895 - 896 |
The American Vacuum Society and the People Who Have Guided Its Development Singleton JH |
897 - 903 |
Throughput-Type Pumps and Ultrahigh-Vacuum Hablanian MH |
904 - 914 |
History of Ultrahigh-Vacuum Pressure Measurements Redhead PA |
915 - 920 |
Some Important Developments in Capture Pumping Technology in the Last 40 Years Welch KM |
921 - 927 |
Ultrahigh-Vacuum in the Semiconductor Industry Ohanlon JF |
928 - 935 |
Historical-Perspective of Oriented and Epitaxial Thin-Films Francombe MH |
936 - 945 |
History and Current Status of Vacuum Metallurgy Bunshah RF |
946 - 952 |
Ultrahigh-Vacuum and Surface Science Palmberg PW |
953 - 961 |
Perspective on Stresses in Magnetron-Sputtered Thin-Films Hoffman DW |
962 - 978 |
Development of Ultrahigh-Vacuum Technology for Particle Accelerators and Magnetic Fusion Devices Dylla HF |
979 - 985 |
Ultrahigh-Vacuum Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Epitaxy of Silicon and Germanium-Silicon Heterostructures Greve DW, Misra R, Strong R, Schlesinger TE |
986 - 989 |
Silicon Shot Gas Epitaxy - Dose-Controlled Digital Epitaxy Kim KJ, Suemitsu M, Miyamoto N |
990 - 994 |
Heteroepitaxial Growth of Si on Gap and GaAs-Surfaces by Remote, Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Habermehl S, Dietz N, Lu Z, Bachmann KJ, Lucovsky G |
995 - 1002 |
III-V on Dissimilar Substrates - Epitaxy and Alternatives Deboeck J, Demeester P, Borghs G |
A43 - A43 |
Papers from the 40th National Symposium of the American-Vacuum-Society .1. 15-19 November 1993 Orange-County-Convention-Center Orlando, Florida - Preface Lucovsky G |
1003 - 1008 |
Molecular-Beam Epitaxy-Grown III-V Strain Relaxed Buffer Layers and Superlattices Characterized by Atomic-Force Microscopy Howard AJ, Fritz IJ, Drummond TJ, Olsen JA, Hammons BE, Kurtz SR, Brennan TM |
1009 - 1014 |
Fabrication of Relaxed Si1-xGex Layers on Si Substrates by Rapid Thermal Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Dutartre D, Warren P, Provenier F, Chollet F, Perio A |
1015 - 1019 |
Strain Compensated Heterostructures in the Si1-X-Ygexcy Ternary-System Regolini JL, Bodnar S, Oberlin JC, Ferrieu F, Gauneau M, Lambert B, Boucaud P |
1020 - 1026 |
Low-Knudsen-Number Transport and Deposition Liao H, Cale TS |
1027 - 1031 |
Comparison of Boranol and Silanol Reactivities in Boron-Doped SiO2 Chemical-Vapor-Deposition from Trimethyl Borate and Tetraethyl Orthosilicate Bartram ME, Moffat HK |
1032 - 1038 |
W-Nucleation on Tin from Wf6 and SiH4 Lantz SL, Bell AE, Ford WK, Danielson D |
1039 - 1044 |
Large Oscillator Strength of Spatially Indirect Electron-Hole Recombination at Type-II Heterojunctions - The InAlAs/InP Case Bimberg D, Bohrer J, Krost A |
1045 - 1049 |
Ultraviolet Photosulfidation of III-V Compound Semiconductors for Electronic Passivation Zavadil KR, Ashby CI, Howard AJ, Hammons BE |
1050 - 1053 |
Strain Relaxation Induced Deep Levels in In1-Xgaxas Thin-Films Raisanen A, Brillson LJ, Goldman RS, Kavanagh KL, Wieder HH |
1054 - 1062 |
Amorphous Si-B Films - Microstructure and Electrical-Properties Yang GR, Soss SR, Nason TC, Ma XF, Cocoziello A, Tong BY, Zhu YT, Du J, Tjew KF |
1063 - 1067 |
Electrochemical Sulfur Passivation of Visible (Similar-to-670 nm) AlGaInP Lasers Howard AJ, Ashby CI, Lott JA, Schneider RP, Corless RF |
1068 - 1071 |
Characterization of Diamond-Like Carbon-Films Grown by Super-Wide Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma-Assisted Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Ishii A, Amadatsu S, Minomo S, Taniguchi M, Sugiyo M |
1072 - 1078 |
Transport and Phototransport Properties of Plasma-Deposited Hydrogenated Amorphous-Silicon Nitrogen Alloys, A-Si,N-H Williams MJ, He SS, Cho SM, Lucovsky G |
1079 - 1084 |
Preliminary Soft-X-Ray Studies of Beta-SiC Shek ML, Miyano KE, Dong QY, Callcott TA, Ederer DL |
1085 - 1089 |
Monte-Carlo Simulation and Measurement of Silicon Reactive Ion Etching Profiles Tait RN, Dew SK, Smy T, Brett MJ |
1090 - 1093 |
Investigation on the Effect of Isoelectronic Substitution in Zns1-xSex Alloys Nelson AJ |
1094 - 1098 |
Structural Characterization of GaN and Gaasxn1-X Grown by Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Metalorganic Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Bharatan S, Jones KS, Abernathy CR, Pearton SJ, Ren F, Wisk PW, Lothian JR |
1099 - 1102 |
Posthydrogenation Study of A-Si Films Grown by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Liang YH, Abelson JR |
1103 - 1107 |
Sulfur Passivation of AlxGa1-xAs for Ohmic Contact Formation Fischer V, Ristolainen E, Holloway PH, Lampert WV, Haas TW |
1108 - 1113 |
Kinetic and Mechanistic Study of the Chemical-Vapor-Deposition of Titanium-Dioxide Thin-Films Using Tetrakis-(Isopropoxo)-Titanium(IV) Fictorie CP, Evans JF, Gladfelter WL |
1114 - 1119 |
Chemical-States of the GaAs/Si Interface Zhou HJ, Ho W |
1120 - 1123 |
Be-Doped GaAs-Layers Grown at a High as/Ga Ratio by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Zhang DH, Radhakrishnan K, Yoon SF, Li HM |
1124 - 1128 |
Indium Desorption from Strained InGaAs/GaAs Quantum-Wells Grown by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Radhakrishnan K, Yoon SF, Gopalakrishnan R, Tan KL |
1129 - 1133 |
Effect of Substrate-Temperature on Dry-Etching of InP, GaAs, and AlGaAs in Iodine-Based and Bromine-Based Plasmas Chakrabarti UK, Ren F, Pearton SJ, Abernathy CR |
