
이종협 공저 논문

No. Article
1 Enhanced cycle stability of rechargeable Li-O2 batteries using immobilized redox mediator on air cathode
Baik JH, Lee SY, Kim KH, Bae SJ, Kim SW, Kwak SY, Hong DG, Nam IH, Yi JH, Lee JC
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 83, 14, 2020
2 Fabrication of gold nanowires (GNW) using aluminum anodic oxide (AAO) as a metal-ion sensor
Umh HN, Shin HH, Yi J, Kim Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32(2), 299, 2015
3 (2S,3S,4S)-3,4-다이하이드록시글루타믹산의 효율적인 입체선택적 합성
전종호, 신나라, 이종협, 김영규
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 25(4), 392, 2014
4 Hydrogenation of succinic acid to tetrahydrofuran over ruthenium-carbon composite catalysts: Effect of HCl concentration in the preparation of the catalysts
Hong UG, Kim JK, Lee J, Lee JK, Song JH, Yi J, Song IK
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 20(5), 3834, 2014
5 Dispersion stability of citrate- and PVP-AgNPs in biological media for cytotoxicity test
Roh J, Umh HN, Sim J, Park S, Yi J, Kim Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(3), 671, 2013
6 Effect of agglomeration of silver nanoparticle on nanotoxicity depression
Bae E, Lee BC, Kim Y, Choi K, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(2), 364, 2013
7 Biofilm-inactivating activity of silver nanoparticles: A comparison with silver ions
Park HJ, Park S, Roh J, Kim S, Choi K, Yi J, Kim Y, Yoon J
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 19(2), 614, 2013
8 나노물질의 환경 매질별 노출 사례 조사
엄하늬, 노진규, 이병천, 박수민, 이종협, 김영훈
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 50(6), 1056, 2012
9 Keggin형 H3+xPW12-xNbxO40 (x=0, 1, 2, 3) 및 Wells-Dawson형 H6+xP2W18-xNbxO62 (x=0, 1, 2, 3) 헤테로폴리산 촉매를 이용한 n-Butanol로부터 Di-n-Butyl Ether의 제조
김정권, 최정호, 이종협, 송인규
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 50(2), 251, 2012
10 나노물질 생산시설의 환경노출 평가와 안전관리
엄하늬, 노진규, 박준수, 곽병규, 이병천, 최경희, 이종협, 김영훈
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 50(1), 112, 2012
11 Effect of acid type in WOX clusters on the esterification of ethanol with acetic acid
Park JR, Kwak BK, Park DS, Kim TY, Yun YS, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(12), 1695, 2012
12 Preparation and performance of cobalt-doped carbon aerogel for supercapacitor
Lee YJ, Jung JC, Park S, Seo JG, Baeck SH, Yoon JR, Yi J, Song IK
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(2), 492, 2011
13 Chemical-looping combustion of syngas by means of spray-dried NiO oxygen carrier
Baek JI, Ryu CK, Eom TH, Lee JB, Jeon WS, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(11), 2211, 2011
14 Formation of abnormally large-sized tubular amyloid β aggregates on a nanostructured gold surface
Lee J, Park J, Kwak BK, Choi I, Kim Y, Choi K, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(1), 184, 2011
15 Bacterial uptake of silver nanoparticles in the presence of humic acid and AgNO3
Bae E, Park HJ, Yoon J, Kim Y, Choi K, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(1), 267, 2011
16 Simple one-pot synthesis of a mesoporous superacidic catalyst for the dehydration of glycerol to acrolein
Yang L, Joo JB, Kim ND, Jung KS, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(6), 1695, 2010
17 Fast preparation of citrate-stabilized silver nanoplates and its nanotoxicity
Roh J, Park EJ, Park K, Yi J, Kim Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(6), 1897, 2010
18 Effect of preparation method on structure and catalytic activity of Cr-promoted Cu catalyst in glycerol hydrogenolysis
Kim ND, Oh S, Joo JB, Jung KS, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(2), 431, 2010
19 A GIS-based national emission inventory of major VOCs and risk assessment modeling: Part II - quantitative verification and risk assessment using an air dispersion model
Kwak BK, Kim JH, Park HS, Kim NG, Choi K, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(1), 121, 2010
20 A GIS-based national emission inventory of major VOCs and risk assessment modeling: Part I - methodology and spatial pattern of emissions
Kim JH, Kwak BK, Park HS, Kim NG, Choi K, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(1), 129, 2010
