1 - 5 |
Growth of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 films using a Cu-poor/rich/poor sequence: substrate temperature effects Kessler J, Chityuttakan C, Scholdstrom J, Stolt L |
6 - 10 |
Properties of CuInGaSe2 solar cells based upon an improved three-stage process Sakurai K, Hunger R, Tsuchimochi N, Baba T, Matsubara K, Fons P, Yamada A, Kojima T, Deguchi T, Nakanishi H, Niki S |
11 - 15 |
Preparation of chalcopyrite-type CuInSe2 by non-heating process Wada T, Kinoshita H, Kawata S |
16 - 21 |
In situ deposition rate monitoring during the three-stage-growth process of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 absorber films Hunger R, Sakurai K, Yamada A, Fons P, Iwata K, Matsubara K, Niki S |
22 - 25 |
Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 films obtained from gamma-In2Se3 thin film Amory C, Bernede JC, Halgand E, Marsillac S |
26 - 30 |
Rapid growth of thin Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 layers for solar cells Lundberg O, Bodegard M, Stolt L |
31 - 36 |
Influence of the selenium flux on the growth of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin films Hanna G, Mattheis J, Laptev V, Yamamoto Y, Rau U, Schock HW |
37 - 40 |
Effects of NaF coevaporation on structural properties of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin films Rudmann D, Bilger G, Kaelin M, Haug FJ, Zogg H, Tiwari AN |
41 - 45 |
In situ resistivity measurements of precursor reactions in the Cu-In-Ga system Berwian P, Weimar A, Muller G |
46 - 52 |
Re-crystallisation and interdiffusion in CGS/CIS bilayers Bodegard M, Lundberg O, Lu J, Stolt L |
53 - 57 |
Non-vacuum processing of CuIn1-xGaxSe2 solar cells on rigid and flexible substrates using nanoparticle precursor inks Kapur VK, Bansal A, Le P, Asensio OI |
58 - 62 |
CIS and CIGS layers from selenized nanoparticle precursors Kaelin M, Rudmann D, Kurdesau F, Meyer T, Zogg H, Tiwari AN |
63 - 67 |
Single source precursors for fabrication of I-III-VI2 thin-film solar cells via spray CVD Hollingsworth JA, Banger KK, Jin MHC, Harris JD, Cowen JE, Bohannan EW, Switzer JA, Buhro W, Hepp AF |
68 - 72 |
Features of Bridgman-grown CuInSe2 Champness CH, Shih I, Du H |
73 - 77 |
Sulfur diffusion in cadmium telluride thin films - Part 1: the grain boundary diffusion coefficient Lane DW, Painter JD, Cousins MA, Conibeer GJ, Rogers KD |
78 - 83 |
Sulphur diffusion in cadmium telluride thin films part 2: modelling grain-boundary diffusion Cousins MA, Lane DW, Rogers KD |
84 - 89 |
Effect of in situ UHVCdCl2-activation on the electronic properties of CdTe thin film solar cells Schulmeyer T, Fritsche J, Thissen A, Klein A, Jaegermann W, Campo M, Beier J |
90 - 93 |
CdTe : CdCl2 : O-2 annealing process Hiie J |
94 - 98 |
Structure and morphology of CuGaS2 thin films Branch MS, Berndt PR, Botha JR, Leitch AWR, Weber J |
99 - 104 |
Study on the fabrication of n-type CuAlSe2 thin films Barkat L, Morsli M, Amory C, Marsillac S, Khelil A, Bernede JC, El Moctar C |
XI - XII |
Proceedings of Symposium B, Thin Film Chalcogenide Photovoltaic Materials, E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, June 18-21, 2002 - Preface Rau U, Rockett AA, McCandless BE, Wada T |
105 - 109 |
CuInS2 sprayed films on different metal oxide underlayers Kijatkina O, Krunks M, Mere A, Mahrov B, Dloczik L |
110 - 115 |
Real-time investigations of the influence of sodium on the properties of Cu-poor prepared CuInS2 thin films Rudigier E, Pietzker C, Wimbor M, Luck I, Klaer J, Scheer R, Barcones B, Colin TJ, Alvarez-Garcia J, Perez-Rodriguez A, Romano-Rodriguez A |