1134 - 1138 |
Nanometer P-N-Junction Formation and Characterization Lau WM, Huang LJ, Chang WH, Bello I, Abraham T, King M |
1139 - 1141 |
Growth and Characterization of Si1-xGex Si Multilayers on Patterned Si(001) Substrates Using Gas-Source Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Zhang J, Marinopoulou A, Hartung J, Lightowlers EC, Anwar N, Parry G, Xie MH, Mokler SM, Wu XD, Joyce BA |
1142 - 1147 |
Si 1S X-Ray-Absorption Spectra of Epitaxial Si-Ge Atomic Layer Superlattice and Alloy-Films Hitchcock AP, Tyliszczak T, Rocco ML, Francis JT, Urquhart SG, Feng XH, Lu ZH, Baribeau JM, Jackman TE |
1148 - 1151 |
Comparison of 2 Epitaxial Formation Mechanisms in the SiGe System and the Subsequent Defect Generation Prokes SM, Rai AK |
1152 - 1157 |
Optical Anisotropy of Singular and Vicinal Si-SiO2 Interfaces and H-Terminated Si Surfaces Yasuda T, Aspnes DE, Lee DR, Bjorkman CH, Lucovsky G |
1158 - 1169 |
CaF2 Overlayers to Preserve the Ideal Termination of Sb/GaAs(110) Green AM, Spicer WE, Kim C, Cao R, Pianetta P |
1170 - 1175 |
GaAs Formation by Reduction of As2O3 and Ga2O3 at SiO2/GaAs Oxides/GaAs Interfaces Jimenez I, Moreno M, Martingago JA, Asensio MC, Sacedon JL |
1176 - 1179 |
Real-Time Scanning Microprobe Reflection High-Energy Electron-Diffraction Observations of III-V Growth During Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Isu T, Morishita Y, Goto S, Nomura Y, Katayama Y |
1180 - 1185 |
As Capture and the Growth of Ultrathin InAs Layers on InP Aspnes DE, Tamargo MC, Brasil MJ, Nahory RE, Schwarz SA |
1186 - 1190 |
Comparison of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Carbon Doping Sources for GaAs and AlGaAs Grown by Metalorganic Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Abernathy CR, Pearton SJ, Ren F, Hobson WS, Wisk PW |
1191 - 1200 |
Fundamental Research and Device Applications of Molecular-Beam Epitaxy-Grown Heterostructures Weisbuch C |
1201 - 1203 |
Study of the Epitaxial-Growth of GaAs(110) Films by Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Fawcett PN, Neave JH, Zhang J, Joyce BA |
1204 - 1208 |
Microloading Effect Prevention in SiO2 Contact-Hole Etching Kato S, Sato M, Arita Y |
1209 - 1215 |
Short-Gas-Residence-Time Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma-Etching Tsujimoto K, Kumihashi T, Kofuji N, Tachi S |
1216 - 1220 |
Modeling the Electromagnetic-Excitation of a Microwave Cavity Plasma Reactor Tan W, Grotjohn TA |
1221 - 1228 |
Modeling and Inductively-Coupled Plasma Source Paranjpe AP |
1229 - 1236 |
Modeling and Simulation of Glow-Discharge Plasma Reactors Lymberopoulos DP, Economou DJ |
1237 - 1240 |
Oxygen-Plasma-Enhanced Crystallization of A-Si-H Films on Glass Yin AG, Fonash SJ |
1241 - 1243 |
Super-Wide Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma Source Excited by Traveling Microwave as an Efficient Tool for Diamond-Like Carbon-Film Deposition Ishii A, Amadatsu S, Minomo S, Taniguchi M, Sugiyo M, Sakaguchi Y, Kobayashi T |
1244 - 1251 |
Investigation of Thick, Low-Temperature Plasma-Deposited Silica Films for Wave-Guide Fabrication Tabasky M, Bulat ES, Tweed B, Herrick C |
1252 - 1258 |
Examination of Hydrogen Etched Mercury Cadmium Telluride by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry Orloff GJ, Smith PB |
1259 - 1264 |
Reactive Ion Etching of Copper with BCl3 and Sicl4 - Plasma Diagnostics and Patterning Howard BJ, Steinbruchel C |
1265 - 1268 |
Tapered Aluminum Interconnect Etch Allen LR, Rickard R |
1269 - 1274 |
Operation of DIII-D with All-Graphite Walls Holtrop KL, Jackson GL, Kellman AG, Lee RL, Hollerbach MA |
1275 - 1280 |
Production and Characterization of Doped Mandrels for Inertial-Confinement Fusion Experiments Cook R, Overturf GE, Buckley SR, Mceachern R |
1281 - 1286 |
Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma Source for Conductive Film Deposition Ono T, Nishimura H, Shimada M, Matsuo S |
1287 - 1292 |
Fluorocarbon High-Density Plasmas .8. Study of the Ion Flux Composition at the Substrate in Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Etching Processes Using Fluorocarbon Gases Kirmse KH, Wendt AE, Oehrlein GS, Zhang Y |
1293 - 1301 |
Cryogenic Targets and Related Technologies at Ile Osaka-University Norimatsu T, Chen CM, Nakajima K, Takagi M, Izawa Y, Yamanaka T, Nakai S |
1302 - 1308 |
Laser Fusion Target Shell Wall Thickness from Interference Fringe Shape-Analysis Stephens RB, Wittman MD |
1309 - 1314 |
Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma and Thermal-Oxidation Mechanisms of Germanium Wang Y, Hu YZ, Irene EA |
1315 - 1321 |
In-Situ Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma Surface Cleaning of Silicon Hu YZ, Buaud PP, Spanos L, Wang YQ, Li M, Irene EA |
1322 - 1327 |
Helicon Wave Plasma Reactor Employing Single-Loop Antenna Jiwari N, Fukasawa T, Kawakami H, Shindo H, Horiike Y |
1328 - 1333 |
Etching of Aluminum-Alloys in the Transformer-Coupled Plasma Etcher Ra YJ, Bradley SG, Chen CH |
1334 - 1338 |
Damage to Thin Gate Oxide During Lightly Doped Drain Spacer Oxide Etching Gabriel CT, Weling MG |
1339 - 1345 |
Thin-Oxide Degradation Along Feature Edges During Reactive Ion Etching of Polysilicon Gates Markus K, Osburn CM, Magill P, Bobbio SM |
1346 - 1350 |
Characterization of Etch-Induced Damage for Si Etched in Cl-2 Plasma Generated by an Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Source Sung KT, Pang SW |
