
김지흥 공저 논문

No. Article
1 폴리아스팔트아미드와 탄닌산의 컴플렉스 하이드로젤 제조와 그 접착물성
훵란뉜녹, 문종렬, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 43(5), 705, 2019
2 폴리아스팔트아미드/알지네이트 하이브리드 젤의 중금속이온 흡착물성
쾅트리뷰, 전영실, 김덕준, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 40(2), 275, 2016
3 도파민 수식 폴리아스팔트산 고흡수성 하이드로젤의 팽윤 거동과 납(Pb) 이온 흡착 물성
서지호, 이재상, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 39(6), 917, 2015
4 Palladium 촉매를 이용한 5-Norbornene-2-carboxylic Acid Esters의 부가 중합:단량체의 합성, 단량체의 Stereochemistry(Endo-, Exo-이성질체)가 고분자의 중합 거동에 미치는 영향
정해강, 심형섭, 전승호, 김지흥, 남성우, 전붕수, 김영준
Polymer(Korea), 39(3), 487, 2015
5 Preparation of Nylon 4 microspheres via heterogeneous polymerization of 2-pyrrolidone in a paraffin oil continuous phase
Kim NC, Kim JH, Kim JH, Nam SW, Jeon BS, Kim YJ
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 28, 236, 2015
6 Ethynyl 말단기를 갖는 Polyisoimide 올리고머의 합성 및 이들의 경화거동에 관한 연구
최석우, 김보옥, 김지흥, 남성우, 전붕수, 김영준
Polymer(Korea), 38(6), 774, 2014
7 Non-PVC(폴리올레핀) 수액용 튜브 내면에서의 약물흡착 거동 - PVC 및 PU 수액튜브와의 비교
박강훈, 박창규, 박종, 전승호, 방사익, 김지흥, 정동준
Polymer(Korea), 38(3), 333, 2014
8 NaIO4를 사용한 도파민-수식 폴리아스팔트아미드의 산화적 젤화
전영실, Bui QT, 안중현, 정동준, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 38(1), 108, 2014
9 In situ Sodium Alginate-Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogel Coating Method for Clinical Applications
Liu Y, Duan LJ, Kim MJ, Kim JH, Chung DJ
Macromolecular Research, 22(3), 240, 2014
10 Bioinspired adhesive coating on PET film for antifouling surface modification
Heo SB, Jeon YS, Kim SI, Kim SH, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 22(2), 203, 2014
11 Preparation of topographically modified poly(L-lactic acid)-b-Poly(ε-caprolactone)-b-poly(L-lactic acid) tri-block copolymer film surfaces and its blood compatibility
Kim SI, Lee BR, Lim JI, Mun CH, Jung Y, Kim JH, Kim SH
Macromolecular Research, 22(11), 1229, 2014
12 매우 높은 분자량을 갖는 Nylon 4 및 Nylon 4/6 공중합체의 합성 및 그 특성 분석
김남철, 김지흥, 남성우, 전붕수, 유영태, 김영준
Polymer(Korea), 37(2), 211, 2013
13 Synthesis of pH-responsive and adhesive super-absorbent hydrogel through bulk polymerization
Shin BM, Kim JH, Chung DJ
Macromolecular Research, 21(5), 582, 2013
14 폴리아스팔트아미드와 폴리(비닐 피롤리돈)의 상용블렌드 및 Semi-IPN 젤 제조
Fan Meng, 전영실, 정동준, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 36(5), 617, 2012
15 중합촉매 시스템이 폴리페닐렌에테르의 합성에 미치는 영향
이창재, 김용태, 김진규, 김지흥, 남성우, 전붕수, 김영준
Polymer(Korea), 36(1), 98, 2012
16 Surface Modification through Bioinspired Coating and Self-Assembly Using Polyelectrolyte and Cell Compatibility Evaluation
Duan LJ, Kim MJ, Liu Y, Kim J, Chung DJ
Macromolecular Research, 20(2), 117, 2012
17 아미노산 곁사슬 치환 폴리아스팔트산계 생분해성 고흡수성 젤의 제조와 물성
손창모, 전영실, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 35(6), 558, 2011
18 다양한 반응조건에 따른 폴리페닐렌에테르의 중합 특성
박종현, 김남철, 김용태, 남성우, 김영준, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 35(3), 244, 2011
19 자극감응성 PHEMA 하이브리드 젤의 제조와 팽윤거동
안중현, 전영실, 정동준, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 35(1), 94, 2011
20 In Situ Gelling and Drug Release Behavior from Novel Temperature-Sensitive Polyaspartamides
Moon JR, Jeon YS, Chung DJ, Kim D, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 19(5), 515, 2011
21 Synthesis of Poly(L,L-lactic acid-co-lysine) and Its Cell Compatibility Evaluation as Coating Material on Metal