116 - 121 |
Properties of CuIn(Se,S)(2) thin films prepared by two-step growth processes Bekker J, Alberts V, Leitch AWR, Botha JR |
122 - 125 |
Growth process monitoring and crystalline quality assessment of CuInS(Se)(2) based solar cells by Raman spectroscopy Alvarez-Garcia J, Rudigier E, Rega N, Barcones B, Scheer R, Perez-Rodriguez A, Romano-Rodriguez A, Morante JR |
126 - 130 |
Influence of the preparation conditions on the properties of CuInS2 films deposited by one-stage RF reactive sputtering He YB, Kramer T, Polity A, Hardt M, Meyer BK |
131 - 134 |
Study on the preparation of structured CuInS2 films by ion exchange processes Dloczik L, Lux-Steiner MC, Koenenkamp R |
135 - 142 |
Admittance spectroscopy for non-crystalline thin film devices characterization: comparison of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 and a-Si : H cases Mencaraglia D, Saad SO, Djebbour Z |
143 - 147 |
The effect of the CdCl2 treatment on CdTe/CdS thin film solar cells studied using deep level transient spectroscopy Komin V, Tetali B, Viswanathan V, Yu S, Morel DL, Ferekides CS |
148 - 152 |
DLTS and admittance measurements on CdS/CdTe solar cells Versluys J, Clauws P, Nollet P, Degrave S, Burgelman M |
153 - 157 |
The'defected layer' and the mechanism of the interface-related metastable behavior in the ZnO/CdS/Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 devices Igalson M, Bodegard M, Stolt L, Jasenek A |
158 - 162 |
Compositional trends of defect energies, band alignments, and recombination mechanisms in the Cu(In,Ga)(Se,S)(2) alloy system Turcu M, Rau U |
163 - 166 |
Deep-levels in stoichiometry-varied Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)(2) solar cells Deibel C, Wessel A, Dyakonov V, Parisi J, Palm J, Karg F |
167 - 171 |
Electron spin resonance studies of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin films Aubin V, Binet L, Guillemoles JF |
172 - 175 |
Diffusion length estimation in CuInSe2-based cells by the photocurrent-capacitance method Champness CH |
176 - 180 |
Photoluminescence studies of CdS/CdTe solar cells treated with oxygen Hernandez-Fenollosa MA, Halliday DP, Durose K, Campo MD, Beier J |
181 - 183 |
Time-resolved photoluminescence of free excitons in CuInS2 by resonant excitation Wakita K, Nakayama N, Hu G |
184 - 185 |
Effects of annealing on photoluminescence spectra in CuInS2 crystals Wakita K, Matsuo M, Hu G, Iwai M, Yamamoto N |
186 - 189 |
Defect spectra in epitaxial CuInSe2 grown by MOVPE Rega N, Siebentritt S, Beckers IE, Beckmann J, Albert J, Lux-Steiner M |
190 - 192 |
Effects of deviation from stoichiometry on excitons in CuInSe2 single crystals Yakushev MV, Mudryi AV, Feofanov Y, Tomlinson RD |
193 - 196 |
Optical characterisation of high-quality CuInSe2 thin films synthesised by two-stage selenisation process Mudryi AV, Gremenok VF, Victorov IA, Zalesski VB, Kurdesov FV, Kovalevski VI, Yakushev MV, Martin RW |
197 - 199 |
Optical spectroscopy of chalcopyrite compounds CuInS2, CuInSe2 and their solid solutions Mudryi AV, Victorov IA, Gremenok VF, Patuk AI, Shakin IA, Yakushev M |
200 - 204 |
Optical and electrical properties of CuIn1-xGaSe2 thin films obtained by selenization of sequentially evaporated metallic layers Caballero R, Guillen C |
205 - 209 |
Electromodulated photoluminescence of CuGaSe2 solar cells Beckers IE, Fiedeler U, Siebentritt S, Lux-Steiner MC |