1351 - 1355 |
Investigation of Plasma Etch Induced Damage in Compound Semiconductor-Devices Shul RJ, Lovejoy ML, Hetherington DL, Rieger DJ, Vawter GA, Klem JF, Melloch MR |
1356 - 1359 |
Magnetron Enhanced Reactive Ion Etching of GaAs in CH4/H2/Ar - Surface Damage Study Mclane GF, Buchwald WR, Casas L, Cole MW |
1360 - 1364 |
Critical Ion Energy and Ion Flux in the Growth of Films by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Martinu L, Klembergsapieha JE, Kuttel OM, Raveh A, Wertheimer MR |
1365 - 1370 |
Carbon Content of Silicon-Oxide Films Deposited by Room-Temperature Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor-Deposition of Hexamethyldisiloxane and Oxygen Theil JA, Brace JG, Knoll RW |
1371 - 1379 |
Low-Temperature Plasma-Assisted Oxidation Combined with in-Situ Rapid Thermal Oxide Deposition for Stacked-Gate Si-SiO2 Heterostructures - Integrated Processing and Device Studies Misra V, Hattangady SV, Yasuda T, Xu XL, Hornung B, Lucovsky G, Wortman JJ |
1380 - 1386 |
Computer-Simulation of Mass-Selective Plasma-Source Ion-Implantation Shohet JL, Wickesberg EB, Kushner MJ |
1387 - 1396 |
2-Dimensional Self-Consistent Fluid Simulation of Radio-Frequency Inductive Sources Dipeso G, Vahedi V, Hewett DW, Rognlien TD |
1397 - 1402 |
Effects of Particle Clouds in a Plasma Etch System on Silicon Dioxide Wafer Contamination Collins SM, Ohanlon JF, Carlile RN |
1403 - 1407 |
Plasma Impedance and Microwave Interferometric Measurements of Electron Concentrations in Dual-Frequency Powered Sulfur-Hexafluoride Plasmas Jaiprakash VC, Thompson BE |
1408 - 1416 |
Effects of Ion-Induced Electron-Emission on Magnetron Plasma Instabilities Hendricks MB, Smith PC, Ruzic DN, Leybovich A, Poole JE |
1417 - 1424 |
Role of Ions in Reactive Ion Etching Coburn JW |
1425 - 1430 |
Importance of the Molecular Identity of Ion Species in Reactive Ion Etching at Low Energies Bello I, Chang WH, Lau WM |
1431 - 1434 |
Real-Time Observation of Ultrathin Silicon-Oxide Film Growth Using Rapid Ellipsometry Kuroki H, Nakamura KG, Kamioka I, Kawabe T, Kitajima M |
1435 - 1438 |
Energetic Particles in the Sputtering of an Indium Tin Oxide Target Tominaga K, Chong M, Shintani Y |
1439 - 1445 |
Optical Thin-Films for Wave-Guide Applications Mir JM, Agostinelli JA |
1446 - 1450 |
Deposition of Nonlinear-Optical Films of Potassium Titanyl Phosphate (KtiOPO4) by Pulsed Excimer-Laser Ablation Xiong FL, Hagerman M, Zhou H, Kozhevnikov V, Wong GK, Poeppelmeier K, Ketterson JB, Chang RP, White CW |
1451 - 1456 |
Inert-Gases in Sputtered Tungsten - A Test of Predictive Capability Hoffman DW, Park JS, Morley TS |
1457 - 1462 |
Estimations and Results of Energetic Condensation Processes in Relation to Hard Carbon Deposition Rother B |
1463 - 1469 |
In-Situ Measurement of Thin-Film Conductivity During and After Energetic Condensation Mausbach M, Vankronenberg G, Ehrich H |
1470 - 1473 |
Infrared-Absorption and Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance Studies of Carbon Nitride Thin-Films Prepared by Reactive Magnetron Sputtering Li D, Chung YW, Yang ST, Wong MS, Adibi F, Sproul WD |
1474 - 1479 |
One-Point Numerical Modeling of Microwave Plasma Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Diamond Deposition Reactors Hyman E, Tsang K, Drobot A, Lane B, Casey J, Post R |
1480 - 1486 |
Properties of Chemical-Vapor Infiltration Diamond Deposited in a Diamond Powder Matrix Panitz JK, Tallant DR, Hills CR, Staley DJ |
1487 - 1490 |
Interfacial Reactions of Ion-Beam Deposited AC Films on ZnS Bruce T, Huang LJ, Bello I, Lau WM, Panchhi P, Strnad V, High M |
1491 - 1495 |
Deposition and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Diamond Films Gruen DM, Pan XZ, Krauss AR, Liu SZ, Luo JS, Foster CM |
1496 - 1500 |
Auger-Electron Spectroscopy of Laser-Deposited AC, A-C-H, Microcrystalline Diamond Kovarik P, Bourdon EB, Prince RH |
1501 - 1506 |
Dependence of Material Properties of Radiofrequency Magnetron-Sputtered, Cu-Doped, ZnTe Thin-Films on Deposition Conditions Gessert TA, Li X, Coutts TJ, Mason AR, Matson RJ |
1507 - 1512 |
Study of Ion-Beam-Sputtered ZnO Films as a Function of Deposition Temperature Qu Y, Gessert TA, Coutts TJ, Noufi R |
1513 - 1518 |
Reaction Layer Formation and Fracture at Chemically Vapor-Deposited Diamond Metal Interfaces Perry SS, Somorjai GA |
1519 - 1522 |
Interface Studies of the Diamond Film Grown on the Cobalt Cemented Tungsten Carbide Pan FM, Chen JL, Chou T, Lin TS, Chang L |
1523 - 1527 |
Sputtering Yield of Optical-Materials - Sigmund Model and Experimental Results Scaglione S, Caneve L, Sarto F |
1528 - 1534 |
High-Temperature Behavior of Reactively Sputtered AlN Films on Float Glass Substrates Arbab M, Finley JJ |
1535 - 1541 |
Raman-Spectroscopic Study of the Formation of T-Mosi2 from Mo/Si Multilayers Cai M, Allred DD, Reyesmena A |
1542 - 1546 |
Preferential Sputtering of Silicon from Metal Silicides at Elevated-Temperatures Hedlund C, Carlsson P, Blom HO, Berg S, Katardjiev IV |
1547 - 1550 |
Accelerator Based Secondary-Ion Mass-Spectrometry for Impurity Analysis Anthony JM, Kirchhoff JF, Marble DK, Renfrow SN, Kim YD, Matteson S, Mcdaniel FD |
1551 - 1556 |
Direct-Current Sputter-Deposition of Titanium Nitride Controlled in-Situ by Soft-X-Ray Emission-Spectroscopy Legrand PB, Dauchot JP, Hecq M, Charbonnier M, Romand M |
1557 - 1564 |