21 Dependence of approaching velocity on the force-distance curve in AFM analysis
Kim Y, Yang YI, Choi I, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 27(1), 324, 2010
22 Keggin형 헤테로폴리산에 의한 과당의 5-하이드록시메틸퍼퓨랄로의 전환을 위한 탈수반응
백자연, 윤형진, 김남동, 최영보, 이종협
Clean Technology, 16(3), 220, 2010
23 배출량산정모델과 다중매질모델링을 이용한 환경오염물질의 노출평가 및 위해도 평가
김종호, 곽병규, 신치범, 전원진, 이종협
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 47(2), 248, 2009
24 Speed-up of the disaggregation of emission inventories and increased resolution of disaggregated maps using landuse data
Kim JH, Kwak BK, Shin CB, Park HS, Choi K, Lee SM, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(6), 1620, 2009
25 Exposure assessment of engineered nanomaterials in the workplace
Park J, Kwak BK, Bae E, Lee J, Choi K, Yi J, Kim Y
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(6), 1630, 2009
26 Effect of laser beam focusing point on AFM measurements
Kim YH, Yang YI, Choi IH, Yi JH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 26(2), 496, 2009
27 Fabrication of Multicomponent Protein Microarrays with Microfluidic Devices of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)
Jeon SH, Kim US, Jeon WJ, Shin CB, Hong SR, Choi IH, Lee SS, Yi JH
Macromolecular Research, 17(3), 192, 2009
28 Analysis of the distribution of lead concentration under steady state conditions in urban multimedia environment
Jeon WJ, Shin CB, Kim JH, Kwak BK, Yi JH, Lee JH, Lee WG, Lee SW, Park HS
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(6), 1401, 2008
29 Synthesis of superacidic mesoporous alumina and its application in the dehydration of glycerol
Yang L, Joo JB, Kim YJ, Oh S, Kim ND, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(5), 1014, 2008
30 Methanol-tolerant PdPt/C alloy catalyst for oxygen electro-reduction reaction
Joo JB, Kim YJ, Kim W, Kim ND, Kim P, Kim Y, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(4), 770, 2008
31 Synthesis and characterization of carbon-doped titania as a visible-light-sensitive photocatalyst
Lee S, Yun CY, Hahn MS, Lee J, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(4), 892, 2008
32 Preparation of Pt-Co catalysts on mesoporous carbon and effect of alloying on catalytic activity in oxygen electro-reduction
Joo JB, Kim YJ, Kim W, Kim ND, Kim P, Kim Y, Lee YW, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(3), 431, 2008
33 In-situ observation of deposition of gold nanoparticles on the amine-functionalized surface by open liquid-AFM
Kim Y, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(2), 383, 2008
34 Highly selective modification of silicon oxide structures fabricated by an AFM anodic oxidation
Choi I, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 25(2), 386, 2008
35 오리멀젼 연소시 발생하는 백연의 연기거리 전산모사
곽병규, 김종호, 주지봉, 이정진, 김진수, 김영훈, 이종협
Clean Technology, 14(2), 136, 2008
36 고분자전해질 연료전지의 성능과 안정성 시험을 위한 단위전지의 시간 경과에 따른 모델링 : 일산화탄소 피독현상에 의한 효과
김종식, 김필, 주지봉, 김우영, 이종협
Clean Technology, 14(1), 61, 2008
37 G2NDS 호스트의 선택적 내포 현상을 이용한 Dibromobenzene 이성질체의 분자분리
김진수, 박지민, 이종협, 김우식
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 45(5), 487, 2007
38 A new approach for estimating VOC emissions from anthropogenic non-point sources in urban communities
Kim MS, Kim JH, Park HS, Sun YS, Kim HS, Choi K, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(5), 763, 2007
39 Effect of framework or textural nanoporosity on the bulk morphology of mesoporous aluminas
Kim Y, Lee B, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 24(4), 679, 2007
40 나노물질의 인체 및 환경유해성에 관한 위해성평가 방안의 고찰
김미숙, 최경희, 김영훈, 이종협
Clean Technology, 13(3), 161, 2007
41 Sucrose-derived graphitic porous carbon replicated by mesoporous silica
Kim P, Joo JB, Kim J, Kim W, Song IK, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(6), 1063, 2006
42 Emission inventory of VOCs from mobile sources in a metropolitan region
Kim MS, Kim JH, Park HS, Sun YS, Kim HS, Choi KH, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(6), 919, 2006
43 Synthesis of trans-substituted porphyrin building blocks containing two S-trityl or thiol groups
Lee J, Kim Y, Kang SK, Choi I, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(3), 512, 2006
