Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, Vol.36, No.1, 84-91, January, 2019
Sensitivity analysis of key factors in controlling absorption and desorption of oxygen to oxygen carriers
Chemical looping air separation gives an oxygen resource for the oxy-fuel combustion system. To investigate the sensitivity of operation parameters and optimal operation parameters, with the consideration of the reactor temperature, we used the oxygen concentration, and reaction gas flow, an orthogonal experiment and multi-objective comprehensive evaluation method to analyze the results obtained by fixed-bed apparatus with the YBaCo4O7+δ, Y0.95Ti0.05BaCo4O7+δ, Y0.5Dy0.5BaCo4O7+δ, and Y0.2Ti0.05Dy0.75BaCo4O7+δ oxygen carriers. The results showed that the effects of operating conditions on oxygen absorption/desorption properties varieds in the order: oxygen concentration>gas flow rate>absorption temperature=desorption temperature. Analysis of max-min difference showed that the optimum operating conditions such as absorption temperature, 350 °C, desorption temperature, 430 °C, gas flow rate, 200 ml/min, and oxygen concentration, 21% were confirmed.
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