Studies of Thin-Film Growth, Adsorption, and Oxidation by in-Situ, Real-Time, and Ex-Situ Ion-Beam Analysis Lin YP, Krauss AR, Auciello O, Nishino Y, Gruen DM, Chang RP, Schultz JA |
1565 - 1568 |
In-Situ X-Ray Reflectivity Measurements of Thin-Film Structural Evolution Chason E, Chason M |
1569 - 1575 |
Effect of Stoichiometry on the Phases Present in Boron-Nitride Thin-Films Hackenberger LB, Pilione LJ, Messier R, Lamaze GP |
1576 - 1582 |
Deposition of Diamond-Like Carbon Using a Planar Radio-Frequency Induction Plasma Pappas DL, Hopwood J |
1583 - 1586 |
Pull-Test Measurements of Diamond-Like Carbon-Films on Silicon-Carbide, Silicon-Nitride, Aluminum-Oxide, and Zirconium-Oxide Erck RA, Nichols FA, Dierks JF |
1587 - 1594 |
Biased Magnetron Sputter-Deposition of Corrosion-Resistant Al-Zn Alloy Thin-Films Li L, Nowak WB |
1595 - 1601 |
Multilayer, Multicomponent, and Multiphase Physical Vapor-Deposition Coatings for Enhanced Performance Sproul WD |
1602 - 1607 |
(Ti1-xAlx)N Coatings by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical-Vapor-Deposition Lee SH, Ryoo HJ, Lee JJ |
1608 - 1613 |
Microstructural Study of Sputter-Deposited CdTe Thin-Films Li X, Gessert TA, Matson RJ, Hall JF, Coutts TJ |
1614 - 1617 |
Influence of Ion Mass and Ion Energy on Microstructure of Ion-Assisted Deposited Zinc Selenide Thin-Films Caneve L, Scaglione S, Flori D, Martelli S |
1618 - 1622 |
Effects of Target Polycrystalline Structure and Surface Gas Coverage on Magnetron IV Characteristics Levbovich A, Kuniya T, Smih PC, Hendricks MB, Ruzic DN |
1623 - 1627 |
Multiple Jets and Moving Substrates - Jet Vapor-Deposition of Multicomponent Thin-Films Halpern BL, Schmitt JJ |
1628 - 1630 |
Advanced Electron-Beam Source for Ultrahigh-Vacuum (Molecular-Beam Epitaxy) and High-Vacuum Applications of Thin-Film Deposition Moore JW, Tsujimoto NK |
1631 - 1634 |
Electron-Beam Evaporator Constructed from Aluminum-Alloy and the Gettering Effect of Chromium Films Nakada S, Yamaguchi M, Yamamoto M, Ishimaru H |
1635 - 1638 |
Vacuum-System Design of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Pellet Fueling System Langley RA, Gouge MJ, Santeler DJ |
1639 - 1643 |
Construction and Commissioning of the Synchrotron-Radiation-Research-Center Vacuum-System Hsiung GY, Huang JR, Shyy JG, Wang DJ, Chen JR, Liu YC |
1644 - 1647 |
Vacuum Characteristics of an Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity Copper Duct at the KEK Photon Factory Ring Hori Y, Kobayashi M, Takiyama Y |
1648 - 1652 |
Optimization of the Configuration of the Vacuum Pumps in the KEK 2.5-GeV LINAC Saito Y, Kakihara K, Horikoshi G |
1653 - 1662 |
Early Vacuum-Systems and Process Descriptions Used to Deposit Optical Coatings Alexander C |
1663 - 1672 |
Cold Beam Tube Photodesorption and Related Experiments for the Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory 20 TeV Proton Collider Anashin VV, Derevyankin G, Dudnikov VG, Malyshev OB, Osipov VN, Foerster CL, Jacobsen FM, Ruckman MW, Strongin M, Kersevan R, Maslennikov IL, Turner WC, Lanford WA |
1673 - 1677 |
Photon Desorption Measurements of Copper and Copper Plated Beam Tubes for the Sscl-20 TeV Proton Collider Foerster CL, Lanni C, Maslennikov I, Turner W |
1678 - 1685 |
Proposed Warm Bore Beam-Pipe Assemblies and Associated Vacuum-Systems for the Worlds 2 Largest Particle Detectors Chapman GR, Zhou JX |
1686 - 1689 |
Detection of Small Pressure Pulses in an Ion Pumped Ultrahigh-Vacuum System Rupschus G, Niepraschk R, Jousten K, Kuhne M |
1690 - 1694 |
Comparison Between Several New Molecular Drag Pumps and Turbomolecular Pumps Chu JG |
1695 - 1698 |
Turbomolecular Pump with an Ultimate Pressure of 10(-12) Torr Ishimaru H, Hisamatsu H |
1699 - 1704 |
Permeation of Argon, Carbon-Dioxide, Helium, Nitrogen, and Oxygen Through Mylar Windows Mapes M, Hseuh HC, Jiang WS |
1705 - 1708 |
Sealing Technique for Aluminum to Stainless-Steel Cf Flange Pairs Ishigaki T, Shibuya K, Sakaue H, Be SH |
1709 - 1713 |
Evaluation of Different Cleaning Techniques for Oxygen-Free High-Conductivity Copper Rao VP, Friedlander MP |
1714 - 1718 |
Comparison of Photodesorption Yields Using Synchrotron-Radiation of Low Critical Energies for Stainless-Steel, Copper, and Electrodeposited Copper Surfaces Gomezgoni J, Grobner O, Mathewson AG |
1719 - 1721 |
Vacuum Outgassing of Artificial Dielectric Ceramics Nguyentuong V |
1722 - 1726 |
Performance of the Cold-Cathode Gauges in a High and Misaligned Magnetic-Field Hseuh HC, Jiang WS, Mapes M |
1727 - 1733 |
Development of a Primary Standard Ultrahigh-Vacuum Calibration Station Levine PD, Sweda JR |
1734 - 1739 |
Pressure Measurement by Laser Ionization - Direct Counting of Generated Ions by Imaging of Their Spatial-Distribution Ichimura S, Sekine S, Kokubun K, Shimizu H |
1740 - 1743 |
Expanded-Range, Sealed Parts Leak Testing Technology for Helium Mass-Spectrometer Leak Detection Mahoney DG |
1744 - 1749 |
Gas-Flow Experiments in the Transition Region Santeler DJ |
1750 - 1754 |
Outgassing Behavior on Aluminum Surfaces - Water in Vacuum-Systems Chen JR, Huang JR, Hsiung GY, Wu TY, Liu YC |
1755 - 1759 |
X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy Analysis of Aluminum and Copper Cleaning Procedures for the Advanced Photon Source Rosenberg RA, Mcdowell MW, Noonan JR |
1760 - 1766 |