Duan LJ, Kim MJ, Jung JH, Chung DJ, Kim J
Macromolecular Research, 18(8), 806, 2010
22 Characterization of Cross-linked Gelatin Nanofibers through Electrospinning
Ko JH, Yin H, An J, Chung DJ, Kim JH, Lee SB, Pyun DG
Macromolecular Research, 18(2), 137, 2010
23 Drug Release Characteristics of Modified PHEMA Hydrogel Containing Thermo-responsive Pluronic Copolymer
Hong KH, Jeon YS, Chung DJ, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 18(2), 204, 2010
24 시스틴으로 화학흡착된 금 코팅 니티놀 표면에 양쪽성 이온 폴리에틸렌글리콜의 그래프트 및 특성 평가
신홍섭, 박귀덕, 김재진, 김지흥, 한동근
Polymer(Korea), 33(1), 84, 2009
25 Preparation and Properties of Modified PHEMA Hydrogels Containing Thermo-responsive Pluronic Component
Hong KH, Jeon YS, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 17(1), 26, 2009
26 Sol-gel derived organic/inorganic hybrid gels based on poly(2-hydroxyethyl aspartamide) and silica
Jeon JS, Lei J, Chung DJ, Kim JH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(4), 544, 2009
27 Cellular-uptake Behavior of Polymer Nanoparticles into Consideration of Biosafety
Do JH, An JH, Joun YS, Chung DJ, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 16(8), 695, 2008
28 Biodegradable Thermo- and pH-Responsive Hydrogels Based on Amphiphilic Polyaspartamide Derivatives Containing N,N-Diisopropylamine Pendants
Moon JR, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 16(6), 489, 2008
29 In vitro and in vivo Application of PLGA Nanofiber for Artificial Blood Vessel
Kim MJ, Kim JH, Yi G, Lim SH, Hong YS, Chung DJ
Macromolecular Research, 16(4), 345, 2008
30 Drug Release Characteristics of Modified PHEMA Hydrogel Containing Tethered PEG Sulfonate
Jeon YS, Son YK, Hong KH, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 16(4), 379, 2008
31 Preparation and Properties of Alginate/Polyaspartate Composite Hydrogels
Lei J, Kim JH, Jeon YS
Macromolecular Research, 16(1), 45, 2008
32 Dye adsorption characteristics of alginate/polyaspartate hydrogels
Jeon YS, Lei J, Kim JH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 14(6), 726, 2008
33 Preparation and Properties of PEG Modified PNVP Hydrogel
Son YK, Kim JH, Jeon YS, Chung DJ
Macromolecular Research, 15(6), 527, 2007
34 Preparation and Characterization of Polyimide/Carbon-Nanotube Composites
Kim BS, Bae SH, Park YH, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 15(4), 357, 2007
35 Amphiphilic Copolymer Micelles Containing PEG with Sulfonate End-Group
Jung YP, Son YK, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 15(1), 82, 2007
36 Controlled Release Behavior of Bioactive Molecules from Photo-Reactive Hyaluronic Acid-Alginate Scaffolds
Nam HS, An J, Chung DJ, Kim JH, Chung CP
Macromolecular Research, 14(5), 530, 2006
37 Preparation and Properties of PEG-Modified PHEMA Hydrogel and the Morphological Effect
Son YK, Jung YP, Kim JH, Chung DJ
Macromolecular Research, 14(3), 394, 2006
38 Novel pH and Temperature-Sensitive Block Copolymers: Poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly( ε-caprolactone)-b-poly(β-amino ester)
Yoo JS, Kim MS, Lee DS, Kim BS, Kim JH
Macromolecular Research, 14(1), 117, 2006
39 Preparation and Properties of Polyimide/Organoclay Nanocomposites from Soluble Polyisoimide
