Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, Vol.18, No.2, 67-81, June, 2006
Rheology of concentrated xanthan gum solutions: Oscillatory shear flow behavior
Using a strain-controlled rheometer, the dynamic viscoelastic properties of aqueous xanthan gum solutions with different concentrations were measured over a wide range of strain amplitudes and then the linear viscoelastic behavior in small amplitude oscillatory shear flow fields was investigated over a broad range of angular frequencies. In this article, both the strain amplitude and concentration dependencies of dynamic viscoelastic behavior were reported at full length from the experimental data obtained from strain-sweep tests. In addition, the linear viscoelastic behavior was explained in detail and the effects of angular frequency and concentration on this behavior were discussed using the well-known power-law type equations. Finally, a fractional derivative model originally developed by Ma and Barbosa-Canovas (1996) was employed to make a quantitative description of a linear viscoelastic behavior and then the applicability of this model was examined with a brief comment on its limitations. Main findings obtained from this study can be summarized as follows: (1) At strain amplitude range larger than 10%, the storage modulus shows a nonlinear strain-thinning behavior, indicating a decrease in storage modulus as an increase in strain amplitude. (2) At strain amplitude range larger than 80%, the loss modulus exhibits an exceptional nonlinear strain-overshoot behavior, indicating that the loss modulus is first increased up to a certain strain amplitude (γ0≒150%) beyond which followed by a decrease in loss modulus with an increase in strain amplitude. (3) At sufficiently large strain amplitude range (γ0 > 200%), a viscous behavior becomes superior to an elastic behavior. (4) An ability to flow without fracture at large strain amplitudes is one of the most important differences between typical strong gel systems and concentrated xanthan gum solutions. (5) The linear viscoelastic behavior of concentrated xanthan gum solutions is dominated by an elastic nature rather than a viscous nature and a gel-like structure is present in these systems. (6) As the polymer concentration is increased, xanthan gum solutions become more elastic and can be characterized by a slower relaxation mechanism. (7) Concentrated xanthan gum solutions do not form a chemically cross-linked stable (strong) gel but exhibit a weak gel-like behavior. (8) A fractional derivative model may be an attractive means for predicting a linear viscoelastic behavior of concentrated xanthan gum solutions but classified as a semiempirical relationship because there exists no real physical meaning for the model parameters.
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