Characteristics of Extremely Fast Pump-Down Process in an Aluminum Ultrahigh-Vacuum System Miki M, Itoh K, Enomoto N, Ishimaru H |
1767 - 1771 |
Study of Cleaning Agents for Stainless-Steel for Ultrahigh-Vacuum Use Herbert JD, Groome AE, Reid RJ |
1772 - 1777 |
Model for Water Outgassing from Metal-Surfaces .2. Li MX, Dylla HF |
1778 - 1781 |
Analysis of Offgassed Water - Calibration and Techniques Basford JA |
1787 - 1789 |
Surface Alloying in Metal-on-Metal Epitaxial-Growth Engdahl C, Stoltze P, Jacobsen KW, Norskov JK, Skriver HL, Alden M |
1790 - 1794 |
2-Dimensional Alloying of Au and Ag Overlayer on Ru(001) - Photoremission and Thermal-Desorption Spectroscopy Studies Bzowski A, Kuhn M, Sham TK, Tan KH |
1795 - 1799 |
Investigation of Thin Ag/Cu-Alloy Films on Ru(0001) Schick M, Ceballos G, Pelzer T, Schafer J, Rangelov G, Stober J, Wandelt K |
1800 - 1808 |
Nucleation and Growth in Metal-on-Metal Homoepitaxy - Rate-Equations, Simulations and Experiments Evans JW, Bartelt MC |
1809 - 1817 |
Kinetics of Growth of Cu on Cu(001) Ernst HJ, Fabre F, Folkerts R, Lapujoulade J |
1818 - 1824 |
Work-Function Oscillations During Cu Film Growth on an Oxygen Precovered Ru(0001) Surface - A Basically Old Technique as a Powerful Film Growth Monitor Schmidt M, Wolter H, Nohlen M, Wandelt K |
1825 - 1831 |
Model for the Growth and Reactivity of Metal-Films on Oxide Surfaces - Cu on ZnO(0001)-O Campbell CT, Ludviksson A |
1832 - 1837 |
Study of Epitaxial-Growth of Ag on Hydrogen-Terminated Si(111) and Si(100) Surfaces Naik R, Kota C, Rao BU, Auner GW |
1838 - 1842 |
Growth and Energetics of Ga and Al Chains on Si(112) Jung TM, Prokes SM, Kaplan R |
1843 - 1847 |
Structural Study of Monolayers of Sb on Ge(111) with Different Surface Reconstructions Kendelewicz T, Woicik JC, Miyano KE, Yoshikawa SA, Pianetta P, Spicer WE |
1848 - 1854 |
Control of the Fermi-Level Position on the GaAs(001) Surface - Se Passivation Pashley MD, Li D |
1855 - 1857 |
Interchain Vacancy Migration of GaAs(110) Lengel G, Weimer M, Gryko J, Allen RE |
1858 - 1863 |
Role of Ga2O in the Removal of GaAs Surface Oxides Induced by Atomic-Hydrogen Ide Y, Yamada M |
1864 - 1868 |
Characterization of Silicon Surface Microroughness and Tunneling Transport Through Ultrathin Gate Oxide Hirose M, Hiroshima M, Yasada T, Miyazaki S |
1869 - 1875 |
Photoemission-Study of Au, Ge, and O2 Deposition on NH4F Etched Si(111) Terry J, Cao R, Wigren C, Pianetta P |
1876 - 1881 |
Surface Cleaning with the Carbon-Dioxide Snow Jet Sherman R, Hirt D, Vane R |
1882 - 1885 |
Electrochemical Study of Ultrathin Silica Films Supported on a Platinum Substrate Xu XP, Bojkov H, Goodman DW |
1886 - 1890 |
Electrochemical and Vacuum Coadsorption of Carbon-Monoxide and Lead on Pt(111) Borup RL, Sauer DE, Stuve EM |
1891 - 1894 |
Comparative-Study of the Internal Structures of Kevlar and Spider Silk by Atomic-Force Microscopy Li SF, Mcghie AJ, Tang SL |
1895 - 1903 |
DNA Nanoconstructions Seeman NC, Zhang Y, Chen JH |
1904 - 1909 |
Pt/Ti/Ge/Pd Ohmic Contacts to GaAs - A Structural, Chemical, and Electrical Investigation Cole MW, Han WY, Casas LM, Eckart DW, Jones KA |
1910 - 1914 |
Hot-Electron Scattering Effects in Metal-Semiconductor Structures and Their Role in Interface Transport Ludeke R, Bauer A |
1915 - 1919 |
Enhancement of Schottky-Barrier Height to N-GaAs Using NiAl, NiAl/Al/Ni, and Ni/Al/Ni Layer Structures Chen CP, Chang YA, Kuech TF |
1920 - 1923 |
Growth Mode of Ge on GaAs(100) Wang XS, Self KW, Weinberg WH |
1924 - 1931 |
Growth Ripples upon Strained SiGe Epitaxial Layers on Si and Misfit Dislocation Interactions Cullis AG, Robbins DJ, Barnett SJ, Pidduck AJ |
1932 - 1937 |
Surfactant-Mediated Epitaxy of Ge on Si(111) - The Role of Kinetics and Characterization of the Ge Layers Voigtlander B, Zinner A |
1938 - 1942 |
Real-Time in-Situ Epitaxial Film Thickness Monitoring and Control Using an Emission Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectrometer Zhou ZH, Yang I, Kim H, Yu F, Reif R |
1943 - 1951 |
Pulsed Ion-Beam Surface-Analysis as a Means of in-Situ Real-Time Analysis of Thin-Films During Growth Krauss AR, Lin Y, Auciello O, Lamich GJ, Gruen DM, Schultz JA, Chang RP |
1952 - 1956 |
Development of Artificial Neural Networks for in-Situ Ellipsometry of Films Growing on Unknown Substrates Urban FK, Tabet MF |
1957 - 1961 |
Reactive Ion Etching Lag Investigation of Oxide Etching in Fluorocarbon Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasmas Joubert O, Oehrlein GS, Surendra M, Zhang Y |
1962 - 1965 |
Microloading Effect in Reactive Ion Etching Hedlund C, Blom HO, Berg S |
1966 - 1972 |
Low-Energy, Ion-Enhanced Etching of III-vs for Nanodevice Applications Pearton SJ |
1973 - 1977 |
Improved Epitaxial Layer Design for Real-Time Monitoring of Dry-Etching in III-V Compound Heterostructures with Depth Accuracy of +/-8 nm Vawter GA, Klem JF, Leibenguth RE |
1978 - 1983 |
Hydrogen Uptake into Silicon from an Electron-Cyclotron-Resonance Plasma Wampler WR, Barbour JC |
1984 - 1991 |
Intelligent Model-Based Control-System Employing in-Situ Ellipsometry Butler SW, Stefani J, Sullivan M, Maung S, Barna G, Henck S |
1992 - 1997 |
Formation and Characterization of Epitaxial Phthalocyanine and Perylene Monolayers and Bilayers on Cu(100) - Low-Energy-Electron Diffraction and Thermal-Desorption Mass-Spectrometry Studies Schuerlein TJ, Armstrong NR |
1998 - 2004 |
