
박철환 공저 논문

No. Article
1 Hollow Au nanoparticles-decorated silica as near infrared-activated heat generating nano pigment
Kim JS, Park CH, Kim YH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 107, 376, 2022
2 Novel and highly efficient lipase-catalyzed esterification of formic acid with hexanol for waste gas reutilization
Seo JB, Shin MG, Lee JH, Lee T, Oh JM, Park CH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 93, 430, 2021
3 Improvement of power generation of enzyme fuel cell by novel GO/Co/chitosan electrodeposition
Kim DS, Choi HS, Yang X, Yang JH, Lee JH, Yoo HY, Lee JY, Park CH, Kim SW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 81, 108, 2020
4 Purification and identification of novel alkaline pectinase PNs31 from Bacillus subtilis CBS31 and its immobilization for bioindustrial applications
Rahman MS, Kim YK, Chan MM, Lee SH, Choi YH, Cho SS, Park CH, Yoo JC
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 37(11), 1942, 2020
5 Improved reutilization of industrial crude lysine to 1,5-diaminopentane by enzymatic decarboxylation using various detergents and organic solvents
Kim HY, Yoo HY, Kim YH, Kim IK, Byun EH, Yang YH, Park SJ, Na JG, Sohn HS, Lee T, Kim JR, Park CH
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 35(9), 1854, 2018
6 시료용액의 특성에 따른 고정화된 단일벽 탄소나노튜브의 전기적 거동
이진영, 조재훈, 박철환
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 55(1), 115, 2017
7 질량분석기를 활용한 효과적 이황화결합 분석법 개발
진종화, 민호필, 권오승, 오현정, 김종원, 박철환
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 55(1), 27, 2017
8 Efficient simultaneous production of biodiesel and glycerol carbonate via statistical optimization
Lee YR, Lee JH, Yang HJ, Jang M, Kim JR, Byun EH, Lee JW, Na JG, Kim SW, Park CW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 51, 49, 2017
9 Characterization and preparation of bioinspired resorbable conduits for vascular reconstruction
Yang SK, Shafiq M, Kim D, Park C, Jung Y, Kim SH
Macromolecular Research, 24(4), 371, 2016
10 Optimization of medium composition for enhanced cellulase production by mutant Penicillium brasilianum KUEB15 using statistical method
Jung DU, Yoo HY, Kim SB, Lee JH, Park C, Kim SW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 25, 145, 2015
11 Biosorptive removal of bare-, citrate-, and PVP-coated silver nanoparticles from aqueous solution by activated sludge
Oh SY, Sung HK, Park C, Kim Y
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 25, 51, 2015
12 BCP 기법을 활용한 화학공장에서의 사고대응 가이드라인 개발 방법에 관한 연구
양재모, 설지우, 용종원, 고상욱, 박철환, 유병태, 고재욱
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 52(6), 743, 2014
13 군기지 오염토양의 정화 방법에 대한 연구
양혁수, 김임순, 강선홍, 장윤영, 박세규, 고재욱, 김연정, 박철환
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 52(5), 647, 2014
14 젖당(Lactose)으로부터 락툴로오스(Lactulose) 생산을 위한 연구 동향
이자현, 유하영, 정다운, 박찬호, 송윤석, 박철환, 김승욱
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 52(4), 407, 2014
15 Design and implementation of an integrated safety management system for compressed natural gas stations using ubiquitous sensor network
Yang JM, Ko BS, Park C, Yoo B, Shin D, Ko JW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31(3), 393, 2014
16 Kinetic modeling of biodiesel production by mixed immobilized and co-immobilized lipase systems under two pressure conditions
Lee JH, Kim SB, Yoo HY, Lee JH, Park C, Han SO, Kim SW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(6), 1272, 2013
17 Co-immobilization of Candida rugosa and Rhyzopus oryzae lipases and biodiesel production
Lee JH, Kim SB, Yoo HY, Lee JH, Han SO, Park C, Kim SW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(6), 1335, 2013
18 Improvement of lactulose synthesis through optimization of reaction conditions with immobilized β-galactosidase
Song YS, Suh YJ, Park C, Kim SW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30(1), 160, 2013
19 Reduction of thermal radiation by steam in flare stack system
Lee HS, Ko BS, Yang JM, Lee CJ, Yoo JH, Shin D, Park C, Ko JW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(10), 1310, 2012
20 Enhanced production of cellobiose dehydrogenase and β-glucosidase by Phanerochaete chrysosporium
Kim EJ, Choi HS, Kang SW, Song KH, Han SO, Park C, Kim SW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 29(1), 77, 2012
21 Sugar recovery from rice straw by dilute acid pretreatment
Kim SB, Lee SJ, Jang EJ, Han SO, Park C, Kim SW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(1), 183, 2012
22 Enhancement of glucose isomerase activity by pretreatment with substrates prior to immobilization
Song YS, Kim JE, Park C, Kim SW
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 28(4), 1096, 2011
23 직·간접 석탄액화 기술 동향
박주원, 박철환, 김학주, 정헌, 한춘
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(2), 248, 2008
24 화학 및 화학공학 실험실의 안전관리 시스템 개발
유진환, 이헌석, 최정우, 서재민, 박철환, 고재욱
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(2), 376, 2008
25 암모늄 기능기와 계면활성제가 포함된 메조포러스 음이온교환수지를 이용한 수용액중 퍼리네이트(Perrhenate) 음이온 제거
이병환, 정연성, 박철환
Korean Chemical Engineering Research, 46(2), 436, 2008
26 광촉매반응에 의한 Reactive Black 5의 색도제거 연구
양정목, 송진수, 박철환, 김상용
Clean Technology, 14(3), 211, 2008
27 Optimization of cell conditions for enzymatic fuel cell using statistical analysis
Jeon SW, Lee JY, Lee JH, Kang SW, Park CH, Kim SW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(3), 338, 2008
28 슬러지 성상평가방법의 표준화 현황
김탁현, 박철환, 김상용
Clean Technology, 13(2), 87, 2007
29 활성탄을 첨가한 연속 회분식 반응조(SBR) 운전에 미치는 중금속 및 phenol의 영향
이상훈, 임지훈, 박철환, 김상용, 박진용, 이용면, 이진원
HWAHAK KONGHAK, 38(2), 269, 2000