210 - 213 |
Steady state and time-resolved photoluminescence characterisation of copper gallium disulphide Botha JR, Branch MS, Weber J |
214 - 218 |
Radiative recombination in CVT-grown CuGaSe2 single crystals and thin films Meeder A, Marron DF, Tezlevan V, Arushanov E, Rumberg A, Schedel-Niedrig T, Lux-Steiner MC |
219 - 222 |
Structural and optical properties of epitaxial CuGaS2 films on Si substrates Metzner H, Cieslak J, Grossner U, Hahn T, Kaiser U, Krausslich J, Reislohner U, Witthuhn W, Goldhahn R, Eberhardt J |
223 - 225 |
Photomodulation study in CdS thin films grown by sputtering in a large area Ximello-Quiebras JN, Mejia-Garcia C, Caballero-Rosas A, Hernandez-Contreras H, Contreras-Puente G, Vidal J, Pascher H |
226 - 230 |
Transmission electron microscopy and image simulation study of CuAu domains in CuInS2 epitaxial layers Barcones B, Romano-Rodriguez A, Arbiol J, Alvarez-Garcia J, Perez-Rodriguez A, Morante JR, Scheer R |
231 - 236 |
Preparation and characterization of highly (112)-oriented CuInS2 films deposited by a one-stage RF reactive sputtering process He YB, Kramer T, Polity A, Gregor R, Kriegseis W, Osterreicher I, Hasselkamp D, Meyer BK |
237 - 241 |
Microstructural properties of CVD-grown CuGaSe2 based thin film solar cells Marron DF, Meeder A, Bloeck U, Schubert-Bischoff R, Pfander N, Wurz R, Babu SM, Schedel-Niedrig T, Lux-Steiner MC |
242 - 248 |
Band offset of high efficiency CBD-ZnS/CIGS thin film solar cells Nakada T, Hongo M, Hayashi E |
249 - 256 |
Correlation of surface phases with electrical behavior in thin-film CdTe devices McCandless BE, Hegedus SS, Birkmire RW, Cunningham D |
257 - 261 |
Kelvin probe force microscopy for the nano scale characterization of chalcopyrite solar cell materials and devices Sadewasser S, Glatzel T, Schuler S, Nishiwaki S, Kaigawa R, Lux-Steiner MC |
262 - 266 |
Structural and chemical interface characterization of CdTe solar cells by transmission electron microscopy Terheggen M, Heinrich H, Kostorz G, Romeo A, Baetzner D, Tiwari AN, Bosio A, Romeo N |
267 - 271 |
Interface modification of CdTe thin film solar cells by CdCl2-activation Fritsche J, Schulmeyer T, Thissen A, Klein A, Jaegermann W |
272 - 276 |
Impact of Cd2+-treatment on the band alignment at the ILGAR-ZnO/CuIn(S,Se)(2) heterojunction Weinhardt L, Bar M, Muffler H, Fischer CH, Lux-Steiner MC, Niesen TP, Karg F, Gleim T, Heske C, Umbach E |
277 - 283 |
Electron beam probe quantization of compound composition: surface phases and surface roughness Yamada A, Fons P, Matsubara K, Iwata K, Sakurai K, Niki S |
284 - 288 |
Extended stable junction regions in CuInSe2 thin films by electric field application Gartsman K, Cahen D, Scheer R, Perez IG |
289 - 295 |
Studies of buried interfaces Cu(In,Ga)Se-2/CdS XPS and electrical investigations Canava B, Vigneron J, Etcheberry A, Guimard D, Grand PP, Guillemoles JF, Lincot D, Hamatly SOS, Djebbour Z, Mencaraglia D |
296 - 300 |
Surface treatments and properties of CuGaSe2 thin films for solar cell applications Nishiwaki S, Ennaoui A, Schuler S, Siebentritt S, Lux-Steiner MC |
301 - 306 |
Near-surface defect distributions in Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 Rockett A, Liao D, Heath JT, Cohen JD, Strzhemechny YM, Brillson LJ, Ramanathan K, Shafarman WN |
307 - 311 |
PEEM and mu-NEXAFS of CuInS2-surfaces Muller K, Burkov Y, Schmeisser D |
312 - 316 |
Preparation of stoichiometric CuInS2 surfaces - an XPS and UPS study Muller K, Milko S, Schmeisser D |