Nature of Super-Lubricating MoS2 Physical Vapor-Deposition Coatings Lemogne T, Donnet C, Martin JM, Tonck A, Millardpinard N, Fayeulle S, Moncoffre N |
2005 - 2008 |
Cross-Sectional Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy and Spectroscopy of Passivated III-V Heterostructures Gwo S, Smith AR, Chao KJ, Shih CK, Sadra K, Streetman BG |
2009 - 2016 |
Imaging Extrinsic Defects at the Nisi2/Si(111) Metal-Semiconductor Interface Kubby JA, Greene WJ |
2017 - 2022 |
Postdeposition Growth of a Uniquely Nanostructured Organic Film by Vacuum Annealing Debe MK, Poirier RJ |
2023 - 2028 |
Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Studies of Thin-Film AgBr on Au(111) Mason MG, Hansen JC |
2029 - 2036 |
Molecular-Interactions on Surfaces Wei DH, Skelton DC, Kevan SD |
2037 - 2044 |
Neutrino-Recoil Induced Desorption Zhu L, Avci R, Lapeyre GJ, Hindi MM, Kozub RL, Robinson SJ |
2045 - 2050 |
Experimental Tests of New Direct-Methods for Adsorbate Structure Determination Using Photoelectron Diffraction Hofmann P, Schindler KM, Fritzsche V, Bao S, Bradshaw AM, Woodruff DP |
2051 - 2057 |
Direct Dimer-by-Dimer Identification of Clean and Monohydride Dimers on the Si(001) Surface by Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Wang YJ, Bronikowski MJ, Hamers RJ |
2058 - 2062 |
Transition from Stranski-Krastanov to Quasi-Layer-by-Layer Growth in Pb Deposition on Cu(100) Zeng H, Vidali G, Biham O |
2063 - 2068 |
Adsorption of the Cyclic Ether Trioxane on Cu(111) Hofmann M, Wegner H, Glenz A, Woll C, Grunze M |
2069 - 2073 |
Interaction Properties of Molecules with Binary Alloy Surfaces Schneider U, Busse H, Linke R, Castro GR, Wandelt K |
2074 - 2080 |
X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy Fourier-Transform Infrared-Spectroscopy Study of the Interaction of YBa2Cu3Ox with Co, No, and H2+co Lin J, Wee AT, Huan AC, Tan KL, Neoh KG |
2081 - 2086 |
Oxidation of Liquid Gallium Surface - Nonequilibrium Growth-Kinetics in 2+1 Dimensions Wang YL, Doong YY, Chen TS, Haung JS |
2087 - 2090 |
Growth of Thin Fi Films on W(110) and O/W(110) Herman GS, Peden CH |
2091 - 2096 |
Adsorption of Sulfur and 1,3-Butanediol on Silver Thin-Films Using Atomic Resolution-Reduced-Temperature Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Chen XX, Frank ER, Hamers RJ |
2097 - 2100 |
Intramolecular Structures of C-60 Adsorbed on the Cu(111)1X1 Surface Studied by the Field Ion-Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Hashizume T, Motai K, Wang XD, Shinohara H, Pickering HW, Sakurai T |
2101 - 2106 |
Investigations into the Chemistry of Perfluorodiethoxymethane at Nickel and Nickel-Oxide Surfaces Jenks CJ, Jacobson JA, Thiel PA |
2107 - 2113 |
Surface-Reactions of Tetraneopentyl Zirconium on Zirconium Carbide Thin-Films Parmeter JE, Smith DC, Healy MD |
2114 - 2118 |
Infrared Study of Co on NiO(100) Vesecky SM, Xu XP, Goodman DW |
2119 - 2123 |
Chemisorption of Hydrogen on the Ag(111) Surface Lee GS, Sprunger PT, Okada M, Poker DB, Zehner DM, Plummer EW |
2124 - 2127 |
Multiphonon Scattering of Thermal-Energy He Atoms from the LiF(001) Surface Bishop GG, Gillman ES, Hernandez JJ, Baker J, Skofronick JG, Safron SA |
2128 - 2133 |
Electron-Stimulated and Thermal-Desorption Study of Trimethylsilane from Si(100) Campbell JH, Ascherl MV, Craig JH |
2134 - 2139 |
Surface Precipitation Process of Epitaxially Grown Graphite (0001) Layers on Carbon-Doped Nickel(111) Surface Fujita D, Yoshihara K |
2140 - 2144 |
Decomposition of NO2 on Metal-Surfaces - Oxidation of Ag, Zn, and Cu Films Rodriguez JA, Hrbek J |
2145 - 2148 |
Defect Structure of GaAs(111)B (2X2) Surface Observed by Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Kim JG, Gallagher MC, Willis RF, Fu JM, Miller DL |
2149 - 2152 |
Particle Growth of Palladium on Epitaxial Tin Oxide Thin-Films Poirier GE, Cavicchi RE, Semancik S |
2153 - 2158 |
Chemical-Properties of Zn on Ru(001) - Coadsorption with Cs, O, Cu, and Au Rodriguez JA, Hrbek J |
2159 - 2163 |
Radiation-Damage of Epitaxial CaF2 Overlayers on Si(111) Studied by Photon-Stimulated Desorption - Formation of Surface-F Centers Chakarian V, Durbin TD, Varekamp PR, Yarmoff JA |
2164 - 2169 |
Correlation Between the Surface Configurations and Hydrogenolysis - Aniline on the Pt(111) Surface Huang SX, Fischer DA, Gland JL |
2170 - 2175 |
Synchronization in Oscillatory Surface-Reactions on Single-Crystal Surfaces Imbihl R, Veser G |
2176 - 2182 |
Oscillating Behavior of No Reduction Reactions over Rhodium Studied on the Atomic-Level Vantol MF, Wouda PT, Nieuwenhuys BE |
2183 - 2186 |
Quantum-Size Effects in Ultrathin Cu(100) Films Mankey GJ, Willis RF, Ortega JE, Himpsel FJ |
2187 - 2189 |
Imaging the Surface-State of Cu(111) Qu Z, Ye L, Goonewardene A, Mainkar N, Subramanian K, Karunamuni J, Stockbauer RL, Kurtz RL |
2190 - 2195 |
Layer-by-Layer Growth of Hg on W(110) Zhang JD, Li DQ, Dowben PA |
2196 - 2200 |
Electronic-Structure of Surface-Defects in K0.3MoO3 Breuer K, Smith KE, Greenblatt M, Mccarroll W |
2201 - 2204 |
Image-Potential-Induced Resonance on Al(111) Observed by 2-Photon Photoemission Spectroscopy Bulovic V, Quiniou B, Osgood RM |
2205 - 2209 |
2-Step, Oxygen-Free Route to Higher Hydrocarbons from Methane over Ruthenium Catalysts Wu MC, Lenzsolomun P, Goodman DW |
2210 - 2214 |
Observation of the Reaction of Gas-Phase Atomic-Hydrogen with Ru(001)-P(1X2)-O at 100-K Xie J, Mitchell WJ, Lyons KJ, Wang YQ, Weinberg WH |