44 pH-Triggered ionization of self-assembled monolayers investigated by in-situ surface plasmon resonance measurements
Hong SR, Kang TW, Moon JW, Oh SG, Yi JH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 23(2), 321, 2006
45 견운모와 규조토에 대한 암모니아 기체의 흡착특성
이수승, 김진수, 윤창연, 이종협
Clean Technology, 12(3), 175, 2006
46 팔라듐이 담지된 중형 기공성 탄소 재료를 이용한 수소 저장
김우영, 김동민, 홍영택, 강태균, 이종협
Clean Technology, 12(2), 107, 2006
47 Numerical Simulation of the Effects of the Design Feature of a Cyclone and the Inlet Flow Velocity on the Separation of CO2 Particles from a CO2-COF2 Mixture
Park Y, Yun CY, Yi J, Kim H
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(5), 697, 2005
48 Fabrication of Submicron-Sized Copper Structures on Pre-Patterned Self-Assembled Monolayer and Langmuir-Blodgett Films
Choi I, Kim Y, Kang SK, Lee J, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(4), 635, 2005
49 Development of a Priority Substances List for Integrated Environmental Management
Kim MS, Joo CK, Lee SM, Kim PJ, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(2), 238, 2005
50 Adsorption of Acid Dyes Using Polyelectrolyte Impregnated Mesoporous Silica
Park JC, Joo JB, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(2), 276, 2005
51 Comparison of Mesoporous Aluminas Synthesized using Stearic Acid and Its Salts
Kim Y, Kim P, Kim C, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(2), 321, 2005
52 염료폐수 분해를 위한 가시광 감응형 Pt-C-TiO2 광촉매의 합성
한미선, 윤창연, 이종협
Clean Technology, 11(3), 123, 2005
53 원자간인력현미경을 이용한 분자수준의 중금속 이온 검출
김영훈, 강성구, 최인희, 이정진, 이종협
Clean Technology, 11(2), 69, 2005
54 청정공정구현을 위한 나노기술기반 환경 센싱 기술의 개발
김영훈, 이종협
Clean Technology, 11(2), 75, 2005
55 The Effect of Ultrasonic Waves on the Fabrication of TiO2 Nanoparticles on a Substrate Using a Self-assembly Method
Yun CY, Chah S, Kang SK, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(5), 1062, 2004
56 Batch Adsorptive Removal of Copper Ions in Aqueous Solutions by Ion Exchange Resins: 1200H and IRN97H
Rengaraj S, Kim Y, Joo CK, Choi K, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 21(1), 187, 2004
57 Advances in environmental technologies via the application of mesoporous materials
Kim Y, Yi J
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(1), 41, 2004
58 환경관리대상 오염물질 우선순위 선정방법 및 도시와 산단지역의 주요 오염물질 선정
차순우, 주철균, 박현수, 박세진, 김필제, 이상목, 최경희, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 41(3), 357, 2003
59 공정단위장치로부터의 휘발성유기화합물질의 비산 배출량 산정
박영근, 문정우, 고민수, 박현수, 차순우, 이선우, 홍승철, 김화용, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 41(3), 382, 2003
60 Synthesis of Mesoporous Alumina by using a Cost-effective Template
Kim C, Kim Y, Kim P, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(6), 1142, 2003
61 Aspect Ratio Controlled Synthesis of Gold Nanorods
Kang SK, Chah S, Yun CY, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(6), 1145, 2003
62 Synthesis of Mesoporous γ-Alumina through Pre- and Post-hydrolysis Methods
Kim Y, Lee B, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(5), 908, 2002
63 Preparation of Chemically Active Mesoporous Adsorbent for Pt(II) and Pd(II) Adsorption from Aqueous Solutions
Kang T, Park Y, Park JC, Cho YS, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 19(4), 685, 2002
64 1,2-Dichloroethane의 열분해 반응속도 및 메카니즘 연구
송보현, 최병석, 김상용, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(4), 481, 2001
65 Cobalt Stearate 혼성막의 제조 및 후처리 과정에 관한 연구
배은주, 차순우, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(3), 320, 2001
66 메모포러스 실리카의 기공특성에 따른 중금속 흡착능의 변화
김영훈, 이병환, 조영성, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 39(2), 228, 2001
67 1,1,2-Trichloroethane의 열분해 반응속도 및 메카니즘 연구
송보현, 최영헌, 최병석, 박영근, 문정우, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(6), 900, 2000
68 염소 라디칼이 촉매로 작용하는 에틸렌 디클로라이드 열분해 반응의 해석
이주혁, 최병석, 이상욱, 오주석, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(2), 296, 2000
69 Ethylene Dichloride 열분해 가열로의 수치해석 연구
박영근, 최병석, 오주석, 이상욱, 이종협
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(1), 103, 2000
70 Preparation of Modified Silica for Heavy Metal Removal
Kim JS, Chah S, Yi J
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 17(1), 118, 2000