317 - 320 |
Surface vs. volume stoichiometry of MBE grown CuInS2 films on Si Calvet W, Lewerenz HJ, Pettenkofer C |
321 - 325 |
Interface study of CuInSe2/ZnO and Cu(In,Ga)Se-2/ZnO devices using ALD ZnO buffer layers Patzer-Bjorkman C, Lu J, Kessler J, Stolt L |
326 - 329 |
New Cd-free buffer layer deposited by PVD: In2S3 containing Na compounds Barreau N, Bernede JC, Marsillac S, Amory C, Shafarman WN |
330 - 334 |
Influence of heterointerfaces on the performance of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells with CdS and In(OHx,S-y) buffer layers Nguyen Q, Orgassa K, Koetschau I, Rau U, Schock HW |
335 - 339 |
Highly efficient Cu(Ga,In)(S,Se)(2) thin film solar cells with zinc-compound buffer layers Ennaoui A, Eisele W, Lux-Steiner M, Niesen TP, Karg E |
340 - 343 |
Pyrolytic spray deposition of ZnSxSe1-x layers for photovoltaic applications Reddy KTR, Subbaiah YV, Reddy TBS, Johnston DB, Forbes I, Miles RW |
344 - 348 |
Electrical and optical properties of boron doped CdS thin films prepared by chemical bath deposition Lee JH, Yi JS, Yang KJ, Park JH, Oh RD |
349 - 353 |
Growth and properties of the Cd-1-xZnxS thin films for solar cell applications Lee JH, Song WC, Yi JS, Yang KJ, Han WD, Hwang J |
354 - 358 |
Structural and compositional analyses on indium sulfide thin films deposited in aqueous chemical bath containing indium chloride and thioacetamide Yamaguchi K, Yoshida T, Minoura H |
359 - 363 |
CD-free Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin-film solar modules with In2S3 buffer layer by ALCVD Spiering S, Hariskos D, Powalla M, Naghavi N, Lincot D |
364 - 368 |
Comparison of different conducting oxides as substrates for CdS/CdTe thin film solar cells Romeo N, Bosio A, Canevari V, Terheggen M, Roca LV |
369 - 372 |
ZnO transparent conducting films deposited by pulsed laser deposition for solar cell applications Matsubara K, Fons P, Iwata K, Yamada A, Sakurai K, Tampo H, Niki S |
373 - 377 |
Study of the spontaneous growth of ZnO thin films from aqueous solutions Chaparro AM, Maffiotte C, Gutierrez MT, Herrero J |
378 - 381 |
Properties of sputtered ZnO films and its interfaces with CdS Sauberlich F, Fritsche J, Hunger R, Klein A |
382 - 386 |
Alternative back contacts for CdTe solar cells: a photoemission study of the VSe2/CdTe and TiSe2/CdTe interface formation Kraft D, Weiler U, Tomm Y, Thissen A, Klein A, Jaegermann W |
387 - 391 |
Alternative back contact materials for thin film Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells Orgassa K, Schock HW, Werner JH |
392 - 397 |
Diffusion barriers for CIGS solar cells on metallic substrates Herz K, Eicke A, Kessler F, Wachter R, Powalla M |
398 - 402 |
Formation of an interfacial MoSe2 layer in CVD grown CuGaSe2 based thin film solar cells Wurz R, Marron DF, Meeder A, Rumberg A, Babu SM, Schedel-Niedrig T, Bloeck U, Schubert-Bischoff P, Lux-Steiner MC |
403 - 406 |
Electrical contacts on polyimide substrates for flexible thin film photovoltaic devices Guillen C, Herrero J |
407 - 413 |
A theoretical model for the front region of cadmium telluride solar cells Agostinelli G, Batzner DL, Burgelman M |
414 - 420 |
Indications for presence and importance of interface states in CdTe/CdS solar cells Nollet P, Kontges M, Burgelman M, Degrave DS, Reineke-Koch R |
421 - 425 |
Study of spatially resolved impurity diffusion in CdTe solar cells using voltage dependent quantum efficiency Batzner DL, Agostinelli G, Campo M, Romeo A, Beier J, Zogg H, Tiwari A |