2215 - 2218 |
Dependence of X-Ray-Absorption Magnetic Circular-Dichroism on Layer Periodicity in Iron-Platinum Multilayers Jankowski AF, Waddill GD, Tobin JG |
2219 - 2223 |
Spin Ordering on a NiO(100) Surface Measured by Metastable He-2 S-3 Scattering Swan A, Marynowski M, Franzen W, Elbatanouny M, Martini KM |
2224 - 2228 |
Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Study of the Faceting Dynamics of Stepped Ag(110) upon Oxygen Exposure Ozcomert JS, Pai WW, Bartelt NC, Reuttrobey JE |
2229 - 2234 |
Low-Frequency Dynamics of Co/Cu Breakdown of Born-Oppenheimer Approximation Hirschmugl CJ, Chabal YJ, Hoffmann FM, Williams GP |
2235 - 2239 |
Influence of Single Atomic Height Steps on F2 Reactions with Si(100)-2X1 Carter LE, Carter EA |
2240 - 2245 |
Adsorbate-Induced Surface Stress Ibach H |
2246 - 2249 |
Adsorption Site and the Role of Substrate Reconstruction for the Mo(110) P(2X2)-S System Toofan J, Tinseth GR, Watson PR |
2250 - 2254 |
Dissociative Chemisorption of Oxygen on the Ru(001) Surface - Spectroscopic Identification of Precursor Intermediates at Low Surface Temperatures Mitchell WJ, Xie J, Lyons KJ, Weinberg WH |
2255 - 2258 |
Existence of Metastable Molecular Precursors to Dissociative Oxygen-Chemisorption on Si(111) and Si(100) at 40-K Seo JM, Kim KJ, Yeom HW, Park C |
2259 - 2264 |
Structural Characterization of Platinum Deposits Supported on Ordered Alumina Films Libuda J, Baumer M, Freund HJ |
2265 - 2270 |
Surface-Chemistry of Diethylsilane and Diethylgermane on Si(100) - An Atomic Layer Epitaxy Approach Mahajan A, Kellerman BK, Russell NM, Banerjee S, Campion A, Ekerdt JG, Tasch A, White JM, Bonser DJ |
2271 - 2275 |
Role of Ge in SiGe Epitaxial-Growth Using Silane Germane Gas-Source Molecular-Beam Epitaxy Suemitsu M, Kim KJ, Miyamoto N |
2276 - 2280 |
Effect of Annealing on the Stoichiometry of SrTiO3(001) Liang Y, Rothman JB, Bonnell DA |
2281 - 2286 |
Thermal-Decomposition of Diethylgermane on Si(100)-(2X1) Du W, Keeling LA, Michaelgreenlief C |
2287 - 2292 |
Nonthermally Driven Surface-Chemistry of Phosphine on GaAs(100) Sun YM, Huett T, Sloan D, White JM |
2293 - 2297 |
Photodesorption Dynamics of Ammonia from Ni(111) and NiO/Ni(111) Mackay RS, Junker KH, White JM |
2298 - 2301 |
Investigation of the Growth and Structure of Aluminum Overlayers on TiO2 (100) by Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Carroll DL, Liang Y, Bonnell DA |
2302 - 2307 |
Growth of Feox on Pt(111) Studied by Scanning-Tunneling-Microscopy Galloway HC, Benitez JJ, Salmeron M |
2308 - 2313 |
Quantification of the Composition of Alloy and Oxide Surfaces Using Low-Energy Ion-Scattering Jacobs JP, Reijne S, Elfrink RJ, Mikhailov SN, Brongersma HH, Wuttig M |
2314 - 2317 |
Thermal-Stability of Oxidized La on Pd(100) Ahmad M, Rahman MM, Rao BU, Graham GW |
2318 - 2322 |
Ion Kinetic-Energy Distribution of Electron-Stimulated Desorption of O+ from TiO2(110)-SO2 Torquemada MC, Desegovia JL |
2323 - 2326 |
Free-Electron Laser Spectroscopy of Semiconductors and Interfaces Mckinley JT, Albridge RG, Barnes AV, Chen GC, Davidson JL, Languell ML, Polavarapu PL, Smith JF, Yang X, Ueda A, Tolk N, Coluzza C, Baudat PA, Dupuy C, Gozzo F, Iilegems M, Martin D, Moriergenoud F, Rudra A, Tuncel E, Margaritondo G |
2327 - 2331 |
Si(100)2X1+sb Surfaces Studied with Photoemission and Optical Spectroscopy Cricenti A, Bernhoff H, Purdie D, Reihl B |
2332 - 2336 |
Quantitative X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy of Cuau, CoNi, and Cuni Alloys Using Theoretical Photoionization Cross-Sections or Reference Spectra Jansson C, Tougaard S |
2337 - 2341 |
Comparison of Angle-Resolved X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy Auger-Electron Spectroscopy with Depth Profile Restoration from Inelastic Background Analysis Werner WS, Tilinin IS |
2342 - 2347 |
Sharing of Auger-Electron Spectroscopy and X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy Spectral Data with the Common Data-Processing System Yoshihara K, Yoshitake M |
2348 - 2351 |
Factors Influencing the Quantitative Compositional Analysis of Powders in Sputtered Neutral Mass-Spectrometry Dang TA, Hilliard C |
2352 - 2356 |
Surface-Analysis by Photoionization at Very High Laser Intensities Becker CH, Hovis JS |
2357 - 2362 |
Analysis and Removal of Impurities and Defects in Reactive Ion Etched Silicon Using a Novel Depth-Profiling Technique Chang WH, Huang LJ, Lau WM, Mitchell IV, Abraham T, King M |
2363 - 2367 |
Secondary-Ion Mass-Spectrometry Analysis of a 3-Level Metal Structure Using Sample Rotation Stevie FA, Moore JL, Merchant SM, Bollinger CA, Dein EA |
2368 - 2372 |
Study of Ion Mixing During Auger-Electron Spectroscopy Death Profiling of Ge-Si Multilayer System Menyhard M, Barna A, Biersack JP |
2373 - 2377 |
Computer-Centric Rotational Depth Profiling Engle PD, Geller JD |
2378 - 2387 |
Chemical Evaluation of Cu Polyimide Interfaces Davis GD, Rees BJ, Whisnant PL |
2388 - 2391 |
Brass-Rubber Adhesive Interphase Investigated via Depth Profiling by Using Auger-Electron Spectroscopy Hammer GE, Shemenski RM, Hunt JD |
2392 - 2397 |
Studies of the Effect of Size on Carbon-Fiber Surfaces Weitzsacker CL, Bellamy M, Sherwood PM |
2398 - 2401 |
Effects of Corrosion and Recovery Processes on Chloride-Ion-Selective Electrode Surfaces Young VY, Schoenfeld DW, Weaver JF, Hoflund GB, Hoke S |
