연구자 : 남상용 (경상대학교)
No. Article
1 탄소섬유를 활용한 구조용 배터리 연구 동향
권동준, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 32(4), 361, 2021
2 수소 분리 응용을 위한 폴리벤즈이미다졸 기반 분리막의 연구 동향
김지현, 김기현, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 31(5), 453, 2020
3 수전해 시스템에 적용 가능한 전해질막 연구 개발 동향
임광섭, 손태양, 김기현, 김정, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30(4), 389, 2019
4 연료전지용 고분자 전해질 복합막의 최근 발전 동향
비자야레크쉬미 비자야쿠마르, 손태양, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 30(1), 1, 2019
5 음이온교환막연료전지용 음이온교환막의 문제점과 해결방안
손태양, 김태현, 김형준, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 29(5), 489, 2018
6 용매저항성 폴리벤즈이미다졸 분리막의 제조 및 특성평가
정문기, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 28(4), 420, 2017
7 항공기용 복합소재의 개발 및 연구동향
김득주, 오대윤, 정문기, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 27(3), 252, 2016
8 Edge protection using polyacrylonitrile thin-films for hydrocarbon-based membrane electrode assemblies
Yu DM, Nam SW, Yoon S, Kim TH, Lee JY, Nam SY, Hong YT
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 28, 190, 2015
9 Effect of sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone) binder on the performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Kim SU, Yu DM, Kim TH, Hong YT, Nam SY, Choi JH
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 23, 316, 2015
10 이온교환막 공정 및 응용 연구동향
김득주, 정문기, 남상용
Applied Chemistry for Engineering, 26(1), 1, 2015
11 A review of polymer.nanocomposite electrolyte membranes for fuel cell application
Kim DJ, Jo MJ, Nam SY
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 21, 36, 2015
12 Effect of membrane electrode assembly fabrication method on the single cell performances of polybenzimidazole-based high temperature polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells
Lee JY, Jung J, Han JY, Kim HJ, Jang JH, Lee HJ, Cho EA, Henkensmeier D, Kim JY, Yoo SJ, Hong SA, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 22(11), 1214, 2014
13 An Imidazolium-Based Ionene Blended with Crosslinked PEO as a Novel Polymer Membrane for Selective CO2 Separation
Kammakakam I, Rao AHN, Yoon HW, Nam SY, Park HB, Kim TH
Macromolecular Research, 22(8), 907, 2014
14 Effect of Annealing on the Morphology of Porous Polypropylene Hollow Fiber Membranes
Han SW, Woo SM, Kim DJ, Park OO, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 22(6), 618, 2014
15 Characterization of sulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) (SPAES)/silica-phosphate sol-gel composite membrane: Effects of the sol-gel composition
Kim DJ, Hwang HY, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 21(11), 1194, 2013
16 Characterization of a Composite Membrane Based on SPAES/Sulfonated Montmorillonite for DMFC Application
Kim DJ, Hwang HY, Nam SY, Hong YT
Macromolecular Research, 20(1), 21, 2012
17 Properties of SPAES/Phosphotungsticacid/Sulfonated Silica Composite Membranes Prepared by the In situ and Sol-Gel Process
Kim DJ, Woo SM, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 20(10), 1075, 2012
18 다관능기를 도입한 아이오노머 필름의 기체투과 특성
이보미, 정삼봉, 남상용
Korean Journal of Materials Research, 22(5), 227, 2012
19 Sulfonated poly(arylene ether sulfone)/Laponite-SO3H composite membrane for direct methanol fuel cell
Kim DJ, Hwang HY, Jung SB, Nam SY
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(1), 556, 2012
20 The effect of operating conditions on the performance of hollow fiber membrane modules for CO2/N2 separation
Hwang HY, Nam SY, Koh HC, Ha SY, Barbieri G, Drioli E
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 18(1), 205, 2012
21 Proton Conduction and Methanol Transport through Sulfonated Poly(styrene-b-ethylene/butylene-b-styrene)/Clay Nanocomposite
Hwang HY, Kim SJ, Oh DY, Hong YT, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 19(1), 84, 2011
22 Effect of surface modifying macromolecules on the properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes
Kim DS, Kim DH, Lee BS, Moon GY, Lee HK, Yong NS, Rhim JW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 15(3), 393, 2009
23 Swelling Behavior and Drug Release of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Hydrogel Cross-Linked with Poly(acrylic acid)
Byun H, Hong B, Nam SY, Jung SY, Rhim JW, Lee SB, Moon GY
Macromolecular Research, 16(3), 189, 2008
24 Influence of Silica Content in Crosslinked PVA/PSSA_MA/Silica Hybrid Membrane for Direct Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC)
Kim DS, Guiver MD, Seo MY, Cho HI, Kim DH, Rhim JW, Moon GY, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 15(5), 412, 2007
25 Preparation of Ion Exchange Membranes for Fuel Cell Based on Crosslinked Poly(vinyl alcohol) with Poly(acrylic acid-co-maleic acid)
Kim DS, Park HB, Lee CH, Lee YM, Moon GY, Nam SY, Hwang HS, Yun TI, Rhim JW
Macromolecular Research, 13(4), 314, 2005
26 Aging Effect of Poly(vinyl alcohol) Membranes Crosslinked with Poly(acrylic acid-co-maleic acid)
Rhim JW, Hwang HS, Kim DS, Park HB, Lee CH, Lee YM, Moon GY, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 13(2), 135, 2005
27 Preparation and Swelling Behavior of Thermally Cross-linked Poly(vinyl alcohol) and Poly(acrylic acid) Hydrogel
Chun HJ, Lee SB, Nam SY, Ryu SH, Jung SY, Shin SH, Cheong SI, Rhim JW
Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 11(4), 556, 2005
28 Evaluations of Poly(vinyl alcohol)/Alginate Hydrogels Cross-linked by γ-ray Irradiation Technique
Nam SY, Nho YC, Hong SH, Chae GT, Jang HS, Suh TS, Ahn WS, Ryu KE, Chun HJ
Macromolecular Research, 12(2), 219, 2004
29 Hydrolytic Stability of Sulfonic Acid-Containing Polyimides for Fuel Cell Membranes
Kim HJ, Litt MH, Shin EM, Nam SY
Macromolecular Research, 12(6), 545, 2004
30 Synthesis and Characterization of Sulfonated Polyimide Polymer Electrolyte Membranes
Kim HJ, Litt MH, Nam SY, Shin EM
Macromolecular Research, 11(6), 458, 2003