
Journal of Crystal Growth

Journal of Crystal Growth, Vol.310, No.5 Entire volume, number list
ISSN: 0022-0248 (Print) 

In this Issue (30 articles)

875 - 875 Proceedings of the E-MRS conference, symposium G substrates of wide bandgap materials - Preface
Fornari R, Rojo JC, Yakimova R
876 - 880 Status and perspectives of the ammonothermal growth of GaN substrates
Hashimoto T, Wu F, Saito M, Fujito K, Speck JS, Nakamura S
881 - 886 Experimental and theoretical analysis of sublimation growth of AlN bulk crystals
Makarov YN, Avdeev OV, Barash IS, Bazarevskiy DS, Chemekova TY, Mokhov EN, Nagalyuk SS, Roenkov AD, Segal AS, Vodakov YA, Ramm MG, Davis S, Huminic G, Helava H
887 - 890 Structural and surface characterization of large diameter, crystalline AlN substrates for device fabrication
Schujman SB, Schowalter LJ, Bondokov RT, Morgan KE, Liu W, Smart JA, Bettles T
891 - 895 Physico-chemical features of the acid ammonothermal growth of GaN
Ehrentraut D, Kagamitani Y, Yokoyama C, Fukuda T
896 - 899 Photoluminescence from (0001) GaN grown by the acidic ammonothermal technique
Fujii K, Fujimoto G, Goto T, Yao T, Kagamitani Y, Hoshino N, Ehrentraut D, Fukuda T
900 - 905 Crystal growth of GaN on (0001) face by HVPE: Ab initio simulations
Kempisty P, Krukowski S
906 - 910 Modeling, optimization, and growth of GaN in a vertical halide vapor-phase epitaxy bulk reactor
Hemmingsson C, Pozina G, Heuken M, Schineller B, Monemar B
911 - 915 Freestanding 2-in GaN layers using lateral overgrowth with HVPE
Hennig C, Richter E, Weyers M, Trankle G
916 - 919 Growth of GaN crystals from chlorine-free gas phase
Siche D, Rost HJ, Bottcher K, Gogova D, Fornari R
920 - 923 The roles of low-temperature buffer layer for thick GaN growth on sapphire
Lee HJ, Lee SW, Goto H, Lee HJ, Ha JS, Fujii K, Cho MW, Yao T, Hong SK
924 - 929 Low-cost high-quality GaN by one-step growth
Tourret J, Gourmala O, Trassoudaine A, Andre Y, Gil E, Castelluci D, Cadoret R
930 - 934 Homoepitaxial seeding and growth of bulk AlN by sublimation
Hartmann C, Wollweber J, Seitz C, Albrecht M, Fornari R
935 - 939 Fabrication of free-standing AlN crystals by controlled microrod growth
Yazdi GR, Vasillauskas R, Syvajarvi M, Yakimova R
940 - 943 GaN ceramics obtained by fusing of nanocrystalline GaN powder at high pressures and temperatures as substrate for growth of GaN epilayers
Podhorodecki A, Nyk M, Kudrawiec R, Misiewicz J, Paszkiewicz R, Korbutowicz R, Serafinczuk J, Strek W
944 - 947 Growth of GaN by metal organic vapor phase epitaxy on ZnO-buffered c-sapphire substrates
Ougazzaden A, Rogers DJ, Teherani FH, Moudakir T, Gautier S, Aggerstam T, Saad SO, Martin J, Djebbour Z, Durand O, Garry G, Lusson A, McGrouther D, Chapman JN
948 - 954 Subsurface Fe-doped semi-insulating GaN templates for inhibition of regrowth interface pollution in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures
Cordier Y, Azize M, Baron N, Bougrioua Z, Chenot S, Tottereau O, Massies J, Gibart P
955 - 958 Determination of dislocation density in GaN layers using KOH defect MOVPE grown etching
Wellmann PJ, Sakwe SA, Oehlschlager F, Hoffmann V, Zeimer U, Knauer A
959 - 965 Lattice parameters of bulk GaN fabricated by halide vapor phase epitaxy
Darakchieva V, Monemar B, Usui A, Saenger M, Schubert M
966 - 970 Polytype stability and defects in differently doped bulk SiC
Schmitt E, Straubinger T, Rasp M, Vogel M, Wohlfart A
971 - 975 Defect formation and evolution in the step-flow growth of silicon carbide: A Monte Carlo study
Camarda M, La Magna A, Fiorenza P, Giannazzo F, La Via F
976 - 981 Prospects for 3C-SiC bulk crystal growth
Chaussende D, Mercier F, Boulle A, Conchon F, Soueidan M, Ferro G, Mantzari A, Andreadou A, Polychroniadis EK, Balloud C, Juillaguet S, Camassel J, Pons M
982 - 987 Characterization of stacking faults in thick 3C-SiC crystals using high-resolution diffuse X-ray scattering
Boulle A, Chaussende D, Conchon F, Ferro G, Masson O
988 - 992 Evaluation of the quality of commercial silicon carbide wafers by an optical non-destructive inspection technique
Hatakeyama T, Ichinoseki K, Fukuda K, Higuchi N, Arai K
993 - 999 Status of hydrothermal growth of bulk ZnO: Latest issues and advantages
Dem'yanets LN, Lyutin VI
1000 - 1005 Cathodoluminescence study of ZnO wafers cut from hydrothermal crystals
Mass J, Avella M, Jimenez J, Rodriguez A, Rodriguez T, Callahan M, Bliss D, Wang B
1006 - 1009 Common point defects in as-grown ZnO substrates studied by optical detection of magnetic resonance
Son NT, Ivanov IG, Kuznetsov A, Svensson BG, Zhao QX, Willander M, Morishita MN, Ohshima T, Itoh H, Isoya J, Janzen E, Yakimova R
1010 - 1014 MOCVD of ZnO thin films for potential use as compliant layers for GaN on Si
Black K, Jones AC, Chalker PR, Gaskell JM, Murray RT, Joyce TB, Rushworth SA
1015 - 1018 Hydrogen-free CVD diamond synthesis with graphite rod heating
Hirai T, Hiraga S, Shimada S, Takagi Y, Suda Y, Shimizu O, Kino H
1019 - 1022 The large-sized diamond single-crystal synthesis by hot filament CVD
Yamazaki K, Furuichi K, Tsumura I, Takagi Y