2402 - 2409 |
Metal Overlayers on Organic Functional-Groups of Self-Organized Molecular Assemblies .3. X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy of Cr/CN on 12-Mercaptododecanenitrile and of Cr/CH3 on Octadecanethiol at Sample Temperatures from 173 to 373-K Jung DR, Czanderna AW |
2410 - 2414 |
Metal Overlayers on Self-Organized Molecular Assemblies .4. Ion-Scattering Spectroscopy of the Ag/CH3 Interface Herdt GC, Czanderna AW |
2415 - 2419 |
Secondary-Ion Mass-Spectrometry Relative Sensitivity Factors for Ru, Rh, Pr, Eu, TM, Lu, Re, Os, and Ir Wilson RG, Stevie FA, Chryssoulis SL, Irwin RB |
2420 - 2424 |
Modifications in the Si Valence-Band After Ion-Beam-Induced Oxidation Alay JL, Vandervorst W |
2425 - 2430 |
Sputtering of Neutral and Ionic Indium Clusters Ma Z, Coon SR, Calaway WF, Pellin MJ, Gruen DM, Vonnagyfelsobuki EI |
2431 - 2435 |
Investigation of the Core Clad Interface of Coherent Fiber Optic Devices Using Secondary-Ion Mass-Spectrometry, Surface-Analysis by Laser Ionization, and Transmission Electron-Microscopy Kurz EA, Becker CH, Wu KJ, Becker O, Sommer B |
2436 - 2440 |
Investigation of Vapor-Deposited Polyaniline Thin-Films Dillingham TR, Cornelison DM, Bullock E |
2441 - 2445 |
Structure of Chemically Prepared Freestanding and Vacuum-Evaporated Polyaniline Thin-Films Porter TL, Caple K, Caple G |
2446 - 2450 |
Oxidation of Tin in an Oxygen Plasma Asher Tompkins HG, Sellers JA |
2451 - 2456 |
Compositional Change of (0001) Ws2 Surfaces Induced by Ion-Beam Bombardment with Energies Between 100 and 1500-eV Rumaner LE, Tazawa T, Ohuchi FS |
2457 - 2461 |
Selectivity Variations of Electron-Beam Patterned Silicon Dioxide Films Kimball JF, Allen PE, Griffis DP, Radzimski ZJ, Russell PE |
2462 - 2466 |
Morphology and Bonding Measured from Boron-Nitride Powders and Films Using Near-Edge X-Ray-Absorption Fine-Structure Terminello LJ, Chaiken A, Lapianosmith DA, Doll GL, Sato T |
2467 - 2472 |
Angle-Resolved Self-Ratio Measurements on Ion-Implanted Depth Profiles by Synchrotron X-Ray-Fluorescence Spectrometry Schmitt W, Rothe J, Hormes J, Gries WH |
2473 - 2477 |
Geometrical Structure of the Bi/Gap (110) Interface - An X-Ray Standing-Wave Triangulation Study of a Nonideal System Herreragomez A, Kendelewicz T, Woicik JC, Miyano KE, Pianetta P, Southworth S, Cowan PL, Karlin A, Spicer WE |
2478 - 2485 |
Electron-Beam Effects on (CH2)17 Self-Assembled Monolayer SiO2/Si Specimens Baer DR, Engelhard MH, Schulte DW, Guenther DE, Wang LQ, Rieke PC |
2486 - 2490 |
Low-Dose Nitrogen Ion-Implantation in Ti Permalloy Bilayer Films Chaug YS, Roy N |
2491 - 2498 |
Secondary-Ion Mass-Spectrometry Time-of-Flight and in-Situ X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy Studies of Polymer Surface Modifications by a Remote Oxygen Plasma Treatment Lianos L, Parrat D, Hoc TQ, Duc TM |
2499 - 2506 |
Ultrathin Self-Assembled Polymeric Films on Solid-Surfaces .3. Influence of Acrylate Dithioalkyl Side-Chain Length on Polymeric Monolayer Formation on Gold Sun F, Grainger DW, Castner DG |
2507 - 2514 |
Surface-Chemistry of Polycarbonate Film and Adhesion of Ultraviolet-Cured Inks Burrell MC, Tilley MG |
2515 - 2522 |
Static Secondary-Ion Mass-Spectrometry and X-Ray Photoelectron-Spectroscopy for the Characterization of Surface-Defects in Paper Products Istone WK |
2523 - 2529 |
Effects of Substrate on Ultrathin Films of Poly(Gamma-Benzyl-L-Glutamate) by Scanning Probe Microscopy Musselman IH, Smith DL, Enriquez EP, Guarisco VF, Samulski ET |
2530 - 2536 |
Aggregation Structure and Surface-Properties of Immobilized Organosilane Monolayers Prepared by the Upward Drawing Method Ge S, Takahara A, Kajiyama T |
2537 - 2543 |
Analytical Performance of a Secondary-Neutral Microprobe with Electron-Gas Positionization and Magnetic-Sector Mass-Spectrometer Bieck W, Gnaser H, Oechsner H |
2544 - 2548 |
Analysis of Oxide Film on Stainless-Steel via Position-Sensitive Atom-Probe Yoshimura T, Ishikawa Y, Ohkido S |
2549 - 2553 |
Pulsed Desorption-Kinetics Using Micromachined Microhotplate Arrays Cavicchi RE, Poirier GE, Suehle JS, Gaitan M, Semancik S, Burgess DR |
2554 - 2558 |
Micromachined Array of Electrostatic Energy Analyzers for Charged-Particles Stalder RE, Boumsellek S, Vanzandt TR, Kenny TW, Hecht MH, Grunthaner FE |
2559 - 2564 |
Micromechanics via X-Ray Assisted Processing Guckel H, Skrobis KJ, Klein J, Christenson TR |
2565 - 2571 |
Mesostructure of Photoluminescent Porous Silicon Ruiz F, Vazquezlopez C, Gonzalezhernandez J, Allred DD, Romeroparedes G, Penasierra R, Torresdelgado G |
2572 - 2576 |
Characterization of SiO2 Layers on Si Wafers Using Atomic-Force Microscopy Zunigasegundo A, Ruiz F, Vazquezlopez C, Gonzalezhernandez J, Torresdelgado G, Tsu DV |
2577 - 2580 |
Friction Properties of Aluminum-Based Composites Containing Cluster Diamond Ouyang Q, Okada K |
2581 - 2585 |
Emitted Current Instability from Silicon Field-Emission Emitters Due to Sputtering by Residual-Gas Ions Karain WI, Knight LV, Allred DD, Reyesmena A |
2586 - 2590 |
Fabrication of Nanometer-Scale Structures Using Atomic-Force Microscope with Conducting Probe Hattori T, Ejiri Y, Saito K, Yasutake M |
2591 - 2594 |
High-Frequency Potential Probe Using Electrostatic Force Microscopy Said RA, Mittal M, Bridges GE, Thomson DJ |
2595 - 2599 |
Electron Interference Effects in Electron Projection Microscopy Shedd GM |