Korean Journal of Materials Research, Vol.12, No.2, 153-159, February, 2002
와트 Ni 도금욕에서 도금 피막에 미치는 Al, Al 2 O 3 분산제 및 열처리의 영향
Effect of Al, Al 2 O 3 Dispersants and Heat Treatment on Deposits from Watt′s Ni Plating Bamth
The co-deposited behavior was investigated under varied bath compositions and current densities from Watt Ni plating bath containing Al and A1 2 O 3 powders. For single-particle bath, Al and A1 2 O 3 particles were agglomerated. The area percentage of A1 2 O 3 on plating surface decreased with increasing the current density, while that of Al on plating surface increased. On the other hand, in case of double-particle bath with 1.25g/ ℓ of Al and 5.0g/ ℓ of A1 2 O 3 5g, the area percentage of Ni-Al-A1 2 O 3 increased with increasing current density and the surface morphology was fine without agglomeration. Intermetallic compounds such as γ 'and γ + γ ' phases appeared when the co-deposited film was annealed.
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