions of Highly Disordered Copolymers Cao J, Karayannidis G, Mcintyre JE, Tomka JG |
6645 - 6649 |
Characteristics of Thin Nitrided Oxides Prepared by an in-Situ Process Lee SH, So MG |
6650 - 6656 |
Thermal and Mechanical-Properties of HDPE/Ionomer Blends Cho KW, Jeon HK, Moon TJ |
6657 - 6664 |
Selective, Low-Temperature Synthesis of Niobium Carbide and a Mixed (Niobium Tungsten) Carbide from Metal-Oxide Polyacrylonitrile Composites by Carbothermal Reduction Dal BF, Hardin SG, Hay DG, Turney TW |
6665 - 6668 |
The Effects of Carbon on the Magnetic-Properties of Nanocrystalline Fe-Based Alloys Lim SH, Pi WK, Noh TH, Kim HJ, Kang IK |
6669 - 6675 |
Effect of Aluminum Addition on the Combustion Reaction of Titanium and Carbon to Form TiC Choi Y, Rhee SW |
6676 - 6682 |
Mechanical-Properties of Phosphate Glass-Ceramic-316-L Stainless-Steel Composites Pernot F, Rogier R |
6683 - 6690 |
The Effect of Particulate Loading on the Mechanical-Behavior of Al2O3/Al Metal-Matrix Composites Aghajanian MK, Langensiepen RA, Rocazella MA, Leighton JT, Andersson CA |
6691 - 6698 |
The Role of Drying-Control Chemical Additives on the Preparation of Sol-Gel Derived PLZT Thin-Films Chang DA, Choh YH, Hsieh WF, Lin P, Tseng TY |
6699 - 6703 |
Localization of Carriers of Y-Doped Cacuo2 Films Prepared by an Organometallic-Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Method Kobayashi K, Ishihara Y, Matsushima S, Okada G |
6704 - 6708 |
Effect of Reaction Pressure on the Nucleation Behavior of Diamond Synthesized by Hot-Filament Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Kim DG, Lee HC, Lee JY |
6709 - 6714 |
TEM Characterization of Indented Polycrystalline Y-PSZ Pajares A, Guiberteau F, Westmacott KH, Dominguezrodriguez A |
6715 - 6718 |
Kinetics of Nucleation and Growth .1. Reaction Controlled Growth Frade JR |
6719 - 6723 |
Electrical and Optical Studies on Gamma-Irradiated Pure and Chromium-Chloride-Doped Polyvinyl-Alcohol Elkader FH, Hamza SS, Attia G |
6724 - 6728 |
Mechanical-Properties of Sisal Fiber at Elevated-Temperatures Chand N, Hashmi SA |
6729 - 6736 |
An Assessment of Substrate Binder Interactions in Model Granule Systems .3. Linear Elastic Fracture-Mechanics Hancock BC, York P, Rowe RC |
6737 - 6740 |
Measurements of Internal-Friction Coefficient of SiC and Al2O3 Powders Cortes R, Martinez MA, Navarro C, Sanchezgalvez V |
6741 - 6747 |
Strain-Rate and Temperature-Dependence of Tensile-Strength for Carbon Glass-Fiber Hybrid Composites Miwa M, Horiba N |
6748 - 6752 |
Correlations Between Flaw Tolerance and Reliability in Zirconia Readey MJ, Mccallen CL, Mcnamara PD, Lawn BR |
6753 - 6760 |
Reactivity of Oxygen-Deficient Mn(II)-Bearing Ferrites (Mnxfe3-xO4-Delta, 0-Less-Than-or-Equal-to-X-Less-Than-or-Equal-to-1, Delta-Greater-Than-0) Toward CO2 Decomposition to Carbon Tabata M, Akanuma K, Nishizawa KI, Mimori K, Yoshida T, Tsuji M, Tamaura Y |
6761 - 6766 |
Microstructure and Properties of the Sintered Composite Prepared by Hot-Pressing of Tin-Coated Alumina Powder Itoh H, Sugimoto H, Iwahara H, Otsuka J, Iio S |
6767 - 6773 |
Microstructural Aspects of Nonhomogeneity of Grain-Boundary Sliding Zelin MG, Mukherjee AK |
6774 - 6778 |
Impurity Phase Recognition in YBCO High T(C) Superconductors by Cathodoluminescence Spectroscopy Fletcher PR, Leach C |
6779 - 6784 |
Assessment of the Reaction of SiC Powders with Iron-Based Alloys Terry BS, Chinyamakobvu OS |
6785 - 6798 |
Effect of Melt, Solidification and Heat-Treatment Processing Parameters on the Properties of Al-Si-Mg/SiC(P) Composites Samuel AM, Liu H, Samuel FH |
6799 - 6808 |
Dilatational Bands in Rubber-Toughened Polymers Lazzeri A, Bucknall CB |
6809 - 6814 |
A TEM Study on the Microstructure of Rapidly Solidified Cu-Y Alloys Zhang X, Atrens A |