Oh SB, Kim BS, Kim JH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 12(2), 275, 2006
40 HMDI 가교 폴리아스팔트아미드 수화젤의 제조 및 특성
김정훈, 심상준, 이동현, 김덕준, 이영관, 김지흥
Polymer(Korea), 29(5), 518, 2005
41 친환경 가소제를 첨가한 에틸 셀룰로오스 나노복합체
최성헌, 조미숙, 김덕준, 김지흥, 이동현, 심상준, 남재도, 이영관
Polymer(Korea), 29(4), 399, 2005
42 폴리(에틸렌 글리콜) 디아크릴레이트/이온성 액체 젤형 고분자전해질의 제조 및 특성 연구
신보라, 조미숙, 김덕준, 심상준, 김지흥, 이동현, 남재도, 이영관
Polymer(Korea), 29(2), 216, 2005
43 Bubble Drift Velocity from the Bed Collapse Technique in Three-Phase Fluidized Beds
Park SS, Kang SM, Lee DH, Lee YK, Kim JH, Han GY, Epstein N, Grace JR, Kim SD
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22(2), 328, 2005
44 변성 전분-폴리락트산 블렌드의 상용성 및 물성
이상환, 김덕준, 김지흥, 이동현, 심상준, 남재도, 계형산, 이영관
Polymer(Korea), 28(6), 519, 2004
45 폴리(아크릴산 포타슘-co-아크릴아마이드) 고흡수성 입자의 제조 및 팽윤 특성
손오건, 심상준, 이동현, 이영관, 김지홍, 김덕준
Polymer(Korea), 28(1), 18, 2004
46 Synthesis and Polymerization of Methacryloyl-PEG-Sulfonic Acid as a Functional Macromer for Biocompatible Polymeric Surfaces
Kim JG, Sim SJ, Kim JH, Kim SH, Kim YH
Macromolecular Research, 12(4), 379, 2004
47 Preparation and Properties of Biodegradable Hydrogels Based on Glutaraldehyde-Crosslinked poly(2-hydroxyethyl aspartamide)
Kim JH, Sim SJ, Lee DH, Kim D, Lee YK, Kim JH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 10(2), 278, 2004
48 Removal of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) using Biological Contactor with Rope Media and Ultrafiltration Membrane
Kang YS, Sim SJ, Lee DH, Kim D, Kim JH, Lee YK, Kim WS
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 9(4), 447, 2003
49 Dynamic Characteristics of Bed Collapse in Three-Phase Fluidized Beds
Lee DH, Park SS, Choi WW, Kim DJ, Kim JH, Lee YK, Sim SJ, Kim SD
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(6), 1166, 2003
50 Drying Characteristics of Particles using Thermogravimetric Analyzer
Park YS, Shin HN, Lee DH, Kim DJ, Kim JH, Lee YK, Sim SJ, Choi KB
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 20(6), 1170, 2003
51 Preparation and Swelling Behavior of Biodegradable Superabsorbent Gels Based on Polyaspartic Acid
Kim JH, Lee JH, Yoon SW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 8(2), 138, 2002
52 Synthesis and Characterization of Poly(amic acid)s from a Novel Aromatic Diamine with Bilaterally Attached Benzoxazole Groups
Kim JH, Lee JK, Kim YJ, Won JC, Choi KY
Macromolecular Research, 10(5), 241, 2002
53 Preparation and Chain-extension of P(LLA-b-TMC-b-LLA) Triblock Copolymers and Their Elastomeric Properties
Kim JH, Lee JH
Macromolecular Research, 10(2), 54, 2002
54 Swelling Behavior of Biodegradable Crosslinked Gel based on Poly(aspartic acid) and PEG-diepoxide
Min SK, Kim JH, Chung DJ
Korea Polymer Journal, 9(3), 143, 2001
55 Synthesis and Properties of Poly(aryl sulfone) Containing Cross-linkable Dicyanovinyl Group
Kim JH, Lee SY, Han BJ
Korea Polymer Journal, 7(2), 73, 1999
56 Characterization and Stability of Core-Crosslinkable MePEG/PDLLA Block Copolymer Micelle by Light Scattering Technique (II)
Kim JH, Kataoka K
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 5(2), 133, 1999
57 Preparation and Core-polymerization of MePEG/PDLLA Block Copolymer Micelle (I)
Kim JH, Nagasaki Y, Kataoka K
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 4(3), 244, 1998