426 - 430 |
Distinguishing metastable changes in bulk CIGS defect densities from interface effects Heath JT, Cohen JD, Shafarman WN |
431 - 435 |
Light soaking effects in Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 superstrate solar cells Haug FJ, Rudmann D, Zogg H, Tiwari AN |
436 - 442 |
A study of the influence of the Ga content on the long-term stability of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 thin film solar cells Malmstrom J, Wennerberg J, Stolt L |
443 - 447 |
Performance of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells under low irradiance Virtuani A, Lotter E, Powalla M |
448 - 452 |
Local inversion of photocurrent in cadmium telluride solar cells Agostinelli G, Dunlop ED |
453 - 456 |
Consequence of 3-MeV electron irradiation on the photovoltaic output parameters of Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells Weinert K, Jasenek A, Rau U |
457 - 460 |
Theoretical study of the photovoltaic effect in thin variable-gap semiconductor layers Sokolovskii BS, Pysarevskii VK, Nemolovskii OV, Swiatek Z |
461 - 465 |
Analysis of carrier transport phenomena in high band gap II-VI-based MIS photovoltaic devices Mahawela P, Jeedigunta S, Ferekides CS, Morel DL |
466 - 469 |
Monograin layer solar cells Altosaar M, Jagomagi A, Kauk M, Krunks M, Krustok J, Mellikov E, Raudoja J, Varema T |
470 - 476 |
The wet-topotaxial process of junction formation and surface treatments of Cu2S-CdS thin-film solar cells Pfisterer F |
477 - 482 |
Interface properties and band alignment of Cu2S/CdS thin film solar cells Liu GM, Schulmeyer T, Brotz J, Klein A, Jaegermann W |
483 - 487 |
Novel wet-chemical routes to nano- and microstructured semiconductor layers for improved efficiency photovoltaic devices Boyle DS, Govender K, O'Brien P |
488 - 491 |
Comparison of different thin film absorbers used in eta-solar cells Belaidi A, Bayon R, Dloczik L, Ernst K, Lux-Steiner MC, Konenkamp R |
492 - 496 |
CuInS2-TiO2 heterojunctions solar cells obtained by atomic layer deposition Nanu M, Reijnen L, Meester B, Goossens A, Schoonman J |
497 - 501 |
InxTey semiconductor thin films obtained by co-evaporation Guettari N, Amory C, Morsli M, Bernede JC, Khelil A |
502 - 505 |
A single source approach to deposition of nickel sulfide thin films by LP-MOCVD O'Brien P, Park JH, Waters J |
506 - 510 |
Structural stability of PbS films as a function of temperature Qadri SB, Singh A, Yousuf M |
511 - 513 |
Majority carriers in pyrite thin films: an analysis based on Seebeck and Hall coefficient measurements Ares JR, Ferrer IJ, Sanchez CR |
514 - 522 |
CIS module pilot processing applying concurrent rapid selenization and sulfurization of large area thin film precursors Palm J, Probst V, Brummer A, Stetter W, Tolle R, Niesen TP, Visbeck S, Hernandez O, Wendl M, Vogt H, Calwer H, Freienstein B, Karg F |
523 - 533 |
Large-area CIGS modules: processes and properties Powalla M, Hariskos D, Lotter E, Oertel M, Springer J, Stellbogen D, Dimmler B, Schaffler R |
534 - 537 |
Mini-modules from a CuInS2 baseline process Klaer J, Luck I, Boden A, Klenk R, Perez IG, Scheer R |
538 - 542 |
In-line Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 co-evaporation processes with graded band gaps on large substrates Voorwinden G, Kniese R, Powalla M |
543 - 547 |
High band gap Cu(In,Ga)Se-2 solar cells and modules prepared with in-line co-evaporation Kniese R, Hariskos D, Voorwinden G, Rau U, Powalla M |